Our new mission.

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I went upstairs looking for my phone to try and order a pizza. It was nowhere to be found. I searched all around the room. Nada. I ran downstairs to ask Tomura to order the pizza. "Tomura! I can't find my phone! Will you order the pizza?" I shouted as I walked into the kitchen. I boiled the kettle to make some tea. As the kettle screeched I picked it up and stirred the hot water into the cup, I accidentally spilled some of the scalding hot water on my hand. "Oh fuck! That hurts!" I screamed. Tomura ran into the kitchen, panicking and looking around. "What the hell happened?" He asked me, his face was plastered with worry. I lifted my hand and showed him the small red mark from the water. He grabbed my hand and pulled it to the sink, he ran the cold water and held my hand under the tap. I watched curiously as he held my hand with his pinky outstretched. "Could you feel it burn?" He asked. I looked up at him through my fringe and nodded. He seemed surprised by that. "So you can feel this?" He questioned, he stroked my cheek with the back of two of his fingers and stared at me intensely. I blushed at the action. I nodded, looking away and trying to hide my embarrassment. I didn't understand why this was a revelation or shock to him. He continued to touch different parts of my body and ask if I could feel it. He was like a doctor making sure my body worked. "Will you just stop prodding and poking me? Yes I can feel fucking everything ok? What's the big deal with that anyway?!" I snarled. I was annoyed and I wanted answers. 

"Your quirk can cause damage to your nerves, the sensation of feeling can be damaged when you overuse your quirk." He said calmly. I tilted my head slightly, encouraging him to continue. "Before you died, you overused your quirk and you couldn't feel anything." He continued. "I couldn't feel anything?" I asked. He nodded. "You couldn't feel pain, you couldn't feel heat on your skin and you couldn't feel the touch of another person." He explained. "Well that sounds absolutely awful. I best be careful then!" I yelled with my fist clenched tight. Tomura was still staring at me, I noticed how close he was to my face and the blush returned to my face. Tomura laughed and backed up. "Sorry (Y/N) I only just noticed your eyes." He said with a small smile. "M-m-my eyes?" I stuttered. "They are back to being (E/C)." He said. "What were they before?" I asked. I was starting to get the gist of what was going on here. It was as if my body had reverted back to its original form. "They turn black when you overuse your quirk, they were more or less all black before you died." He said. 

I finished making the tea and sat down in the living room. There was so much information to take in. I was missing so many memories, so many days of my life but yet I felt at peace. Part of me wanted to know everything that had happened and another part of me felt like I had the chance for a fresh start. I could be whatever I wanted to be and I was not bound by the life I had. A mundane life of working part time jobs and never becoming a hero. Who would want that life? I was at a crossroads and I was determined to make the right choice this time. 

~timeskip 1 week later~

Tomura and I had spent all week in the house. Following my death, Tomura suggested it would not be a great idea for me to start walking around the neighbourhood or the town straight away. So we spent all week getting to know each other. Well, I spent all week getting to know him I guess. He already knew more about me than I did, which is really weird when I think about it! I learned about his past and his step father. He was sweet but sarcastic. Loving but cold. He is very strange but I felt safe with him, like I was with family. We spent a lot of time training in the garden. Tomura taught me how to control my quirk and how to recognise when I was pushing too far. He sparred with me and taught me close combat, which apparently I sucked at. Even with one arm, Tomura put me on my ass time and time again. But I could feel I was getting stronger. 

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Tomura looked up from his phone and almost fell off his chair. I laughed at his reaction. "What's the matter? Don't you like it?" I asked, flicking my hair to the side. I had dyed my hair bright red. "You look like your younger self." Tomura responded with a small smile. He quickly shook his head and the smile disappeared. "Is that a bad thing?" I questioned with my head tilted to the side. "No not at all (Y/N)" He said. "I feel like I have been reborn. It's weird. I don't want to do those crappy part time jobs anymore. I want to pursue my dream of being a hero again but I have no idea how to do it." I said with a lilt of sadness in my voice. "Don't worry, I will help you but we need to train more first. You need to be ready to show them your quirk and your close combat skills still suck." He said with a small smirk on his face. "Oh yeah? You won't be saying that when I kick your ass this time. Come on let's go train!" I shouted running towards the back door. 

~at the hero agency~

Todoroki P.O.V

"Todoroki it is so good to see you back!" the receptionist beamed. "Yes sir, it is great to see you fit and well!" Another intern said. "Well done on taking down that villain Shoto!" One of the assistants congratulated. I smiled at all of their comments and made my way to the conference room to meet with Aizawa. Bakugou walked at my side, rolling his eyes at all of the 'extras'.  We walked into the conference room, greeted by Aizawa but there were a number of other heroes there. "Thank you for joining us you two. Are you fully recovered Shoto?" Aizawa questioned. I nodded and took a seat. Midoriya was sat to my right and waved at me as we sat down, he looked well and he had his signature smile plastered across his face. Kirishima was to the left and smiled at Bakugou. It seemed that the heroes who were at the attack were present. This did not sit right with me, why were we all here? "I have called you all here to discuss the Voodoo Villain. Some of you may not be aware that her body was taken from the morgue by Shigaraki. She is presumed missing at the moment but we believe she may be alive." Aizawa announced. There were gasps and shocked expressions from the other heroes. Bakugou and I looked at each other and I bowed my head. He grabbed hold of my hand underneath the table and squeezed it reassuringly and smiled at me. He quickly pulled his hand away when he noticed Midoriya staring with an eyebrow raised. "The agencies, the police and the government have actioned a ban on the media discussing the attack any further or talking about her on their broadcasts. The criminals and villains in this city see her as a martyr and we need to stop them listening to her message. It is no surprise that her ideology speaks to a lot of the criminal underworld and they are restless. There are groups forming who want to avenge her and we need to try to stop the ideology spreading any further. The decision was made to try and bury the incident and replace the news coverage with positive messages about heroes and hope." Aizawa explained. The heroes around the table were nodding in agreement. 

"Why do you think she is alive?" Midoriya asked. "Nezu thinks that there may be a way that (Y/N) survived. Her quirk is known as voodoo. We had some knowledge of her quirk but we did not know the full extent of her power. Nezu thinks that it is entirely possible that she had other uses for her quirk that we weren't aware of. He has done some research and he thinks her quirk could be used for self-resurrection." Aizawa explained. Again all of the heroes nodded. "But if she was alive wouldn't she have appeared by now? You know, using the recent events to unite the villains etc? It has been nearly a month and nobody has seen her right?" Kirishima asked. "The user is able to revive themselves upon death either instantly or after some time however there is very little information available about these types of quirks. If this is what we are dealing with then there is no telling what state she would be in when she returns, whether she will be the same person or whether she would have the same powers. For all we know she may need time to recover properly so we have to be on guard." Aizawa said. "Alright old man, so what is the plan?" Bakugou asked, clearly growing bored of the conversation. "We need all agencies working together to locate her or at least locate Shigaraki." He stated. "You will be put into teams to scout a specific area of the city. If you gain any information then you are to report back to me immediately. You are not to engage. We cannot risk screwing this up." Aizawa said. He handed out paper with information about the teams and their specific area and dismissed all of us. I had been paired with Bakugou. We left the conference room, chatting with the other heroes but my mind was racing. It hadn't stopped racing since we learned about (Y/N) possibly being alive. I could tell Bakugou was feeling the same. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly as he attempted to make small talk. All of the heroes said their goodbyes and left the agency. Bakugou looked at me and I smiled. "Let's get on with this. We need to be the ones to find her." I said. He nodded and headed towards the exit. So this was it, our new mission

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now