Go on, touch me anywhere.

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Todoroki P.O.V

I had the fire lit in the living room and had ordered Katsudon to be delivered for us. I waited in the living room wearing tight jeans, a white t-shirt and high top white converse. Why did I feel nervous? Waiting for (Y/N) I had cleaned the house several times, changed my outfit 3 times and it had taken me an hour to decide what food to order. I suppose it is natural to be nervous when trying to uncover a villain, yes that must be it - I am nervous because this is hero work. My game plan tonight was to find out more about her past, try to connect her to the League of Villains. 

**knock**   **knock**

I got up from where I was sitting and went to the door. I opened the door to see (Y/N) stood there, the sun was setting and as I looked at her the moment felt perfect. She looked beautiful and the backdrop just failed in comparison to her. I shook my head, snapping myself out of it. "Hey (Y/N)" I said with a smile on my face. She was wearing a short sleeved red dress with knee high white socks and red shoes. Her hair was slightly windswept and she held a soft sweet smile across her face. "Sho-chan~" She beamed and flung her arms around my neck. My face grew pink at the nickname and the sudden contact. I rested my hands on the small of her back, embracing her. She nuzzled her head against my chest. "Why don't you come in (Y/N), I have ordered dinner for us." I smiled. She looked up, arms still around my neck and smiled at me. I felt my heart pang slightly. Focus Shoto. This is a mission. 

We walked into the living room and (Y/N) took a seat on the sofa. I brought the food in and placed it on the low table near the sofa. I placed cushions on either side. I set the table and motioned to (Y/N) to sit on the cushion. The table was directly in front of the fireplace and the set up was romantic. Exactly as I had planned. (Y/N) reached back to where she had sat on the sofa and pulled over a small gift bag. "I know you are a bit of a goody two shoes Shoto but I brought some wine in case you were feeling rebellious." She smirked. I nodded and went to go get two glasses from the kitchen. She filled the wine glasses up and I served the meal onto our plates. "This looks lovely, thank you for making so much effort for me." (Y/N) said. We began to eat, glancing at each other from time to time. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

As we ate I looked around the living room. It was a beautiful apartment. Modest in size and the furniture was all very elegant. It looked exactly like I imagined. The food was amazing and he had made such an effort for me. He looked so handsome in his white t-shirt. It was tight enough to show off his body and when he moved you could see his toned abs through the shirt. I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I finally had the famous Todoroki Shoto. I looked at the spot next to him and thought about how I wished Bakugou was here as well. I felt sad at the thought of Bakugou rejecting me the other day but I knew how to get him back on board. 

Between mouthfuls Todoroki and I talked about small trivial things such as our favourite food, desserts, music, places to go. He told me a little about his time at UA and told me stories of a young green haired boy who had helped him unlock his potential. "You may know him actually, he is in the news a lot. His hero name is Deku, number one hero." Todoroki said. I paused and pretended to think for a moment. "Oh I know who you mean!" I exclaimed. Yes I know that name all too well, he usually showed up at the worst moments to ruin the League's plans. He is the reason that Shigaraki was having to rebuild the League, he forced them underground 5 months ago. "So how about you (Y/N) what school did you go to?" He asked. "Shiketsu High School." I said, lying through my teeth but it sounded convincing. "What course did you study?" He replied. "General Studies. I wanted to be in the hero course but my quirk doesn't exactly stand out in entrance exams." I responded. Todoroki seemed to stop and look at me questioningly. I panicked a little and tensed up. Could he tell I was lying? As I was about to speak he reached over the table and wiped the side of my mouth with a napkin. He smiled at me so sweetly and I calmed down. Get a grip (Y/N) and stop being so weird. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now