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Todoroki P.O.V

The next day I was released from the hospital. The agency had tried to trace the text message but there were no leads. After speaking with Aizawa we were told that Shigaraki had escaped from custody and had resumed his position as head of the league. There was no activity from the league, they were underground and were obviously out for revenge. The agency were worried about Bakugou and I being targeted and forced me to accept the healing quirks of the hospital staff. I gave in to their orders because I knew I had to be ready. The agency ordered us to live together at my house for safety. Bakugou picked me up from the hospital and drove us to my place. 

As we entered my house I heard Bakugou gasp. I turned around to see him staring at the house. I had been to Bakugou's apartment and it was much smaller than my house. I smiled at him and removed my shoes. He followed my lead, discarding his shoes and following me upstairs. I placed my hero uniform in the laundry basket and put my phone on charge near the bed. "So which room am I staying in Icyhot?" Bakugou questioned. I blushed lightly when I realised I didn't have a spare room. "I have a pull out sofa downstairs." I replied, rubbing the back of my neck. He grunted in response. He was stood in the door frame with his hands stretched above his head, reaching the top of the door. He was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants. His arms looked toned but were littered with scars from the torture he had endured. An overwhelming guilt flooded my body as I studied his arms. He cocked his head slightly and I knew my facial expression had changed. I managed to shake myself out of it and my eyes trailed down his body, his tank top was slightly raised and exposed his abs. I kept staring and subconsciously licked my lips, feeling my mouth become dry. I was pulled out of my thoughts when he coughed. "See something you like Icyhot?~" he said with a devilish smirk. I blushed and tried to pretend to be busy looking in my drawers. 

"Oi you two! Where are you?" A voice shouted up the stairs. As we moved towards the stairs we saw Aizawa standing in the hall. "Are you two stupid?" He asked, with a bored expression on his face. Before either of us could answer, Aizawa pointed to the door. "Try locking the door you pair of idiots. You're supposed to be keeping each other safe." He said rolling his eyes. He let out a loud sigh. We moved downstairs and sat in the living room. Aizawa handed us a file. I flicked through it seeing pictures of the incident, reports filled out by other pro heroes and photographs of the villains. Across each page and photograph of the villains there was a stamp with the status. Captured, missing or deceased. I turned the pages, Bakugou was looking over my shoulder. 

Shigaraki - missing

Next page...

Dabi - captured

Next page...

Toga - captured

Next page...

Kurogiri - captured

Next page...

Mr Compress - deceased

As I turned the pages I could feel my heart rate pick up. I didn't want to see her photograph. I didn't want to see the words I knew were going to be on the report. I paused for a moment and looked at Bakugou. His eyes were threatening to spill tears at any moment. I turned to the next page and there she was. The picture was an old picture and she still had (E/C) eyes. Her (H/C) hair was neat and tidy. She was smirking in the photograph. As I looked at her photograph I was flooded with memories. Some of which happened in this very room. Then I read the rest of the report, my eyes travelled down to the status. In bright red letters...

(Y/N) - missing

The folder dropped from my hands, the papers scattered over the floor. "What do you mean fucking missing?" I heard Bakugou shout. Aizawa went to speak but was cut off. "She fucking died. I saw her die. Her chest stopped moving. I-I stabbed her, in the heart old man. Why is your paperwork fucking wrong?" He shouted. He was now stood up from the sofa where we had been sat. He was stood up and he was furious. Aizawa let out a sigh. "Bakugou calm down. We retrieved her body from the scene after you were pulled away. Her body was sent to the morgue as she was pronounced dead at the scene." He explained. I sat there in shock. If that was the case then how was she missing? "So why does the report say missing?" I asked. I pulled Bakugou back down to the sofa by his tank top. He resisted at first but came crashing down next to me when I tugged him more forcefully. "When Shigaraki escaped he was chased. He went to the morgue. We believe he has taken (Y/N)'s body as it is missing. We have no idea why he has taken her body but we cannot rule out the possibility that they are up to something. Therefore for official reasons she is classed as missing." He continued to explain. "Don't you think you should have fucking told us that old man?!" Bakugou snapped. "We consulted with Principal Nezu on this matter and he felt it was better to keep this quiet." Aizawa said, shaking his head. I watched Aizawa closely and he was holding back. I could tell. 

After sitting in silence for what felt like hours I decided to press further. "There's more. What aren't you telling us." I asked. "We aren't sure of anything yet Todoroki." He responded. "With all due respect Aizawa, that isn't what I asked." I said firmly. "Nezu thinks that there may be a way that (Y/N) survived." He said. Bakugou and I both gasped. How could this be happening? We both looked at him, urging him to continue. "Her quirk is known as voodoo. We had some knowledge of her quirk but we did not know the full extent of her power. Nezu thinks that it is entirely possible that she had other uses for her quirk that we weren't aware of." He stated. I looked down at the papers on the floor and at her photograph again. She could still be alive. It wasn't possible. How can somebody evade death? What kind of quirk allows you to do that? "Nezu has done some research and he thinks her quirk could be used for self-resurrection." He said with his head hung low. "You mean bringing herself back to life?" Bakugou asked. His eyes searching for answers on our mentor's face. "Yes Bakugou. The user is able to revive themselves upon death either instantly or after some time however there is very little information available about these types of quirks. As you can imagine, people with that power are not always willing to tell people about it. If this is what we are dealing with then there is no telling what state (Y/N) would be in when she returns, whether she will be the same person or whether she would have the same powers." He explained. 

"We need you both to be on high alert. We have no idea what is happening right now which is why we did not tell you however we need to make sure you are both safe. After betraying her like you did there is no doubt that you may be targeted. The text message you received has put us all on edge. It could be Shigaraki or it could be (Y/N). Either way, you both need to be ready." He said with a serious expression on his face. We both nodded. I gathered the papers and handed the file back to Aizawa. He stood up from the sofa and moved towards the door. "Be careful you two and look after each other." He said as he bid us farewell. I closed the door and looked at Bakugou, he fell to his knees and began to sob. I rushed to his side and threw my arms around him. I rubbed comforting circles on his back and held him close. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now