I had made my choice.

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Todoroki P.O.V

As I listened to (Y/N) monologue about her reasons for being a villain I became lost in my own thoughts. My father was always overshadowed by All Might and viewed as only second best, regardless of his impressive crime solving record. (Y/N) said that Izuku was given his power by All Might, does that mean that All Might was given his power by another? My father spent his entire life being second best to a fraud. To a person who had a stolen quirk. My father had an obsession with surpassing All Might. He went as far as forcing a Quirk Marriage upon my mother in order to conceive a child with a Quirk strong enough to be capable of surpassing All Might. Maybe my father would have been different if he knew that All Might wasn't born with his quirk? Maybe that would have been enough to make him see that he was superior. My father's obsession with All Might is the reason for the tragedy in my life. Could it all have been prevented?

No! Stop it Shoto! I remember there was a time when I watched a TV special on All Might with my mother. All Might encouraged children to make their powers their own even if they inherited their parents' abilities. The same message that Izuku had given me during our battle in the sports festival. A key part of my development as a hero, no, as a person. I had a lot to thank All Might and Izuku for, they unlocked my potential during school. They were good people, regardless of where their quirks came from. Maybe it wasn't All Might that was the problem? Maybe it was my bastard of a father?

My father, the hero. When I was five years old, I started to receive training from my father because of the successful quirk I had. However, the training was too harsh and forced me to frequently cry and vomit. My mother would try to defend me, but my father refused to listen and would even physically abuse her in front of me. He prevented me from interacting with my older siblings while they played. Some hero. The abuse my mother suffered was disgusting but she stuck around to support me, to care for me. She eventually broke down from the constant abuse, finding it painful to even look at my left side because it reminded her of my father. She snapped and threw boiling water over my face, giving me the burn over my left eye. My caring mother was broken, broken by a hero. How can he have that title? The world must have noticed when his wife disappeared right? Somebody had to care that he sent her to the hospital right? No. They didn't care. He was a hero to them and they weren't interested in what happened in our family. If you listen to this story without knowing who my father is then you would expect him to be the villain of the story right? Maybe (Y/N) is right? The world makes up subjective rules. If right and wrong existed then my father would be labelled a villain, he wouldn't be idolised or famous.

No! Snap out of it Shoto. You want to be a hero. A better hero than him. My dark upbringing left me to focus on nothing but rejecting my father. I started my journey just wanting to prove I didn't need his power to be a hero, to be better than him. The words and support from my mother now ring in my head. She would always be there to support me. Despite the abuse she suffered, she would still try to encourage me to become a hero. She told me that I am not a prisoner of my bloodline, and I could use my powers to become whoever I desire. What I wanted to be was a hero, a hero that surpasses my father and All Might. I want to be better than both of them. That is why I became a hero.

I snapped out of my thoughts. 

"I just want to love you both. I want you to join me. I want you to feel success. Turn your back on a world that has lied to you, broken promises to you and failed you. Come be with me." (Y/N) said.

Love? Did I love (Y/N)? Did I want to be loved by a villain? We still had no idea what she was planning, we had no idea if she was involved with the League of Villains or another group of villains. If we capture her now then we will never know what is happening in the criminal organisations. This could be a way in. A unique opportunity for the agency to gather intel. I could be like a double agent. I stood up from the sofa and looked at (Y/N). She held her hand out to me. I looked at her hand, thinking of the opportunity I had before me. The information I could gather could put away the criminals in Japan, it could clear the city of them and bring real peace. Then I would be better than my father, better than All Might and even take the number 1 spot in the rankings. I took hold of (Y/N)'s hand and I leaned in to kiss her to show her I accepted her proposal. "Icyhot! What the fuck are you doing?" Bakugou yelled. He shot an explosion towards us, I instinctively created an ice wall to stop the blast and protect (Y/N). I knew in that moment that I had made my choice.

Join (Y/N), play the part of the villain, gather information and relay it to our agency. I would then leave the villains and be welcomed back as the hero that took down the key criminal organisations from the inside. A real hero. The number 1 hero. 

Bakugou shot another explosion, shattering the wall. I listened to them talking. I hope Bakugou has the sense to realise what an opportunity this is. He clearly isn't as smart as me but come on, surely he should be able to figure out what I am doing?! We are friends and he should know I would never become a villain. He charged at us and (Y/N)'s eyes turned black. Her hands were around her own throat and she squeezed hard. Bakugou fell to his knees gasping for air. Fuck! What do I do? She is going to kill him. I look back at Bakugou who is clinging to his throat. I have to help him but if I help him then she will know. Shit! I am trapped. I have to hold off. I looked at (Y/N) and she looked like she was about to pass out. After what felt like hours of watching Bakugou, he eventually passed out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Why didn't I move? Why didn't I stop her? He could have died, my friend could have died. Fuck. This is going to be more complicated than I thought. (Y/N) dropped to her knees and deactivated her quirk. When she opened her eyes I gasped. The black in her right eye had spread and now covered over half of her iris. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now