Destroy Deku.

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(Y/N) P.O.V

As I looked at Bakugou with tears running down his face I felt a pain in my chest. Why did it hurt so much? Was it because he was upset? Was it because I cared for him? I suddenly realised it is because I caused this. I had made him cry. He was broken and it was all because of me. I had the urge to make this right, to save him and care for him. I cupped his face with both hands and wiped his tears away with my thumbs. His eyes were gripped closed and his teeth were clenched. I knew he didn't like looking weak and this definitely wasn't my Katsuki anymore. This was a broken man. He opened his eyes to look up at me when the new station became louder and his eyes shot towards the TV. The footage showed explosions, people running with panic spread across their faces and then showed footage of Deku and Todoroki. Two reporters were sat in front of a news desk discussing the incident whilst footage played in the background.

Thank god some of the heroes showed up today Aiko.

The appearance of number 1 hero, Izuku Midoriya, and the number 3 hero, Shoto Todoroki, seemed to cause the villains to retreat. 

I think you mean the number 2 hero Aiko. The polls and rankings show that Shoto Todoroki is likely to rise to the number 2 spot next quarter. Knocking Katsuki Bakugou from his ranking. 

Where was Katsuki Bakugou today? Was he spotted during the incident?

There are no reports of him showing up today. There are rumours online that he has moved to the USA to chase after the number 1 spot there. Other rumours suggest that he has joined a villain organisation. 

Well Eishun I wouldn't be surprised if either rumour was true. Did you see him at the sports festival at UA? He definitely has a villainous personality. 

Wait a moment we have a live interview coming in from our reporters at the scene. 

The screen focused on Midoriya and Todoroki. They stood with their arms around each other. Laughing and smiling for the cameras. Midoriya thanked the police for their efforts during the attack today when a reporter interrupted him. "What do you think of the rumours that Bakugou has joined the villains?" He asked. "Kacchan, I mean Katsuki, is not a villain. He is a hero and would never do that!" Midoriya said with a raised voice. Todoroki looked away from the camera. "Todoroki what do you think?" the reporter asked. "The only person that can answer that is Bakugou. I don't think listening to rumours helps anybody." Todoroki replied. 

Bakugou P.O.V

I had lost my ranking to Todoroki and fucking Deku is taking all of the glory. It isn't even his quirk! How can I ever beat All Might's successor?! All Might chose to give Deku that power. He is as strong as All Might, as loved as he was, the number 1 hero and the new symbol of peace. How could I ever rival that? People don't like me, they don't trust me and they are just waiting for me to fail. All Might decided my fate. He gave Deku everything, everything I deserved. I worked so hard my entire life to be the best, I dedicated everything to becoming the number 1 hero. The world is cruel and unfair. Nobody cares about my sacrifices, nobody cares that I have given everything to them to try be the hero they need. How dare Deku defend me on TV like I am some weakling. I am not weak and I can defend myself. That fucking bastard is looking down on me again.

My thoughts were running wild. I felt helpless and lost. (Y/N) sat on my lap and wiped my tears with her sleeve. I looked at her, trying to ignore the sounds of the TV. "Can we turn that shit off please?" I asked. "It is important you see and listen to it my love. This is how they treat heroes, this is what the world really thinks of you." She said in a soft tone. I looked deep into her (E/C) eyes. "But I love you Katsuki, in my eyes you are perfect and have such potential." She hummed. I looked at her, studying her face and tried to decipher what she was thinking. My mind wandered back to the night I discovered she was a villain and the words she said to me.

"Turn your back on a world that has lied to you, broken promises to you and failed you."

She was right. The world had failed me. I was told to work hard, train and study harder and I could become a hero. I was told I was great and that being a hero is the most noble profession. I was owed the title of number 1. I was better than that damn Deku. I knew it and so did he but being liked and being great aren't the same thing. In this world you have to be liked to be the number 1 hero. I would never be liked. I could never be soft and lovable like him. (Y/N) was running her fingers through my hair and had her other hand rested on my chest. It felt comforting. I believed her when she said that she loved me. She was a villain and quite clearly a bit of psycho but there was no doubt in my mind that she wanted me and she meant what she said. 

"I just want to love you both. I want you to join me. I want you to feel success."

What is the point of fighting it anymore? If I give in and join (Y/N) at least I would have love, infamy and I could finally beat that damn nerd. This was never the life I had planned for myself but maybe this is the way it was always going to end. Maybe I was born to play the villain? Seems that way. At that moment (Y/N) kissed my lips, small and gentle kisses. At first I didn't respond. She continued to kiss my lips and after a few moments I kissed her back. My lips placed between her top and bottom lip, kissing her gently once. She stopped and looked back at me, surprised at my action. She pulled away and raised an eyebrow at me. She moved her legs so that she was straddling my lap, a leg at either side of my body. She put her arms around my neck and crashed our lips together. She licked my bottom lip asking for entrance, I granted it. She deepened the kiss and ran her hands through my hair. Our lips parted and she said "come be with me." in a seductive tone. I thought for a moment, trying to make sense of all of my emotions and the situation I was in. "On one condition." I replied. "Just name it my love." (Y/N) said with a wide grin. "The first thing we do is destroy Deku." I said sternly. "That was always the plan, I'll even let you kill him if you behave~" She cooed. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now