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Slight violence and abuse

Bakugou P.O.V

I stirred from sleep. My arms were wrapped around her slender waist. I laid naked, snuggled into the crook of her neck. As I opened my eyes and the sleep left my eyes I went to kiss her neck and quickly realised it wasn't (Y/N). I looked at the hair and flinched back immediately when I saw the white and red. I heard (Y/N) start to laugh from the bottom of the bed. She held her stomach as she laughed. "Oh fuck off (Y/N)!" I shouted and threw a pillow at her. She fell off the bed, still laughing. Todoroki woke up hearing the bang when she fell. He sat up, his hair was messy and he yawned. He rubbed his eyes, looking around at both of us. He looked hot. 

"As much as I hate to say it, you two need to get dressed. We have a big day ahead of us." (Y/N) announced. Todoroki raised his eyebrow and stood up off the bed, using a sheet to cover his member. "It's a bit late to act shy isn't it Icyhot?" I smirked. He blushed a deep red and moved towards the en suite. I turned back to (Y/N) who was pulling on some fishnet tights and flashed her underwear in the process. I bit my lip as I watched her. She is absolutely stunning. She looked up at me, noticing me watching her. She came over to the bed and sat on my knee. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "We are going to change the world today." She said as she kissed my neck. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

I went out into the lobby where Shigaraki had gathered the League. A few of the members were captured during the attack on the city but we still had good numbers. After the attack on the city several low level villains had sought us out through a recruiter. People could feel the strength of the League growing again and the threat rising. Some people wanted to join us so they could be on the right side when the world changed. I wanted to show the world a different perspective on heroes, on villains and on quirks. Once everyone was gathered in the lobby, including Todoroki and Bakugou. 

"Right I want everyone in teams today. Toga and Dabi you will lead the defence outside of the news station. You keep everyone out until we are done. We are not aiming for damage or casualties so use your fucking heads. The majority of the members will be outside being led by Toga and Dabi. I want a few members with my team. Shigaraki, Kurogiri, Todoroki and Bakugou will all be with me. Todoroki and Bakugou you will be going on camera with me so make sure you look handsome boys." I announced. There were a few confused looks and people exchanged glances. "What about fucking Deku?!" Bakugou shouted. "Yeah won't he turn up and cause problems?" Todoroki questioned. "Oh my love I am counting on it." I replied. I flashed a sweet smile to Bakugou. He smirked back at me. "We will be interrupting the 6 o clock news so everyone make sure you are ready to leave at 5." I instructed. 

Todoroki P.O.V

(Y/N) walked back towards the bedroom. I followed, as did Bakugou. When she entered the room she went over to her closet and started sorting through her costume and her weapons. I sat on the floor against the bed and Bakugou was leaning against the wall. We both sat in silence for a while, watching her sharpen knives and hum to herself. "Why a news station?" I asked. She looked over her shoulder and thought for a moment, almost as if she was deciding whether I could be trusted with the information. "We are going to broadcast to the world Sho-chan!" She replied in a cheerful tone. "Broadcast what?" Bakugou asked. "It is time to show them what has become of the number 2 and number 3 heroes." She replied. My mouth fell open. She couldn't be serious. She just wants us to introduce ourselves as villains? How would I ever rebuild my reputation after this? I can't do this. It is too far, I need to get out now. But what about Bakugou? He will never leave her. "Oi Icyhot cut it out I can hear your panic from here!" Bakugou calls out. I flinched at this and spotted (Y/N) staring at me. She got up from where she was sat, holding one of her knives. She moved over to where I was sat, she almost crawled over to me. My back was pushed against the bed, as I sat on the floor. 

"Can I trust you Todoroki?" She asked with her head tilted to the side. She twirled the knife in her hand, glancing down at it then back to me. "Of course you can." I replied firmly. I was struggling to hold my nerve. She moved the knife towards my throat and rested the edge of the blade against my skin. "Would you do anything I asked of you?" She asked with a menacing smile. "Haven't I already proved that I will?" I questioned. She removed the knife and tapped the side of the blade on her lips. Thinking to herself. I released the breath I was holding. She looked over to Bakugou. "And what about you? Would you do anything I asked of you?" She asked. Bakugou nodded. (Y/N) giggled and looked between both of us. Her laughter seemed to lift the heavy atmosphere. I relaxed for a moment then she spoke again "ok then, kiss." I looked at her and leaned forward to kiss her. "Not me. Each other." She said giggling and a faint blush on her cheeks. My face shot towards Bakugou and he looked at me. "Fuck off (Y/N), you perv!" Bakugou shouted. Her laughter stopped. Her face changed and became angry. She glared at both of us. "So you won't do anything then? You are not completely loyal to me." She snarled. She moved her knife towards her leg and rested the tip of the blade on her thigh, she looked up at me and activated her quirk. I could feel the cold of the blade slightly digging into my thigh. It was terrifying and I knew she wasn't messing about. 

I stood up and moved over to Bakugou. He looked confused. He hadn't figured out what was happening. I grabbed hold of the back of his head and pulled him towards my face. My lips crashed against his and moved instinctively. I could feel (Y/N)'s stare. At first Bakugou fought against the kiss, almost pulling his head back but I held onto the back of his head. It was clear that (Y/N) wasn't going to let this go. A quick kiss to prove ourselves to her. To my surprise he gave in and kissed me back. I was shocked by how gentle the kiss was, this was Bakugou after all. I felt him try to deepen the kiss but I pulled away. My eyes locked with Bakugou's crimson orbs. We both held each other's gaze too long. "Good, now we can go over the plan." (Y/N) said with a smile. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now