She is alive.

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Bakugou P.O.V

Todoroki and I patrolled our area as instructed. We were both very quiet and I could tell he was thinking about (Y/N). I know I was. What would happen to her once we found her? Would she be imprisoned? What if she managed to escape? Was she plotting somewhere with Shigaraki? My mind was a mess with the questions. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little relieved and almost happy that she may be alive. What the fuck is wrong with me? She tortured me and made my life hell. I should hate her but I can't. I want to, I need to hate her but I can't. We patrolled this really small neighbourhood, nothing to see. Kids playing in a park. Perfect houses with perfect families inside. Patrolling this part of town was pointless Shigaraki wouldn't hide out here.  "Come on let's move on to the next area, there's no way he is here. We are wasting time. Somebody else could find her Icyhot." I said to Todoroki, ushering him away from the street he was about to turn down. "Bakugou we have orders. We only have a few more blocks in this part of town. Let's get it done quickly." He replied. I sighed and followed his lead, kicking my feet as I walked. 

Shigaraki P.O.V 

I sat in the front garden waiting. I knew they were coming today. I might not have the League anymore but I can still find out what the poxy hero agencies are up to. This was a huge risk. They could attack me on sight but I had to try. I had to try for (Y/N). She was in the back garden training. I would never tell her but over the past two weeks she has really improved. My teasing was definitely motivating her. I chuckled to myself thinking about her pouting everytime I beat her in close combat. As I sat lost in my own thoughts I heard them turn down the street. (Y/N)'s house was the last on the street. I could hear that obnoxious blonde haired brat grumbling from the top of the street. They both slowly came into my line of sight, I was sat on the doorstep waiting. Unarmed and waiting. I watched them approach closer. Todoroki was leading in front. He was my best shot. He was always more rational, maybe I could reason with him. I held my breath and waited as they walked closer. 

Todoroki P.O.V

As we came to the end of the street I spotted somebody sat on a doorstep with their hood up and head down. I crossed over to the other side of the street to get a better look. Bakugou was muttering and kicking stones like a sulking child. He hadn't registered the figure in the garden. I looked closer at the man and made out strands of blueish grey hair under the hood and spotted bright red shoes. I mentally prepared myself for confrontation. I approached the fence slowly and stood in front of the small front gate. I gazed up the path and braced myself. Bakugou still hadn't caught up but he looked up to see me stood still. I made eye contact with him and nodded slowly. As I did that the man on the doorstep looked up. It was him. I moved into a fighting stance and waited for his next move. This was strange. Was it a set up? Did he lure us here? Was (Y/N) waiting to ambush us? My mind was racing. He didn't make a move, he didn't even stand up. "I don't want to fight you. Either of you." Shigaraki said. His face was solemn and his eyes held my gaze. "But if you try to hurt her then I will have no choice" He said with a stern tone. 

Shigaraki pulled his hood down and rose to his feet. I moved forward and reached for the gate. "Stop. Stay right there and listen." He said. I looked up to see where Bakugou was. He was gone. I figured he had doubled back to come from the other side of the house. "Where is she?" I asked. "First of all I need you to know." He said scratching the back of his neck. "Know what?" I responded. "She's different. She died but came back to life. I have seen her do this before. But when she returns she isn't the same. Do you understand? She isn't the person you knew." He began to explain. "Hand her over and then we can decide for ourselves." I said firmly. "Not going to happen loverboy, not until I know she won't be harmed or imprisoned." He said with a light snarl. "She doesn't remember anything. The last 3 years. Gone. She doesn't know who you are, she barely remembers herself. I've been trying to fix things." He said. His expression changed. He looked sad? Shigaraki, leader of the League of Villains. I couldn't believe my eyes. This had to be a trick. I moved towards the gate and opened it very slowly. 

As I moved I looked to the right hand side of the house and on the side street I saw Bakugou waiting and peering around the corner. He was waiting for my signal. He was ready to fight and I could see in his eyes that he wanted to. I slowly moved forward towards the house. "What do you mean fix things? You can't undo what has happened. You're both wanted villains, dangerous villains." I retorted. "Why thank you." He said with a wide grin. "Glad to see I am still a threat even with one arm." He chuckled looking down at the lost limb. "Look you don't owe me shit. I'm not here to ask for forgiveness or to be treated well. I will come with you willingly but you have to agree to my terms. For her sake." He said with a sigh. I locked eyes with him urging him to continue. "She doesn't know what she did, she doesn't remember becoming a villain or hurting those people. She wants to be a hero. I've done my best to allow her to forget what she became. It was all my fault she became a villain, I could have stopped it but I didn't. I allowed her to be brainwashed by the League the last time her memory was taken by her quirk. She could have been an amazing asset to your side if we hadn't destroyed her ideology and taken advantage of her." He explained. I couldn't get my head around what I was hearing. She didn't remember the last 3 years of her life, this was a chance for her entire path to change and for the hero agency to gain a very strong ally. Could this even work? Would the world remember her as the Voodoo Villain or could she be reformed and remade? Could she be the woman I had seen beneath the hate and the anger? My head swam with all of the possibilities. Shigaraki interrupted my thoughts, as if reading my mind. "What I am saying is she could be a hero, she could be the woman that she was and you can help me make that happen. You and that second rate teacher of yours." 

I stood there speechless. What could I say? This wasn't my decision. I couldn't decide this for her. I looked towards the right hand side of the house at Bakugou. I don't know if he could make out the full conversation but he looked deep in thought. I took a step forward. "We will need you to speak with Aizawa about this, we need to take you in." I said calmly as I approached him. All of a sudden Bakugou lept from the side of the house, his gauntlet pulled back and an AP shot ready to fire. In that moment the door flung open and there she was. She stepped out onto the doorstep and stood in front of Shigaraki. I froze. Bakugou froze and the firepower from his gauntlet diminished. She stood in front of him, her arms spread to protect him. Her hair was bright red, moving with the motion of her body and her (E/C) eyes pierced through us. She is alive. My heart throbbed in my chest, betraying me. I was relieved that she was alive and I struggled to catch my breath. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now