Chapter 33- I Want to Help

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Tommy POV

The royals left the next morning, not even telling Tommy where they were going. In their minds, they were protecting him. When really, they were doing the opposite. After all Tommy was not one to sit back and do nothing.

When Tommy opened his eyes, he immediately knew something was off. He looked around, a little sad that his brothers weren't still there. Maybe they just woke up earlier, he concluded. Without another thought, he slipped out of bed and left the room in search of them.

After nearly a half an hour of searching he still hadn't found them. The more he thought about it, he realized that he hadn't really seen anyone. Was he left behind? His eyes grew wide with panic at the thought.

He rushed through the closest door which lead to the garden. His legs gave out, as tears began to trickle down his face. Would they really just leave him behind? Without saying anything?

A voice cut through his thoughts. 

"Tommy, Tommy breathe. Come on, Tommy." Someone grabbed his hand, he immediately pulled it back, not liking the feeling of someone he didn't know.

"Focus Tommy, you're okay. Breathe." 

Slowly yet surely Tommy regained control of his breaths, and his vision finally cleared. He found two people kneeling behind him, both unfamiliar. 

"Tommy? You alright?" one asked, looking extremely concerned.

"I-I think so." he stammered, looking down at his hands. "Who are you?"

The brunette closest to him smiled, "I'm Tubbo. And this is my friend Ranboo."

Tommy couldn't help but smirk at the names. They were strange.

Ranboo chuckled behind him, "Yeah, we've got strange names. But I think it just makes us unique."

Tommy looked at him in surprise. "You... you aren't offended?"

"Of course not." Ranboo smirked. "You aren't the first to laugh, and it's harmless really."

Tubbo glanced at him, "Tommy why were you panicking? If you don't mind me asking of course..." He seemed very nervous Tommy noticed. It made sense, after all Tommy was royal.

Tommy sighed, a bit nervous of what they might think of him. "They left me."

Tubbo placed his hand on Tommy's shoulder. Much to Tommy's surprise, he liked the contact. It gave him a sense of comfort. "Sorry they didn't tell you. They asked everyone not to."

"Why? Where did they go?"

"They went to war. They wanted to protect you. The king felt it was best to keep you from battle." Tubbo told him, a sad look in his eyes. 

"Protect me?! That's their plan?" Tommy exclaimed. "I could help!"

"How?" Ranboo questioned, hoping to show the blonde that there was nothing he could really do. He wasn't a strong fighter, or a war mastermind. In a way, he was only something to protect.

Tommy thought for a moment, frustrated when he couldn't come up with a good answer. "I don't know! Something... anything is better than just sitting around here."

Ranboo sighed understandingly. "I wish we could help, really I do. But we've been assigned to stay here and protect you."

"Protect me?" Tommy glared, annoyed at the thought of someone following him everywhere just to 'protect' him. "You can't be much older than me."

"Doesn't matter my age. I was trained by Techno and my job is to protect you." Ranboo stated, folding his arms. He wasn't about to disobey the king.

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