God do these villains ever rest!

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You knew they would be there today. After all the parade was the perfect target for villains which meant that the pros had to keep watch. You moved through the streets keeping an eye out for your two favourite males. You had heard that a group of villains were going to attempt to kidnap one of the women on the lead float and hold her ransom, you stayed close to the float waiting for them to make their move. You had no intention of helping them or trying to stop them. Your mission today was to be a victim, be seen as somebody that needed saving because hell what hero does not fall weak at the knees for a vulnerable woman in need of rescue? You knew all too well how much heroes liked that sense of purpose, that sense of power and the boost it gave their ego. 

At about midday you saw it, an explosion just behind the float. Now was your chance. You threw yourself into the middle of the chaos, you smeared dirt on your face and targeted a villain to use in your plan. Making eye contact with the villain and activating your quirk, your eyes turned pure black showing that your quirk was active. In that moment you applied all the force you could to your left arm, breaking it at the forearm. The villain cried out in pain as the injury transferred to him. Your quirk was clever, it inflicted the majority of the pain and injury to the person you were making eye contact with. The same injury appeared on your body but you did not feel the pain. You would heal quicker than a normal human but the healing was slowed down by light and noise. You looked to the ground and saw a small piece of metal that had exploded from the float, locking eyes with a man running in panic you stabbed the sharp piece of metal into your right leg. The man fell to the ground and writhed in pain. You ripped part of your shirt open exposing part of your red lace bra. Targeting another low level villain, your eyes turned black and you placed a cut on your chest. The wound was small but it was a deep wound. You stopped to examine your handy work and all of a sudden you spotted Shoto Todoroki, using his ice to slide across the top of the float scouring for casualties. The other heroes had apprehended the villains and all of the remaining heroes were focused on save and rescue. Now was your chance.

Todoroki P.O.V

"Help!" I heard a muffled shout from near the float. "It hurts, I can't move" again the voice shouted, sounding desperate. I looked down to see a young woman, crying into her right arm that was covering her face. I jumped down from the float and ran to the young woman's right hand side. 

Third Person P.O.V

Todoroki knelt down next to the woman. "Miss, do not worry I am here to help." Todoroki calmly said. He looked over the young woman examining her injuries, he noticed her leg first. Seeing the metal protruding from her right leg, blood dripping onto the concrete. You whimpered and continued to cry. Tears ran down your face, mixing with the dirt on your cheeks. "I need to remove the metal  from your leg, as soon as I remove it I need to bandage it up." He said. With that you nodded. Before you could say anything he had moved to the metal, he gripped the metal and sharply pulled it out. You could not transfer the pain to anybody using your quirk as nobody was around so you hissed at the sudden pain, your right hand instinctively grabbed and landed on Todoroki's thigh. You tighten your grip as the pain subsided and the blood began to rush. Looking up at him you noticed a blush spread across his nose and cheeks. He wrapped the wound the best he could, applying pressure. 

"Thank god you were here, I feel so weak and powerless. What if the villains come back a-a-and..." You stammered, the words felt alien in your mouth and you had to hold back sniggers. "You are completely safe with me Miss...erm...Miss" "(L/N), (F/N). You can call me (Y/N)". A small smirk came across the hero's face. 

Bakugou P.O.V

As I ran through the debris looking for any casualties I came across Icyhot. I looked over and saw him helping a young woman. I stared for a moment, looking at her features and the way she looked at him. Shaking myself out of it I ran over to tell him that the save and rescue had been a success. He looked up at me and nodded. "This is (Y/N), her leg is hurt pretty badly and I think her left arm is broken. We should take her to the hospital to get patched up" Icyhot said. I looked at him for a moment and I swear he was blushing. I had never even seen emotion on his face but here he was, face dusted pink. I bent down to the young woman. I introduced myself and asked for permission to pick her up, she agreed. I picked her up bridal style, with her left arm safely tucked and rested between my chest and hers. Icyhot seemed annoyed but he stood up and followed as I carried the young woman. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

This was it. I had them. Both of them. Just as I had planned. I looked up into the crimson orbs that were Bakugou's eyes. He did not look at me, he looked straight forward and carried me to the nearest hospital. As we walked I nuzzled my face against his chest, taking in his scent. He smells like smoke and caramel. I noticed him look down, almost studying me and my actions. His gaze shifted to my chest and his eyes widened as he noticed the gash on my chest. His face became flustered, a hue of red seemed to spread across his face and up to his ears. Noticing this I decided to push my luck, I bit my bottom lip and stared straight at him. 

Bakugou P.O.V

What the hell is she doing? Is she sniffing me?! I looked down at her and noticed her t-shirt had been ripped and there was a gash on her chest. Taking note that I needed to tell the doctors about it, my eyes wandered and I noticed her breasts slightly exposed wrapped in a lace red bra. I felt my face heat up and went to look away, at that moment I looked at her face. Covered in dirt and tear stains. She bit her bottom lip, staring straight at me. Those lips...so full and welcoming. I felt like I wanted to take them. I looked away and I swear I felt her chuckle. 

Third Person P.O.V

The trio walked through the streets and arrived at the hospital. I was taken into a side room and they both went to leave. I grabbed Todoroki's hand and stared at Bakugou. "Please don't leave yet, I am scared and I do not have anybody at home to call." you said meekly. The males exchanged glances and nodded. Sitting down in the chairs in the room. The doctors patched me up, putting my arm in a sling and re-doing the bandage on my leg. The males both sat staring at their phones, playing some kind of game. Bakugou shouting the words DIE at the top of his voice every so often. You giggled at the ash blonde. You were ready to be discharged and as you left the hospital the last part of your plan came into action. You needed to find a way to keep them connected to you. You shyly moved towards the males, standing in between them both you reached up and kissed Todoroki's left cheek then you turned to Bakugou and did the same to his right cheek. Twiddling your fingers, looking down at the ground and giggling. You pretended to be shy. Muttering a heartfelt thank you. You handed both males a piece of paper each and began to walk home. 

Both males stood still. Not moving or speaking to one another. They both looked down at the pieces of paper. Your name at the top of the piece of paper and a phone number in pink writing. The silence was broken by the sound of screams in the opposite direction. They shook themselves out of their daze, shoved the pieces of paper in their pockets and ran towards what they assumed was yet another villain attack. 

God do these villains ever rest!

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now