I can save her, we can save her.

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Bakugou P.O.V

We both sat in our shared office waiting for Aizawa to come see us. I could tell looking at Todoroki that we were both thinking about (Y/N) and trying to make sense of what was happening. The moment I saw her everything changed again. My heart raced, I felt excited again and the relief when I looked into her eyes was so intense. You never realise how much you miss somebody until they are gone, that's what they say. And god how I had missed her during all this time. "She's actually alive Icyhot." I finally said breaking the silence. Todoroki did not respond. His usual stoic self returning, maybe he didn't feel the same joy I did when he saw her. Maybe it was just me. It would make sense, considering how unstable I am. How broken. "What do you think Aizawa will do?" I questioned. Trying to break the silence. Silence was uncomfortable between us now, after everthing we had been through. 

At that moment Aizawa walked in. "Good job today you two. You made the right call Todoroki. We are going to agree to his terms." Aizawa said, keeping his gaze fixed to the floor. It felt like the air in the room disappeared. "A-a-are you sure sensei?" Todoroki asked. His voice was quiet, fragile, like it might break or change Aizawa's mind if he spoke to loudly. Aizawa nodded. He sat himself at the small conference table in the corner of our office. Rubbing his temples. We followed and sat down across from our former teacher. "But I have one condition before we start this." Aizawa said. He paused for what seemed an eternity. "It has to be you two." He finally said. His eyes locked on mine, then Todoroki's. "Us? That do what?" I asked. I felt the excitement, fear, panic, joy and heat all bubble up inside of me. "That train her. I can't risk having her intern with any of the other heroes. You know her, even if she doesn't remember you. You will be able to train her and understand her. I trust you both with this task. I cannot trust anybody else." He finally said. "And if shit goes south?" I asked. I wasn't sure that I wanted to hear the answer to my last question. Todoroki was sat still, not saying a word. Aizawa tensed at my question. I looked at Todoroki, then back to Aizawa. "Then we would have to kill her because we are the only ones strong enough to do it." My head spun round to Todoroki. He finally decides to speak and that is his fucking input?! My mouth hung open. That can't possibly be what Aizawa was going to say. I look back over at our exhausted boss. He nodded and sat back in his chair. Arms crossed across his broad chest. 

Kill her. Again. Could I do that? What was the alternative? If I said no then she would be imprisoned, maybe even put to death. Could I even say no? It didn't feel like I could say no. I ignored that for a moment. All of the possibilities came rushing through my mind. We could laugh again, spend time together, I could hold her again...don't get carried away god damn it! One step at a time. I am a pro hero, Bakugou Katsuki, and I vowed to save people. This was a chance unlike any other. I can save her, we can save her. 

Todoroki P.O.V

The sound around me drowned out. I could hear Bakugou and Aizawa talking. He wanted us to train her, to help her and turn her into a hero. That part was easy. Asking me to kill her if things went wrong. I don't think I have the strength left to do that. To live through that. But orders are orders and if this is what Aizawa had decided then I knew better than to try and change his mind. After a long time I nodded and rose from the table. I knew deep down that if necessary I would have to be the one to kill her. I couldn't put Bakugou through that again. 

Our relationship had been very different since (Y/N) died. We had been living together since the text message from the League of Villains was sent to me. Nearly a month had passed. We had settled into a routine, domestic life I suppose. We each had assigned chores in the house. We cooked for each other, went to work together and stayed in the same house. Many nights we had ended up in the same bed. Talking about (Y/N) and processing everything that had happened to us. Bakugou had terrible nightmares for weeks. The same nightmare of being locked in that room with Shigaraki and the daily visits from (Y/N). Bakugou had suffered so much worse than I had. It was my job to protect him, help him to heal. I knew on a level that I loved Bakugou but it was an unspoken love. I tried to convince myself it was platonic, brotherly almost but I knew I was lying to myself. Some days he looked and acted like he wanted to rip my head off. Other days? Well, that look seemed to suggest something else. Maybe loving the same person had changed us? A shared experience and all that. Or maybe it just made clear what was already there? I have no idea. I have never been great with emotions but I know I need to protect him and I was glad that we were going to be in this together. 

As I stood from the table Bakugou grunted. Aizawa nodded and left our office. Everything was silent. "Can we do this Icyhot?" Bakugou asked, his voice soft and unsure. "I have no idea Bakugou but we have to try. But I do know one thing and that's that we have a chance to save her life this time and we have to do everything to make sure that happens. We had no choice before, we were too late to save her but we are being given a second chance to make that right." I replied. We both left the room to change out of our hero outfits and walked home to the house we were currently sharing. The walk home was quiet but comfortable. 

Aizawa P.O.V

I watched them both carefully during our conversation. Todoroki has never been easy to read and Bakugou tended to shout to get his point across. Neither of them reacted in the way I expected. They both stayed calm and at the end of the conversation Todoroki nodded and Bakugou grunted. Well I suppose the final reactions were quite appropriate for them both. They had accepted. I now had to put a plan together. I left them both behind in their office and went to my own. I draft a formal letter to (Y/N) inviting her in for an interview for an internship. In the letter I said that the invite was a result of a recommendation made to us by a highly regarded hero. The interview was set for the end of the week. I had a lot to prepare before then. A sigh escaped from my mouth. More late evenings and no fucking sleep. Perfect. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now