The water that extinguishes the flame.

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Aizawa P.O.V

As I sat in my office at the agency I heard cheering and applause coming from down the hall in the main foyer. I pulled myself from my desk to go and see what all the noise was about. As I approached the foyer I saw Todoroki and Bakugou returning from patrol, standing in front of them was Shigaraki. Restrained but compliant. I glanced over Todoroki and Bakugou, not a scratch or bruise on either of them. No sweat on their brow, no smell of nitroglycerine from Bakugou, no shit eating grin on Bakugou's face and Todoroki looked lost in thought. This felt off. I watched as other agency members congratulated them on capturing the notorious ex-leader of the League of Villains. I signalled for them to follow me into the holding cells we had in the agency. 

Todoroki P.O.V

We followed Aizawa to the holding cells. My mind was hazy and I couldn't concentrate. All I could think about was (Y/N). I pushed Shigaraki into the cell and locked the door. All three of us stood on the other side of the bars facing our prisoner. "(Y/N) was there too. We have the address of where she is, I will go and set up a surveillance team to monitor her."  I said turning to leave. His hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder. "What happened out there? Why isn't she with you?" Aizawa questioned. I began to explain the encounter to him whilst glancing at Shigaraki. Aizawa's eyes widened when I told him what Shigaraki had proposed. As I finished explaining to the head of our agency he rubbed his eyes and the bridge of his nose. "So you decided to leave her alone until I made my decision?" To which I nodded. "Thank you Todoroki. And you Bakugou. Go set up the surveillance team. I will come and speak with you after I have spoken with Shigaraki." Aizawa ordered. 

Aizawa P.O.V

I watched Todoroki and Bakugou leave and turned to Shigaraki. "This is a trick right?" I questioned. Shigaraki lifted his head and smiled. "I would see why you would think that Eraser Head but I wouldn't have come willingly or be sat in this cell if it wasn't the truth." He said with a shake of his head. He sat down on the small bench in the cell, his feet should width apart and his remaining arm rubbing at the stump where his other used to be. "You have no reason to trust me. I get that. But I need to make this right." He exhaled a breath he seemed to have been holding. "Do what you want with me but I am asking you to help change the course of (Y/N)'s life. She was never supposed to be a villain. She always wanted to be a hero but we corrupted her, we turned her against heroes and poisoned her mind. And well, her quirk did the rest for us. I am sure you have figured out by now that (Y/N)'s quirk Voodoo allows her to come back to life. What you probably don't know is that depending on the amount of time it takes for her to come back there are some side effects. Her memory is lost. From what I have seen it doesn't return either." He explained. He sat scratching his neck and an awkward silence fell between us. "She has lost 3 years of her life Eraser Head. She returned from death thinking she was 15 and about to go off to train to be a hero. She doesn't remember all of the things she did. She doesn't even want to be a villain anymore. Wiped. Gone. Clean slate. Do you hear what I am saying? You have an opportunity to gain a very powerful ally. She wants to be a hero. And well you have seen the power she holds. Imagine having that power on your side. With the right training for her quirk she could rival Deku for the number 1 spot. You know it and I know it. All you have to do is take her in as an intern. Show her how to be a hero." Shigaraki continued pleading with me for over an hour. He explained how they had met, what the League had done to her and how she had ended up as the most wanted villain in all of Japan. 

After an hour or so of listening to Shigaraki I turned and left the holding cell. Posting guards to make sure he didn't try anything. I returned to my office and sat watching the CCTV of his cell. He didn't move. Didn't try to escape. Just sat there. Waiting. He knew he would be put to death for his crimes but he still turned himself in. (Y/N) was more important to him than his own life. Could this even work? Shigaraki was right about what an asset (Y/N) would be as a hero but the world knows her as a villain. The public would never accept her. The press would tear her apart and my agency for allowing her the chance to live a normal life. It was impossible. I picked up the phone and called the only person I knew who could make this decision. Nezu answered the phone in a perky tone as usual. I explained the situation to him. "The criminals and villains in this city see her as a martyr and we need to stop them listening to her message. It is no surprise that her ideology speaks to a lot of the criminal underworld and they are restless. There are groups forming who want to avenge her and we need to try to stop the ideology spreading any further." Nezu said. "Those were your words Aizawa." He said with a small chuckle. "Principal why are you laughing?" I questioned, wondering whether he had finally lost it. "Well it is obvious isn't it? What better way to remove her message than showing the world she has become a hero. Her death made her a martyr and inspired villains. Make her re-birth the water that extinguishes the flame." He said. "Bring her into your agency, teach her how to control her quirk and use it to help people. A quirk like that should be studied, documented and used for good. But you already knew all this deep down Aizawa. You just needed somebody to support your decision." Nezu chirped down the phone. I had to smile to myself, he was right. I had made my decision but this was not going to be easy. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now