She was broken.

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Reference to suicidal themes, violence, grief and loss.

(Y/N) P.O.V

I came out of the bathroom wearing a towel and saw Todoroki and Bakugou sat on the floor against the bed. Todoroki was holding Bakugou in his arms, Bakugou's head was buried in his chest. I cocked my head and raised an eyebrow at Todoroki. "He is upset that he failed you." He said. I smiled and approached them. I kneeled down to their level and took hold of Bakugou's face. I cupped his cheeks and saw tears staining his cheeks. Well this is new. "I'm sorry for getting mad my love~" I said. I kissed his lips but he didn't kiss me back. I scowled at him. As I went to say something Todoroki put his hand on my cheek. I stopped what I was doing and focused on Todoroki who was staring into my eyes lovingly. My scowl softened. "Why are your eyes like that?" Todoroki questioned. I stood up from where I was and went to the mirror. My eyes were almost completely pitch black with a small spec of (E/C) on the left iris. I looked at the cuts and bruises on my body. Most had healed already. I had never healed this quickly. I pushed my finger against the bruises and I couldn't feel anything, there was no pain and the skin wasn't sensitive. I grabbed my arm. I couldn't feel anything. I pulled my hair and nothing. I could feel contact but that was it. I knew at that moment I had overused my quirk. I wanted to cry but no tears came. I felt numb. My father had warned me what would happen and I didn't listen. Now look at me. Look what has happened. I am sorry father. 

Todoroki P.O.V

I watched as (Y/N) prodded, grabbed and pulled at her own body. She had no expression on her face. Something was wrong, I knew that much. I moved over to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She didn't flinch. I don't think she even noticed I had approached her or touched her until she spotted me in the mirror. She jumped. "Shoto you scared me!" She shouted. I watched her curiously. "Shoto, kiss me." She demanded. I put my finger underneath her chin and tilted her head up towards me. I crashed my lips against hers and pushed my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues danced for a moment and she pulled away suddenly. "FUCK!" She screamed. I took a step back. She grabbed a perfume bottle and threw it across the room, it hit the wall and smashed. She swept everything off the dressing table and it came crashing to the floor. She stopped for a moment and looked at the mirror, after a minute looking at her reflection she punched the mirror. The mirror shattered and her knuckles were bleeding. 

"(Y/N) what is going on?" I asked. It hurt to see her like this. She looked stressed and something else, broken perhaps? I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew I had never seen her like this. "I've fucked it up. I-I-I..." She said, her voice seemed to be laced with anger and upset. She fell to her knees, her arms wrapped around her body and she rocked herself. She was humming something to herself, a song maybe? It sounded sweet. She looked insane. "We can get Deku next time (Y/N)!" Bakugou said with his fist clenched. He was now sat next to her. I hadn't even seen him move but he must have been watching the events unfold. "It's not that you idiot!" She yelled. Bakugou flinched away. "I can't feel anything." She said in a low voice. Her head was hanging down. Bakugou grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Nothing." She said, not making eye contact. "How could this happen? Did Deku hurt your nerves or something?" I asked. I thought back to the report I had seen from Shiketsu High School. 

During use student cannot feel any physical sensation on her body; the body becomes numb. During periods of overuse student becomes numb physically, mentally and emotionally. Overuse is likely to lead to madness of the mind. 

Is this because of her quirk? Did she over use it in her battle? As we sat in silence and I waited for an answer to my question a voice came from the doorway. "It's her quirk. She must have over used it with that brat." The voice said. I looked at the doorway and Shigaraki stood there, leaning against the door frame. Bakugou stood up ready to lunge at him. I put my hand across his chest to stop him. "I wouldn't stand too close if I were you." Shigaraki said with a smirk. "What the fuck are you talking about?! You better start talking." Bakugou yelled. Shigaraki laughed. "You really don't have a clue who or what you jumped into bed with do you? Idiots." He said in a smug tone. He left the room and walked towards the lobby. Bakugou followed him and I lifted (Y/N) on to the bed. She curled up on the bed, her knees to her chest. I stroked her hair. She whimpered and her breathing became slower. She slowly dropped off to sleep. As I looked down at her my heart ached. For the first time I saw her as a person, not just a villain, not just a mission but a person. She was physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted. She looked so vulnerable. I should have taken action and captured her and this would have been over but I couldn't. For everything she is and has done, I love her and I understood her pain. I left her sleeping on the bed and went to find Bakugou.

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now