I am the catalyst for change.

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Todoroki P.O.V

We were all assembled in the lobby ready to go. (Y/N) ordered two defence groups to approach the news station and neutralise any security guards. We waited in an alleyway until the defence team had secured the entrance to TGK WORLD news. Dabi signalled to (Y/N) that the plan could move forward. She grabbed my hand and Bakugou's hand tightly. She then skipped towards the news station pulling us alongside her. She had a wide grin on her face and was wearing her villain outfit. She had given Bakugou and I outfits to wear as she did not want us in the hero costumes. 

Bakugou's outfit looked like his hero costume but with a few tweaks.  

According to (Y/N) my hero costume was too dull and wasn't dramatic enough

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According to (Y/N) my hero costume was too dull and wasn't dramatic enough. So she had something knew created for me. 

She also suggested dying my hair black and blue or partially black

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She also suggested dying my hair black and blue or partially black. Luckily she backed off when I said no to that idea. It was like she was a child playing with dolls as she dressed us and prepared us for her show. Bakugou didn't seem to mind at all, which surprised me. His only request was that he looked intimidating and hot. She definitely achieved that. 

As we entered the TGK WORLD news with (Y/N) she took a knife out of her belt. People gasped and started to panic as she walked through the reception. "Todoroki freeze the doors shut." She instructed. I followed her instructions. People were running and screaming. "Bakugou can we get a little bit of quiet in here?" She asked, smiling at him. Bakugou lifted his hand in the air and fired two explosions. The noise echoed in the reception and the hostages stopped. The fear was all over their faces as they stared at us. "Shigaraki! Guard the reception. I'm ready for my close up! Todoroki and Bakugou follow me." She commanded. She began to run down the hallway. Bakugou and I followed.

As we entered the news studio the presenter began screaming, the camera panned to (Y/N) capturing the events that were unfolding. (Y/N) held her head and rubbed her temples. "Bakugou, Todoroki will you please shut that banshee up!" She yelled. I noticed the cameras rolling and I froze. I didn't want to be portrayed as a villain to the world. I wanted to keep my image in tact. As I panicked about what to do I saw Bakugou propel himself towards the news desk using his explosions and he grabbed Aiko by the neck. The woman stopped screaming and (Y/N) approached the news desk. Standing in front of the desk about 2 metres away from the woman. "Do you remember me?" Bakugou questioned. The woman nodded, still gasping for breath. "You really hurt my feelings you know. He definitely has a villainous personality." He said imitating her voice. "Let me show you how right you were sweetheart." He said in a low voice. "Bakugou, enough." (Y/N) demanded. Bakugou let go of the woman and moved to the side. 

"Thank fuck for that. A bit of quiet. Now you clearly know who I am, that's good. We can skip the introductions and jump straight to your question. Is she a voodoo vigilante or is she a voodoo villain? I will give you a hint." She spoke with a sinister grin across her face. Without delay she threw the knife she was holding towards the news presenter's head. The knife hit perfectly in the middle of the woman's forehead, piercing her skull and killing her instantly. She laughed maniacally. The camera man made a sudden dash for the exit. "Oh mr camera man! Please don't leave, I need you to help me with the broadcast." (Y/N) giggled. "Todoroki my love, a little help?" She said with a flirtatious tone. I froze the camera man to the spot. She blew a kiss towards me and skipped towards the news desk, she leapt over the desk and pushed the woman's body from the chair. She sat on the chair and wiggled. She looked disgusted. She hopped back onto the desk and sat down with her legs crossed. "Welcome to your wake up call everybody!" She exclaimed. She patted either side of her, beckoning Bakugou and I to sit. I leant against the desk, facing the camera to the right of (Y/N). Bakugou jumped onto the desk with his legs swung over towards the front, facing the camera to the left of (Y/N).  She rested her hand on mine and put her other hand on Bakugou's knee. She then turned to the camera and began. 

I have come here today to give you all a different perspective. I have watched heroes and villains my entire life. I have struggled with the idea of good and evil since I was 15 years old. I always wanted to be a hero until one day my parents died. All Might killed my parents, he chose to let them die. He ran off to fight a villain instead of saving my parents who were trapped underneath rubble. My parents died so that All Might could play the hero and defeat a villain. He didn't want to waste time saving them because the real fame comes from defeating the "bad guys". But let me ask you a question citizens. Why do heroes get to say who is good and bad, who is right and wrong, who gets to be saved and who dies? Hero and villain are just words. Right and wrong are subjective. For too long we have let them set the rules. How many of you were branded unworthy of the title hero because of your quirk? How many of you have failed tests for the top schools based on your quirk? Tests that prioritise brute strength and physical prowess? These tests are made to divide us, make the rest of us feel weak. To give the heroes power. A power that makes them feel important, their egos are boosted through scores and ranks but it all really comes down to fame.

Before you today are Shoto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou. Two men branded as heroes by society but have seen the light. Todoroki suffered at the hands of a man the world calls hero but was he a hero when he abused his mother? Was he a hero when he destroyed his family trying to satisfy his own ego? Endeavor is an evil human being but yet we celebrate him. Your refusal to accept this or address his behaviour is the reason that Shoto stands here today as a villain. Bakugou has devoted his entire life to being a hero, to becoming the number one hero in fact. He is an amazing specimen, with a good heart and a ferocious determination. Now for something you do not know. Katsuki was kidnapped and held hostage for weeks. He was tortured and he was abandoned. Now you will all assume I mean by villains but he was tortured and abandoned by all of you. He was missing for 2 weeks and you all turned on him, you dragged his name through the mud and painted him selfish for leaving you. He hang on, he refused to abandon you all until finally he couldn't take it anymore. The way you value and grade your heroes is the reason that Katsuki stands here today as a villain. 

But can they be called villain? Neither of these two men are to blame for what has happened to them. The only people to blame are sat watching this broadcast. Heroes and citizens who have allowed the system to fail good people, time and time again. Those of you who want change and want to even the playing field. I want you to join me. I want you to feel success. Turn your back on a world that has lied to you, broken promises to you and failed you. Come be with me. I am not the villain of this story. I am the catalyst for change

(Y/N) squeezed my hand and turned to kiss Bakugou on the cheek. She smiled towards the camera and waited. She was waiting for something. She turned to Bakugou and said "are you ready for this my love?" At that moment a crash came from the ceiling and in front of us stood Midoriya, his body was surrounded by bolts of blue as his quirk activated. I held my breath and looked towards (Y/N) and Bakugou. Bakugou had jumped on the desk and was in a fighting stance. (Y/N) had removed two knives from her belt and jumped off the desk. "If it isn't number 1 in the flesh!" Bakugou snarled. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now