We owe him.

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Todoroki P.O.V

I walked into the agency. The receptionist looked up at me from her computer and told me that I had been called to a meeting in the briefing room. Midoriya had walked back with me and followed me towards the room. I let out a loud sigh. I walked into the briefing room to be met with a range of pro heroes, some from other agencies. Aizawa was there leading the meeting. "Welcome back Todoroki." He said. His face expressionless as always. "So from the attack today the city has suffered millions in damage, the casualty rate is currently counted as 86 people dead and 238 injured. This is only approximate as the cleaned up is still ongoing." Aizawa said. I looked down towards my feet, shuffling them back and forth. I was angry at myself. How could I be so stupid? How did I think she wouldn't figure me out? She tricked me and the information I provided was all wrong. 

"Todoroki..." Aizawa snapped. My head jolted up to meet his gaze. "Why was the attack brought forward?" He asked. "(Y/N) said that she believed somebody was passing information to the heroes, so she wanted to do it a day earlier to make sure the heroes weren't prepared." I replied. "And you did not have access to this information?" Another hero asked raising his eyebrow at me. I let out a loud sigh. "No, I think she suspected me as being the traitor. She may be insane but she is one hell of an enemy. She had thought about everything. Like it was a test for me." I said with sadness in my tone. "So the secret mission is a failure then? She doesn't trust you." Aizawa said. "What secret mission?" Midoriya questioned. Aizawa explained what had been happening, he told him about (Y/N) and about Bakugou. Midoriya's eyes widened when Bakugou's name was mentioned. "We couldn't tell you because you would have prioritised saving Bakugou over the mission." I said with my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged my hand off. Midoriya looked at me with anger in his eyes, I had never seen him angry before but there was something beneath the anger - worry. 

"Do we know what the purpose of the attack was?" Another hero asked. I shook my head. "It seems like it was a show of power to me." I responded. Midoriya began to mutter. "Where is Bakugou? Is he acting as a double agent as well?" the greenette asked. I shook my head. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes. "They have him held hostage. (Y/N) wants him to join her and he is refusing. She says she loves us both and wants us to be with her." I said. My mind drifted to thinking about her (E/C) eyes, her (H/C) hair and her perfect lips. A small smile crept on my face, I tried to hide it quickly from the heroes in the room but Aizawa had spotted it. Midoriya continued mumbling, holding his finger to his lips. "You have feelings for her Todoroki. I can tell. I will ask you this once and only once. Did you know that the information you were giving us was false? The number of villains, their quirks and the date of the attack." Aizawa asked. I whipped my head around, angered by his question. "Of course not! I gave you all of the information I had. I have put myself in danger to try and help the city!" I shouted. He nodded in response as if satisfied that I had not betrayed them. Other heroes in the room did not seem to share in his satisfaction. 

"So Bakugou has refused to join her even after all this time?" Aizawa continued. "Yes, well at least I think so. It has been almost 2 weeks since I saw him in person but he has not been allowed to leave the room he is in yet. "That's it!" Midoriya exclaimed. We all looked at him, urging him to continue. "Well don't you see? Everything over the past few weeks was about Bakugou." He said. I don't think anybody was following him. "The purpose of the attacks, her getting Todoroki to continue his hero work and keeping them apart. It is all about Bakugou. He refused to join her. We all know that torture wouldn't work on him, well physical torture wouldn't. He would die before he gave up on his dream and became a villain." He said. Aizawa and I caught up and figured out where Midoriya was going with his rambling. "So she took his dream and his reputation..." I said with a heavy sigh. "Exactly! She made the world hate him, she made Todoroki take his ranking and she made it look like his dream of being number 1 would never come true!" He exclaimed. "Would that work?" Aizawa said looking at Midoriya and I. I didn't know the answer. "Maybe. Especially if he l-l-loves her too." Midoriya said looking at me. Aizawa let out a sigh. "I was hoping to cancel your mission Todoroki but it seems we need to see what has happened to Bakugou and rescue him. I need you to go back to her and report back." He instructed. 

I left the agency and started to make my way to my apartment to rest before returning to the hideout. As I started walking Midoriya ran up to me. "Todoroki! Wait!" He yelled. I stopped and turned to him. "You have to save him. We owe him that." Midoriya flashed me a sad smile, rubbing the back of his nape with his hand. "I will." I replied. I headed off towards my apartment. I stripped off and headed to the shower. After showering I text (Y/N).

18:03  T to (Y/N)

Hey (Y/N) I am going to stay at my apartment tonight. The heroes are a little suspicious after today so coming back tonight would be a mistake. I will come tomorrow morning. S x

18:05  (Y/N) to T

Hey Sho! That is a good idea. I have my hands full tonight anyway. See you in the morning my love. 

With that I collapsed on my bed and the next thing I remember was the sun rise creeping through my curtains. I got up and dressed. Grabbing my phone, keys and wallet I headed to the hideout.

Bakugou P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly. Light was blinding me through the curtains. Wait? Curtains? I looked over at the sun light. Where am I? I slowly realised I was laid down. I ran my hands over the bedsheets surrounding me. I was in a bed. It was warm and soft. I turned onto my side and looked around the room. It was huge. The smell of blood and sweat was gone. It smelled sweet, like a woman's perfume. I went to push myself up onto my elbow and winced in pain. I looked at my arms and noticed bandages and dressings over the wounds that were there. I lifted the duvet and saw that I was in a fresh pair of boxers, my wounds were all clean and dressed. As I went to move an arm snaked around my waist. I flinched at the touch at first then I looked over my shoulder to see (Y/N). Small snores came from her beautiful lips and she looked so peaceful. I rolled over to her and pulled her into my chest, I wrapped my arms around her protectively. She nuzzled into my chest then looked up at me, she rubbed sleep from her (E/C) eyes and pecked my lips gently. I looked down at her and smiled. Has anybody ever looked so perfect? I thought to myself. She must have saved me from the room and cleaned me up after I passed out from exhaustion last night. "Morning sleeping beauty~" I cooed. "Morning Katsuki" She said with a wide grin. "Where are we?" I asked. "We are in our room!" She exclaimed. "This is all ours?" I questioned, quirking my eyebrow and looking around the room. She nodded. "All three of us!" She giggled. I looked at her, confusion must have shown on my face as she clarified "You, Todoroki and I all share this room." She beamed. "Like fuck am I being anywhere near that bas..." I was interrupted by a knock at the door. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now