At your service...

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I lay on my bed in complete darkness, the sun was setting and my room is in complete silence. I lay focusing on my healing to try increase it. Why did I think damaging my leg was a good idea?! Well at least the plan worked I guess. I was lost thinking about the way Bakugou held me in his large muscular arms, his smell and then I giggled at the look on Todoroki's face when I grabbed his thigh. I wondered if they would make contact, had I done enough to make them want more? As I was deep in thought I saw my phone light up on the bedside table. I jumped up to look at it and see a text message from an unknown number. 

Hey (Y/N) it's Shoto. Shoto Todoroki from the villain attack today. I mean obviously not the villain but the guy with the white and red hair. I just wanted to see if you were ok? S x

I did not respond straight away as I wanted to make him wait for me. He was so flustered earlier that something like waiting for a text should drive him insane. 

Todoroki P.O.V

There. Sent. Now I just need to wait. Why did I feel like this? I save and rescue people everyday. (Y/N) seemed different. She was so weak and scared but beautiful. Her (H/C) hair and the way it fell over her eyes when she moved her right arm from her face. The way she laughed. It was intoxicating. I thought back to Bakugou carrying her to the hospital, I could have done that. I was the one who found her after all. But hey I guess that is Bakugou for you, always has to meddle in my business. I felt anger rise as he walked into the agency we both work for. We had grown up a lot since UA and although we did not see eye to eye we were a good team. We often worked together on missions, we were becoming a bit of a power duo in Musutafu. 

No new notifications. I sighed and put my phone away. 

Third Person P.O.V

"Hey Icyhot" Bakugou shouted across the room. "Bakugou can you not just call me Shoto now that we don't hate each other?" Todoroki sighed. Bakugou shrugged and sat next to him on the sofa in the agency office, he let out a deep sigh. "Did you recognise that (Y/N) today?" Bakugou questioned. Todoroki paused for a moment and put his finger on his chin. "Now you say it there was something familiar about her, maybe she was at UA? In another class maybe?" Todoroki responds. "Nah I would have spotted somebody like that in our school that's for sure!" Bakugou said confidently. Bakugou sat thinking about the piece of paper and went out of the room. He was curious about the (H/C) haired girl and wanted to know more about her. He felt a pull, a connection and he needed to see her again. Taking his phone out of his pocket he typed in the number and draft a text. Deleting several drafts because of how stupid they sounded, he did not want her to think he cared or anything. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

Again the phone lit up in the dark room. Seeing an unknown number she knew that it had to be Bakugou. 

You got blood all over my hero costume. You definitely owe me. Hope your idiot ass is happy with yourself. Make sure you're resting so next time I don't have to rescue you and you can save yourself. 

You smiled to yourself. How could they both be so different but you wanted them both so badly?  You thought for a moment and grinning you decided to text back. Saving their numbers in your contacts as B and T. You did not want anybody getting wind of what you were doing. You had to be careful to pull off your plan, you were reckless at times but you were smart. 

19:13  (Y/N) to B

I am sure I could make it up to you, you did save me after all. How can I repay you? My idiot ass is fine, it was my arm and leg that got hurt remember?! Thanks for caring though. 

19:15  B to (Y/N)

I never said I cared. I am a hero and it is my job to make sure idiots like you are safe that's all. You could start repaying me by taking me out for food, hero work makes a guy hungry you know. How about tomorrow?

19:18  (Y/N) to B

Well I suppose that isn't too much to ask. Come round my place tomorrow night? I will cook for you, I am supposed to be resting after all. I'll send over my address later. Off to take a shower. Goodnight. 

You knew exactly what you were doing and you were pleased the plan had gone so well. So tomorrow night Bakugou was coming for dinner. Now to respond to Todoroki. 

19:20  (Y/N) to T

Hey Shoto! Thank you for checking on me. I am ok, just at home resting. It can be quite lonely without any family or friends around but I suppose it means I can rest! I need to go out to get some food and some pain killers but I am worried to leave the house after what happened today. 

19:22  T to (Y/N)

I can bring you something if you need it? I know a great place that do take out soba. I can drop it off before I head home for the evening if you like? 

19:25  (Y/N) to T

You would do that for me? But you have already done so much for me today. I really cannot repay you for saving me today. 

19:26  T to (Y/N)

It is all in a days work for hero. Helping people is why I became a hero and you (Y/N) need help. So I am at your service! Send me your address and I will be round by 9pm. 

You sent both of them your address and fell back on your bed. Thinking about them made you warm but you needed to remember the plan. Your thoughts wandered back to the last text message. At your liked the sound of that. 

Third Person P.O.V

Todoroki smiled and put his phone away. He said goodbye to the staff at the agency and walked out to see Bakugou looking at his phone, smirking. They stood together for a moment when they both received a text message at the same time, they glanced at one another catching sight of the name on the text message. Both of their eyes widening as they saw (Y/N)'s name on the others screen. They both exchanged glances and nodded before leaving the agency and heading off into the night. Both of them thinking about (Y/N) and their own rivalry that had been reignited in that moment. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now