Make him bleed for me.

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Slight gore

Bakugou P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes. Everything seems blurry and I shiver. I feel cold and there is pain on my wrists, ankles and throat. As my vision starts to clear I see a bright fluorescent light hanging over me, it is so bright that it hurts my eyes. I begin to take in the room around me, it is pretty dark. No windows. One large metal door. It feels like a prison cell. I look around and I can see a bed, a toilet and a sink. The room smells of chemicals and something else that seems disguised. Washed away perhaps? I sniff the air and then I recognise the smell, blood. Old blood. I start to look over my body for injuries, signs of any blood. As I glance down towards my lap I realise that I am sat on a chair in nothing but my boxers. 

The room felt cold. I tried to activate my quirk but nothing happened. I had no sweat forming in these conditions. Plus even if I do manage to sweat during cold weather my quirk is always weaker, my nitroglycerin-like sweat requires a slightly longer time to detonate in the cold. It was like she knew. My mouth feels dry, I can feel that my body is dehydrated. Yet another reason why I'm not producing sweat. I snarl at the realisation of how helpless I am. How could she have known about my weaknesses? My eyes widen as my mind flashes back to what (Y/N) said...

"I have watched you both for years, I have seen you grow and become stronger."

She knew because she has watched us. She has learned about my quirk, my strengths and my weaknesses. Like that damn Deku with his notebook! Mother fucker! I pull at my arms, I can't move them. I try to pull my legs away, I can't move them. I am strapped to a chair in my boxers and unable to use my quirk. Fuck this is bad. My scowl deepens when I remember what happened...that damn bastard joined her! The fucking coward. I could have captured her if it wasn't for him. 

I could hear 3 sets of footsteps approach the door. At that moment I heard a clunk and the metal door began to open. I shot my head over to the door and stared at the visitors. (Y/N) walked in first, followed by Shigaraki and finally the traitor. I snarled at them as they walked over to where I was restrained. (Y/N) stood directly in front of me. Shigaraki to her right and Todoroki to her left. "Welcome back Bakugou" She said through a sickly sweet smile. I didn't respond. I stared at her and then moved my attention to Todoroki. I glared at him, not paying attention to anything else. "Now then, are you ready to join me kitten?~" She asked. I ignored her, not breaking my stare away from Todoroki. (Y/N) grabbed my cheeks with one hand and pulled my face to look at hers. She was pouting and her head was slightly tilted to the left. "Please don't ignore me. It makes me angry." She said in a calm but childish voice. Something was different about her. There was a hint of crazy in her voice, a tone I didn't recognise. "You're a fucking coward." I responded. She looked confused. "That is not the answer I..." I cut her off. "I wasn't talking to you psycho bitch." I looked at Todoroki through the corner of my eye. (Y/N) seemed surprised and let go of my cheeks, looking at Todoroki. "Heh I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else from you Todoroki, you have always been weak and if we look at your dickhead of a father then it's no surprise that you would become a villain." I said through gritted teeth. (Y/N) started to laugh hysterically. 

Todoroki P.O.V

"You're a fucking coward" Bakugou said. I knew he was talking to me. His piercing crimson eyes shot right through me. It hurt. I wanted to reach out and explain everything to him but I couldn't risk it. I had contacted the agency and informed them of the situation. They had accepted my mission hesitantly, especially when I had disclosed that Bakugou was a hostage. I promised the agency that I would protect him from these villains as part of this mission. "Heh I suppose I shouldn't expect anything else from you Todoroki, you have always been weak and if we look at your dickhead of a father then it's no surprise that you would become a villain." He growled at me. My heart sank. He just called me Todoroki, he hasn't ever used my last name. I could see the anger in his eyes, he blamed me for this and I could feel it. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at (Y/N) who was laughing hysterically. She looked at me and raised an eyebrow. She expected me to do something, she expected me to retaliate. I lifted my fist back and punched him across the face. He recovered quickly and spat the blood in his mouth at me. 

Bakugou P.O.V

(Y/N) sat on my lap, straddling me with her legs either side. She wiped the blood away from my mouth. Staring at me she carded her hands through my hair, a hand on either side. She pulled my face towards her and crashed her lips against mine. I refused to kiss back. She tried to deepen the kiss by biting my lip. After a few attempts my lip began to bleed. Eventually I had to breath and she slipped her tongue into my mouth. As soon as I realised I bit down on her tongue hard, staring at her eyes. I felt her wince in pain then her eyes turned black and the pain rushed through me. My tongue was in agony. I let go quickly realising what was happening. She pulled back smiling. Blood pooled in her mouth and started to drop from the corner of her mouth. I spat again clearing the blood from my mouth. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

As I sat on his lap, the taste of blood filling my senses, I realised that pain wouldn't work. He would sacrifice his body before he sacrificed his reputation and dream. I had no option but to take away his dream and destroy his reputation. A smile pulled across my face as I looked at him. I got up from his lap and caressed his cheek. As I walked towards the door I turned to Shigaraki. "Make him bleed for me Shigaraki" I commanded. He nodded and I grabbed Todoroki's hand and led him out of the room. 

Bakugou P.O.V

I watched as they left. Todoroki looked back, his expression seemed concerned. I look back at Shigaraki. It was the first time I had really looked at him. I have not seen him since UA. I looked at his arms. His right forearm was missing. "What the fuck happened to your arm ugly?" I asked. "You're pretty little psycho girlfriend happened." He replied. "(Y/N) did that to you?" I asked, a small amount of fear ran through my body but I clenched my fists to hide it. "She's actually insane you know. Everytime she uses her quirk for too long she slips further into madness." He said, scratching the back of his neck. "You're scared of her?! But you are the leader of the League!" I yelled. "Not anymore. I am smart enough to know when to bow down and join her. If you were smart you would do the same." He said. His voice seemed defeated, broken almost. She had taken everything from him but how? She was an 18 year old and she had taken over the League? None of this made sense. I looked at Shigaraki who now had a knife in his hands. "Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed. "No can do, the boss said you need to bleed for her." He said with a sick smile. I closed my eyes and braced myself...

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now