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Slight Gore

Third Person P.O.V

All of the heroes on the stage froze, some adopted a fighting stance as they waited for the villains to make their move. "Don't think for one second I am the type of villain to lose a battle because of some stupid fucking monologue heroes. I am here for one reason. To steal the show and make sure the people know that your rankings don't mean shit! Ready, set, go!" (Y/N) shouted. Some of the heroes faltered forward expecting her to move. Confusion spread across their faces. Suddenly their attention was directed to the crowd of people at the ceremony. Screams and cries coming from unsuspecting reporters and bystanders. The smaller groups of villains were attacking innocent people. Chaos ensued and people started to run, trying to escape. The heroes on the stage looked at the crowd and back at the villains on the stage. "You have a choice to make heroes. Capture me or save them." (Y/N) teased. 

Deku stepped towards (Y/N). "Kirishima, Tamaki and Tokoyami you stay with me. The rest of you help the crowd!" Deku commanded. The heroes all nodded in agreement. Edgeshot, Kamui Woods, Ryukyu and Mirko all ran and jumped off the stage into the crowd to protect the innocent people caught up in the villain's plan. "Four heroes against eight villains. Number 10, number 8, number 7 and number 1. You don't stand a chance Izuku sweetie! Did you forget I have your number 3 and number 2 on my side." (Y/N) said with a smirk. She glanced to Todoroki and Bakugou, she smiled lovingly at them both. Deku looked up at Todoroki and nodded and smiled at Bakugou. (Y/N) watched the exchange. Before she could understand what was happening between the trio Deku had lunged towards her. As Deku moved towards (Y/N), his first drawing back ready to attack her, she noticed Todoroki and Bakugou move from her side. 

Deku's fist connected with (Y/N)'s stomach. Knocking the wind from her. She stumbled back. She quickly regained her composure and looked for Todoroki and Bakugou. Todoroki was moving at a quick pace towards Kurogiri, shooting shards of ice towards him and beginning to freeze the ground beneath him. Bakugou was propelling himself towards Shigaraki. (Y/N) looked around quickly to see Tamaki fighting Dabi, Kirishima fighting Toga and Tokoyami fighting with Mr Compress. Time seemed to stand still for a moment. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

As I watched Todoroki and Bakugou leave my side I was hit in the stomach by that fucking do gooder. I struggled to pull myself back to my feet. Where the fuck is Todoroki? Why isn't Bakugou helping me up? How have none of the League members joined me to take down Deku yet? My mind raced with thoughts. I looked to my left to see Todoroki speeding towards Kurogiri, shooting ice shards at him and freezing the ground beneath him. I could hear Bakugou's explosions, when I turned to my right I saw him flying towards Tomura. My heart sank. They...they betrayed me? They were helping the heroes. I began to gasp for air, I couldn't breath and the pain in my chest swelled. I could feel tears threatening to fall. I looked around the stage and saw all of the League members equally matched by the heroes they were fighting. Was Tomura right? It's a suicide mission and you know it (Y/N). I heard his voice in my head. Was he right? Was this plan a suicide mission? Was there anyway I could win this now? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Deku shouted "you don't have to do this (Y/N)! You can still give up now and nobody has to die!" I scoffed at his words. "I know that you're not a bad person. You have been hurt badly by the people around you. By heroes like me, like All Might. Please let me help you! You wanted to be a hero once, back at Shiketsu High remember? You're parents wouldn't want this, your mother wouldn't want this for you!" He screamed. My eyes shot up and I locked eyes with the greenette in front of me. I growled at him and looked at Todoroki and Bakugou. Those bastards told him everything. They have been telling the heroes about me, about my past and about my weaknesses. "Shut your fucking mouth! So Todoroki and Bakugou have been spilling all of my secrets ey?" I snarled. I was hurt. I couldn't feel anything physically but if I could then I am sure I would have felt my heart tear apart. I looked around once more. I saw Kurogiri almost frozen and captured, Shigaraki was down, Toga looked exhausted, Dabi was bruised and beaten and Mr Compress was nowhere to be seen. It was gone, all gone. The League, my family, the loves of my life. All gone. I had nothing. As I looked around, Deku moved forward and smiled at me. He held his hand in front of me, willing me to take hold and surrender. "You know what the most dangerous type of person is Deku?" I asked. He tilted his head in confusion. "Somebody that has nothing to lose." I said with a smirk. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now