I am running the League now.

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"Long time no see (Y/N)."

(Y/N) P.O.V

I whipped my head around. Panic changed to joy. I jumped up from the bed and threw my arms around Shigaraki. My arms were around his neck, hugging him tightly. He patted my back with his palm. "Tsk, that's enough (Y/N). You know I don't care for this type of behaviour or have you forgotten that over these past two years?" He said through clenched teeth. "How did I get here?" I questioned. "I found you in an alleyway, you're quirk control is still subpar at best (Y/N)" He sneered. Suddenly it came flooding back. The three thugs, using my quirk on two people at once and the darkness. The unbearable darkness. I must have managed to snap out of it just in time. I rubbed my cheek and flinched at my own touch. Realising I must have sustained a hit during the fight I went to inspect my face in the ensuite bathroom attached to Shigaraki's room. Shigaraki sat down on the bed, running his fingers through his hair and down the back of his neck. I looked in the mirror and saw a bruise on my cheek, whilst examining the mark I noticed my eyes. Part of my right eye's iris was pitch black. About a quarter of the iris was no longer my natural (E/C) eye colour. Shigaraki was right, my quirk control was subpar. It had overwhelmed me last night. 

"So (Y/N) you better start talking." Shigaraki shouted. "What do you mean? About what?" I questioned. "Well, let me see. Let's start with why you attacked 3 members of the League of Villains and killed 2 of them?" He calmly said. Three members of the League? Oh shit! He must mean the men I attacked in the alleyway. "Jesus big brother like I knew they were your men! I've been out of the loop for years!" I exclaimed. "Anyway they obviously weren't your best men, look how easily I took them down." I smirked. As I left the bathroom I was greeted by Shigaraki's wrath. He flew towards me and grabbed me by my neck with his left hand, keeping his forefinger elevated. He pushed me up against the door, my feet nearly lifting off the ground. "What kind of game are you playing (Y/N)? You should respect your superiors!" He yelled. I laughed, almost maniacally, in his face. "Come off it big bro, you are not my superior. I'm not part of your joke of a League anymore." I said with huge grin on my face. His grip tightened and he looked directly in my eyes. "I can see the madness in your eyes (Y/N), that little black spot in your right eye is a dead give away. You keep your nose out of my business and I will spare your life as a favour." He said. 

I had heard enough. I had cared for Shigaraki for a very long time. I even loved him at one point and I think he loved me in his own strange way. But this was it. He was not my leader or my boss. He was an obstacle in my way. I felt a rush of power through my body and I heard a voice telling me to teach him a lesson. I knew what I had to do. Using my right hand I grabbed my forefinger and middle finger on my left hand. I activated my quirk and pulled the fingers backwards, bending them toward the back of my hand until I felt them snap. They were broken. Shigaraki yelped in pain and I dropped from his grip. "It is difficult to crush a windpipe with your hand if you can't close your fingers Shigaraki. Oh and I guess closing your fingers to use your quirk won't be that easy either!" I chuckled.  "You're too arrogant (Y/N), you do not think far enough ahead in battle. That is why I never bothered to teach you close combat skills" He sneered. As he said that he lunged towards me, he grabbed my right forearm pulling me closer to him. I could not move. His quirk was activated and I could feel my arm start to disintegrate. Just as planned I activated my quirk. Transferring the injury to Shigaraki. As the disintegration transferred to Shigaraki his hand gripped my arm tighter as he writhed in pain, making the disintegration spread further up his arm. Through an evil laugh I spluttered out "the reason you didn't teach me close combat is the same reason you kept me as a secret weapon during missions. You knew I was more powerful than you could ever be, you knew that the League would want to follow me if they knew what I could do. Trust me Shigaraki, your goons will follow me. As will you." As I said that his forearm turned to dust, separating us. I deactivated my quirk and looked at him, he laid on the floor. He looked defeated. 

I kneeled down in front of Shigaraki. "I bet you wished you had let me descend into madness now ey?" I said with a sweet smile across my face. "A-a-re you s..so sure you didn't?" He said, gasping for breath. I stood over him, raised my leg and swung my foot into his face. His head shot backwards and he groaned in pain. "Next time I come here big brother you will make sure I get a warmer welcome. I am running the League now. Have you got that?" I demanded. He grunted. "Was that a yes?!" I shouted. "Yes." He responded. 

I left the room and started to leave the building when I overheard a television. The breaking news bulletin was playing. I went to see the broadcast. I-i-is that me? Fuck. I was spotted. I listened to the bulletin, watched the 30 second video. Is this a voodoo villain or a voodoo vigilante?  Are they for fucking real?! I should go to that news station and show them which one I am. I looked down at my fingers, my scars on my wrist from the fight and the state of my clothes. Mass murder will need to wait I thought. I need to go home and heal. I looked out the window and could see the sun shining through, it was morning. It was too risky to go out in my outfit so I looked around the apartment and found a hoodie and some sweatpants. I put the clothes on over my suit and put my mask in my pocket.

~time skip~

I walked down my street to my apartment. There were police all over near the alleyway from last night. I had my hands shoved into my pockets and my hood up to try and hide any injuries.  Walking past everyone I kept my head down. As I got to my door I fiddled around for my keys, grabbing them from my pocket. "Hey (Y/N)" I heard two voices say. Oh fuck. I recognised those voices. I looked up to see Todoroki and Bakugou. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now