We won't forget this.

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Bakugou P.O.V

After the attack all heroes worked around the clock to try and help the injured. Tokoyami, shitty hair and Tamaki all recovered quickly once recovery girl arrived on the scene. Todoroki and Deku weren't as lucky. The news had been flooded with footage of the attack. Most people were praising the heroes that had risked their lives for the citizens. There were loads of conspiracy theories about Todoroki but not as many as there were about me. I recovered in a few days and headed back to the agency to try sort everything out. I was nervous about being back. I didn't know whether they would be happy to see me or whether they wanted me back. To my surprise everyone at the agency seemed relieved when I walked in. I was welcomed back with open arms. Aizawa apologised personally for not getting me out of the situation sooner and explained the mission he had agreed with Todoroki. After a week or so the agency held a press release where they divulged the secret mission and cleared our names. To my surprise the public were really accepting of everything and thanked us for our sacrifice. If only they knew the truth.

It has been three weeks since the attack and Deku was finally released from the hospital. He had more scars to add to his collection from the fight but other than that he was fine to return back to hero work. Todoroki was still in the hospital, his wound was really severe and he would not let recovery girl heal him. According to Deku, Todoroki had told him that he deserved to feel the pain after everything that had happened. Fucking dumbass. I had not been to visit him yet. I couldn't. I didn't know how to face him after what had happened. I hesitated during the incident, my hesitation nearly got him killed. I was responsible for his pain, for his injuries and I was responsible for (Y/N)'s death. How could I possibly face him? I was weak. No. I am weak. I sighed as I walked home to my apartment when my phone beeped. 

13:45 T to B 

Is there a reason you're the only person who hasn't been to see me yet?

13:47 B to T

Does that mean you want to see me?

13:48 T to B

Of course I do. What kind of question is that?

13:49 B to T

Aww Icyhot are you missing me?


I stared at my phone waiting for a reply. Nothing. I smirked knowing that his face was probably as red as his hair. He wanted to see me. How could he? Maybe he doesn't know about (Y/N). I need to go and visit him. 

Todoroki P.O.V

I smiled at my phone after reading the message from Bakugou. I guess I was missing him. I was glad to see that the incident hadn't changed him. He was the same egotistical and overconfident man I had grown to love. I desperately wanted to see him. He was the only one that would understand how I felt. I had watched the news and I knew (Y/N) was dead. I saw the small snippet of camera footage, showing Bakugou holding her. He was pulled away from her as other pros arrived and the police began to arrest the villains. There was no funeral held for (Y/N) and after a week or so the Voodoo Villain vanished from the news. I sat in my hospital bed waiting for my wounds to heal, I refused help from healing quirks and as you can imagine I was yelled at for it. (Y/N) had lost her life and I couldn't save her, I deserve this pain and it serves as a reminder of my actions. I scrolled through my text messages, re-reading the messages from (Y/N) and thinking of the time we spent together. She was a villain, there was no doubt about that but I fell for her and my heart ached at the thought of her being gone. 

13:56 T to B

I guess I have missed my angry pomeranian friend.

13:58 B to T

I see your injuries gave you brain damage as well. 

13:59 T to B

Brain damage? No the injury was on my abdomen Bakugou.

14:01 B to T

Fuck me, you still don't understand jokes Icyhot. 

14:03 T to B

How will fucking you help? 

14:04 B to T

Look who found a sense of humour! Get some rest you idiot. 

14:05 T to B

Only if you promise to come and visit me?

14:06 B to T

Fine i'll come visit tonight.

I smiled at the exchange and placed my phone on the bedside table. I snuggled under the blanket and felt my eyes grow heavy. 

Bakugou P.O.V

I walked towards the hospital with take out soba and strawberry flavoured pocky. I walked into Todoroki's room and he was curled up asleep in the bed. His fists were clenched and resting near his face. He looked so calm and cute. I sat down on the chair next to his bed and ran a hand through his hair. The red and white was mixed together and messy. I parted his hair and straightened it up for him. "Katsuki?" Shoto said. His voice was soft and quiet. I jolted my hand back and leant back in my chair. "Sup Icyhot." I said in an uninterested voice. He started to sit up and his nose twitched. He opened his eyes fully and smiled at me. He never fucking smiles. Maybe he does have brain damage. "Is that food?" He said pointing to the bag near my chair. "I thought you might be sick of hospital food." I said rubbing the back of my neck. He looked into the bag and I swear his eyes sparkled like some anime character. I emptied the bag and put the soba and pocky on his hospital table. "How did you know my favourite foods?" Todoroki questioned. "I fucking pay attention idiot." I snarled. He always underestimates me. "You pay attention to me?~" He said with a lilt in his voice, his head cocked slightly to the side. "Don't read into it Icyhot. I am just fucking perceptive." I snapped. My cheeks heated up and I avoided looking at him. 

We sat in comfortable silence as Todoroki ate his soba. He opened the pocky and started eating. He leant over and shoved a piece in my mouth. He chuckled at how shocked I was. "I can't believe she is gone." His words caught me by surprise and there was a sadness showing in his eyes. "At least you tried to save her Icyhot. I gave her the final blow." I said. Todoroki grabbed my hand and rubbed the back of it with his thumb. "But I couldn't save her. I was too weak, I'm no hero and she died because of me." He said, a tear running down his face. "You're not weak. You're strong. You save people every day Shoto. Y-y-you saved me remember." I hung my head low as I spoke. "We saved each other Katsuki." He said as he leaned towards me. Our faces were inches apart. The atmosphere was tense as we leaned in closer. Our lips brushed lightly against each other when our phones beeped. We both pulled away and looked at our phones. 

19:10 Unknown to B & T

You betrayed her. We won't forget this heroes. 

The Voodoo Villain (Bakugou x Fem Villain Reader x Todoroki)Where stories live. Discover now