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Abusive themes

Todoroki P.O.V

As I walked through the portal with Bakugou I looked over his body. The way I was holding him exposed some of the bandages and I could see blood soaking through them. He had pushed himself too far today. How could (Y/N) put him at risk like that? I carried him into our bedroom and laid him on the bed. I went to fetch some supplies from another room to clean his wounds and replace the bandages. He was still unconscious. I removed his shirt and started to remove the bandages. I cleaned the wounds and wrapped them in fresh bandages. As I finished off I looked at Bakugou's face. The side of his head had a deep gash over a large lump. The area around the wound was bruised. I moved onto the bed and sat near his head. I held his face and brushed his ash blonde hair out of the way. Some of it matted with blood. I cleaned the gash the best I could. I then held my right hand over the lump and the bruises. I activated my ice quirk to help soothe the wound. 

I sat there for 5 minutes watching Bakugou and holding my hand to his head like an ice pack. He started to stir. I went to remove my hand and leave the bed when I felt him grab my hand. He placed my hand back where it was and rested his hand on top. Small groans and mumbles escaped his lips. One of his eyes opened and he looked up at me. I smiled at him. He looked so vulnerable but so fierce. His crimson orbs piercing me to the point where I had to look away. A light shade of pink spread across my cheeks. "B-b-bakugou? Are you ok? Are you in pain?" I stuttered. "What do you think?" He replied. I looked over his body again. "You look a mess." I said. "A-a-are you saying I don't look hot?" He chuckled. "I-i-i didn't say..." I was cut off by Bakugou clicking his tongue. "Jesus Icyhot no need to be all embarrassed. I know i'm hot." He smirked. He then winked at me. Is he flirting with me? I thought he hated me. He seems different. Maybe that kick to the head did more damage than I thought. 

Bakugou P.O.V

I stared up at Todoroki, my hand still on his. I may not be his biggest fan but he had looked after me and I owed him for that. As we sat in silence everything started flooding back. It was like I was seeing clearly for the first time in weeks. I looked over my body at the bandages. The damage to my body was obvious. That fucking Deku. He did this to me. "Deku is going to fucking pay." I mumbled. "Pay for what?" Icyhot questioned. "You have to be kidding me. Look at my body! My head! He needs to pay for what he has done to me." I shouted. "Bakugou. Deku didn't do all of this. (Y/N) did. Deku tried to stop you. I think he wanted to save you." Icyhot replied. I shoved his hand off my head and sat up. My head was spinning from sitting up too quickly. "(Y/N) saved me Todoroki! She rescued me!" I screamed. "No she didn't Bakugou. She is the reason you were taken hostage, she ordered Shigaraki to torture you and made you believe that the only answer was to be with her." Todoroki said. His eyes started to well up with tears. "I should have saved you. I shouldn't have gone through with my plan." He said with tears dropping down his face. "Plan? What the hell are you talking about?!" I yelled. "I know that look Icyhot, you're hiding something! Fucking tell me." I growled. "I can't. You love her and it's too risky." He replied. I grabbed hold of him by the scruff of the neck. I growled and stared straight in his eyes. He let out a loud sigh. "Don't make me regret telling you this. Remember when I joined (Y/N) on that first night?" He said. I nodded. "Well I joined to try and work as a double agent and get information. I thought that I would be able to help take down the League from the inside and the city would be safer. It became clear that she was giving me false information because she didn't trust me." Todoroki said. Hanging his head low, avoiding my gaze. 

He has been lying this whole time? Trying to take the glory for himself?! He put me in danger. He has lied to (Y/N) all along. I let go of the scruff of his neck and untied his tie that was loosely hanging around his neck. He looked startled but allowed it to happen. I quickly moved spun him around and pulled his arms up his back so he couldn't move. I shoved him onto the bed and wrapped a tie around his wrists and tied him to the bed post. "Bakugou this is a bit kinky even for me." He said with a nervous laugh. I didn't respond. "You can wait there until (Y/N) gets back. She can decide what to do with you." I said. "You know I could just use my quirk to get free right?" He smirked. "Yes but you won't. You know if you try to run I will have to fight you and neither of us want that." I retorted. I sat down on the bed and looked at him. "If your mission failed why are you still here pretending to be a villain?" I asked. "You." He answered quickly, a serious look on his face. "What do you mean?" I looked at him quirking my eyebrow. His eyes were welling with tears again. "I couldn't leave you here ok? I couldn't watch her ruin you or watch you become a villain. I have admired you from afar and I know you think I don't like you but that's not it. I really li..." Todoroki was interrupted by (Y/N) kicking her way through the door. 

(Y/N) P.O.V

"Honies I am home!" I sang. I skipped into the room. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the scene in front of me. "Well this is awkward. Do you want me to leave you two alone?~" she said with a wide grin. Todoroki looked at Bakugou, his face looked panicked. I could barely get them to speak to each other before and here they are tying each other up for god knows what. Todoroki went to explain and Bakugou cut him off. "No need to leave us alone. We were just....getting to know each other better." Bakugou said with a devilish grin on his face. He smacked Todoroki's ass and Todoroki let out a small moan. "Did you kill him?" Bakugou asked. I shook my head. "He is unconscious and won't be waking up for a little while though. The heroes turned up and stopped the grand finale." I said. "You mean you didn't fucking do it? You promised you would." Bakugou yelled at me. I walked over to him calmly, smiling at him. As I stood in front of him I slapped him across his face. I grabbed the back of his head with a fistful of hair in my hand. Todoroki gasped. "If you weren't so fucking weak then maybe we would have finished the job. You don't speak to me like that, have I made myself clear?" I said. My tone and expression did not change at all. He nodded and held his cheek. I smiled at him and then skipped over the the dresser, I removed my villain outfit and stripped until I was fully naked. I walked to the bathroom humming to myself, closed the door and turned the shower on. 

Todoroki P.O.V

I looked at Bakugou who was stood still. "Bakugou? Why didn't you tell her?" I asked. Bakugou fell to the floor and I could hear him sobbing. I used my fire quirk to burn the tie. I moved over and sat beside him. I grabbed his head and pulled him into my chest. He didn't fight me. He continued to sob. "Bakugou?" I asked again. "You're right. She's a fucking psychopath." He said between sobs. "Let's do this together Bakugou, we can take her down then go back to our lives." I said, running my fingers through his hair to comfort him. "Our lives?" Bakugou questioned looking up at me. I nodded, rubbing the tears from his cheek with my thumb. "My life is fucking ruined Shoto. Everyone hates me and the world thinks I am a villain. How can I ever go back?!" He shouted. I thrust my hand over his mouth and motioned to the bathroom. "Bakugou we can fix it. The agency will help. You have to trust me. I won't leave you in this place, I will save you." I said as I hugged him tightly.

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now