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Slight gore

Shigaraki P.O.V

I sat in the room at the end of the bed staring at her body. I brought her back to her old family home. I couldn't leave her body there. When I got to the house all of the furniture was covered in dust sheets, the personal items were all boxed up and nobody had been here in years. I had taken her into her old bedroom and rested her body on the bed. Two days had passed and nothing happened. I cleaned the house and sorted the power whilst I waited. I watched the news, seeing the faces of the League all over the news. Many of them had been captured and some were dead. My dream of the League was dead. 

I had sat at her bedside night and day, just waiting. All For One thought she was important, he had told me that she had unlocked potential and that I should keep her alive no matter what. He had refused to take her quirk which didn't make sense to me but he raised her like she was his daughter. He cared for her. He told me that if anything ever happened to her I was to retrieve her body and wait but what was I supposed to be fucking waiting for? I stood up from the chair at the end of the bed and paced the room. I looked through the draws on her desk. It was filled with drawings, magazines and diaries. Everything was covered in heroes. All Might pictures and memorabilia were everywhere. She used to be obsessed with heroes. She Idolised them until the League brainwashed her.  I opened the wardrobe, her clothes were there and pride of place was her uniform from Shiketsu High School. She had such purpose and drive but the world had failed her. So many people had failed her. I stood by that day and failed her. My mind drifted back to the day I met her. 

~flashback Shigaraki's P.O.V~

I was watching the League attack from the roof of a building close by. I watched her as her parents died. They were rushed beneath the rubble. I watched her as she cried and when they took their last breath she let out a blood curdling scream. I watched as she walked towards a group of my thugs. She picked up pieces of broken glass from the ground. As she walked towards them I moved to the street to watch and intervene if necessary. Her eyes were pitch black and her aura gave me chills. I watched as she slashed at her skin in different places. She was being reckless with her cuts. She slashed across her wrists, across her neck. All over her legs. I couldn't take my eyes away from her as I watched the same injuries appear on the villains in front of her. There were three thugs and she transferred the injuries to all of them. Eventually she stopped, dropping the piece of glass and fell to the floor covered in blood. She fell holding her knees to her chest. She was sobbing. I ran over to her and shook her. Her eyes were all black, even the whites of her eyes. It was like she had overused her quirk and it was taking over her. She started laughing hysterically. I slapped her to try get her attention. Her eyes changed back to (E/C) and she screamed. She rambled about being alone, having nobody and feeling numb. Then she passed out.

After she passed out I carried her back to the hideout. I sat in the room while Kurogiri tried to heal her but it was not possible. She had lost too much blood and her quirk couldn't heal the severe wounds quick enough. As her breathing slowed I said goodbye to her. I didn't want her to be alone when she died. I sat at her bedside talking to her as she went. After she took her last breath I left the room and went about my daily duties. 

The next day when I walked into the bar and I stopped in my tracks. Stood there in the bar was (Y/N). I looked at Kurogiri as he introduced her. I stood there in shock, scratching the back of my neck. "Hi I'm (Y/N), nice to meet you." She said. I grunted in response. "I hear you are the person to thank for saving my life?" She said, tilting her head adorably. "I-i- suppose" I stuttered. I looked over at Kurogiri for answers. "Yes (Y/N) this is Tomura Shigaraki. He brought you hear after the attack." Kurogiri said. "I am sorry Shigaraki but I am struggling to remember everything. Maybe I hit my head?" She said, he face dusted pink with embarrassment. "Erm what do you remember?" I asked her. She put her finger to her lips as if thinking. "I know most things, I just can't seem to remember the last week or so." She said, scratching the back of her head. She looked up at me and smiled with closed eyes. "I should probably get home though, my parents will be worried." She chuckled. It was then I realised that she did not know. She did not remember what had happened. "You're parents are dead (Y/N). I am so sorry to have to inform you of this. You must be confused about what happened. I will tell you the story as Shigaraki explained it to us when he returned here with you." Kurogiri said in a calm and smooth voice. I sat down at the bar and listened to him explain. 

"All Might arrived on the scene and you called him to come help your parents. But All Might turned around quickly and ran towards the villains. He turned from you to fight the villains. He left you. He left your parents. He made a choice to let them die. He failed you. He chose the fame, praise and excitement of defeating villains. He chose that over rescuing your parents. He chose his own success and ego. He got to choose who lived and who died. He failed you. He took them from you." Kurogiri stated in a firm but calm tone. 

(Y/N)'s eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill over at any moment. She broke down in the bar. I couldn't move to comfort her. I looked at Kurogiri confused about what had happened. She spent a few days with us. She told us about her parents and her life before that day. Her father was a specialist in quirk development and physiology and her mother was a nurse. Over the few days that she spent with us her memories did not return. I questioned Kurogiri about what he had done but all he would say was that master had ordered him to do it. I never understood how she was alive and nobody would tell me. 

~flashback ends~

She was vulnerable that day and I let them do that to her. I let them change the course of her life that day. She refused to join us, she was committed to being a hero. She left the League and returned to her life but promised to keep our base secret. She had grown fond of us and found comfort in having a family around her when she grieved. To be honest I grew fond of her, it was like having a sister in the League. I absent mindedly flicked through her last diary in the draw. The pages went from girly fantasies and musings of heros to complete darkness. Pages and pages at the end of the diary were filled with hate. Hate towards All Might, towards her classmates at Shiketsu and hate towards heroes in general. The last diary entry spoke of her intentions to become a villain and change the world. I put the diary back in the draw and turned back to face the bed. 

As I looked over her peaceful body I saw her chest rise and fall. I moved closer, sure that my mind was playing tricks on me. Then she shot upright. Grasping at her chest. Her breathing was heavy and she looked terrified. Her skin was pale, her eyes were her normal eye colour and her hair was dull. I ran to the bedside and went to hold her and try to calm her down. She scrambled backwards against the wall, her knees to her chest. Fear across her face and she was shaking. I reached my hand out and she flinched. "(Y/N)?" I questioned in a low voice. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?!" She screamed. I backed up slightly. She looked around the room, her eyes were darting all around frantically. "Mom! Dad! Help! There is somebody in my room!" She shouted. 

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