Suicide mission.

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Bakugou P.O.V

I saw Todoroki race off towards Kurogiri. As planned he was going to stop the villains from leaving by capturing that mist fucker. There was only one person I wanted to take down. Shigaraki was mine. After everything he had done to me, I couldn't wait to tear him apart. Without hesitation I propelled myself towards Shigaraki, ignoring the sounds or fights around me. Shigaraki wasn't a fighter, he wasn't great with close combat and now he only had one arm this would be even easier. I had a grin on my face from ear to ear. I was looking forward to this. I wanted to make him suffer the way that I had, I wanted him to feel the pain that he inflicted on me and I wanted revenge. 

I pulled back my signature right hook which connected to his nose. Blood splattered from his nose and he stumbled backwards. As soon as I landed, I threw my other arm towards him with my palm facing his chest. I released an explosion into his chest. He grabbed at his chest and then lunged towards me, trying to make contact with my arm. I dodged the attack and propelled myself to the side using my explosions. I threw another right hook, hitting him in his eye. I heard the eye socket pop and crack as my fist hit his face. He tried to grab me but I dodged again. I moved forwards, raising my foot and bringing it down on his toes. I ground my foot down, applying pressure until I heard bones snap. He screamed in pain and stumbled back, struggling to remain standing due to the pain in his foot. I launched myself into the air and quickly rocketed straight down towards Shigaraki. I used my arms to tackle him to the ground. I landed above Shigaraki and straddled him. My weight crushing him beneath me. I watched as he reached out with his arm trying to grab a knife that laid on the ground, his eyes desperately willing the knife to inch closer to him. I laughed at his feeble attempt. He gave up and moved his focus to my knee. He grasped onto my knee and activated his quirk. I hissed in pain, I forcefully grabbed hold of his forearm and pulled it from my knee. We pushed against each other and eventually I was able to snap his arm upwards towards him. I heard more bones crack. It was music to my ears. I quickly began to punch him in his face. Again. Then again. Then again. I felt my rage spiral out of control. I knew if I didn't stop I was going to kill him. I punched him again. The sounds of blood splattering, his head hit against the stage and the coughing coming from him were all I could focus on. This bastard deserved to die. He fell unconscious below me and I still didn't stop. 

Suddenly I heard a cry and realised it was shitty-hair. I spun around trying to find him in the chaos. He was on the ground holding his gut. I spotted Tokoyami stumbling holding his gut. Then I saw Tamaki collapse to the ground doing the same. I panicked. I didn't know who to help first. I could hear their pain, echoing throughout the stage. I then locked eyes with (Y/N) who was crouched over Deku's body, pulling a knife from his shoulder. I could see that Deku was losing consciousness, his eyelids were fluttering but he could still be saved. I grabbed the knife from the floor near Shigaraki and ran towards Deku. I saw Todoroki approach (Y/N) from behind. I felt an overwhelming need to be near her and to protect her from him. I went to take a step forward to save her. No. I can't save her. She is a villain. She needs to be captured. I stood frozen still. Everything slowed down. I watched Todoroki and (Y/N), their lips were moving and (Y/N) looked heartbroken. I moved forward another step wanting to comfort her, to stop her sadness and make everything ok. That fucking bastard has upset her. Wait, what am I doing. Go and fucking help him defeat the villain Katsuki. Fuck. I was so close to them and I saw (Y/N) approach Todoroki with a knife to her side. Her wrist twitched and I knew she was planning to kill him. I watched as they kissed. I felt jealousy surge through me but I did not know who I was jealous of in that moment. A low growl came from my throat as I closed the gap between us. I studied Todoroki's face, tears began to stream down his face and that is when I saw it. My heart thumped and I was overwhelmed by grief. 

I ran towards (Y/N) with my arms outstretched ready to catch her when I saw Todoroki slump over against her. She held him in her arms. His head was rested on her shoulder facing me. His eyes were slowly closing. He reached his hand out towards me. His eyes begging me to help. I looked at the knife in my hand. I looked at the scene in front of me. I had to make a choice. Save Todoroki or help (Y/N). My heart ached and I was struggling to breath. Todoroki is my friend but (Y/N) saved me from Shigaraki. This was it. This was my defining moment. Return to my life as a hero or accept my place next to (Y/N) at the top of the villain world. Fuck. What am I thinking?! Why is this even a discussion in my head right now?! I have always wanted to be a hero. I want my life back. The life she took from me. I want to end this. I looked over at Todoroki, his arm fell limp. (Y/N) laid him down on the ground and swept his hair out of his face. I looked around the stage. My friends were dying, Deku was dying. Todoroki was dying. My feet started moving without my permission. I had to act. As I reached (Y/N) she stood up and turned to face me. She flashed me the sweetest smile and tears filled my eyes as I thrust my hand forward. 

The knife I had been holding was embedded in her chest. The tip protruding through her back. It was locked in place, through her heart. She gasped at the impact and tried to grab the handle to remove it, all energy and determination left her face. I stared into her eyes and noticed the (E/C) colour return to her irises. She cried in pain. Tears fell down my face and I ran to her side as she fell to the floor. I held her hand and ran my fingers through her (H/C) hair, trying to soothe her and comfort her. I could feel my heart shatter. I had done this to her. I hated myself in that moment and it must have shown on my face. "D-d-don't blame yourself." She said with a soft smile. I looked over her features. How could she say that to me? This was all my fault. "This was a-a...suicide mission. Y-y-you all warned me." She said between shallow breaths. She held my hand as she slowly slipped away. "I love you (Y/N)" I said as her grip on my hand stopped. Her eyes fell closed and her chest stopped moving. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now