16. Help

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Jk whimpered when taehyung harshly pushes him away. He makes small noises to gain his attention but taehyung doesn't look at him

What the fuck? I am not supposed to have a mate then what is happening?

Taehyung feels his head spinning. He holds his head, groaning in pain that spread his body.

Jk whines, going towards him but taehyung pushes him away again. Jk whimpered again. He kept lifting his forelimbs and placing it back on the ground showing how nervous he is.

He nudges taehyung elbow who glares at him

"Get the fuck off!" Taehyung yells.

Jk lay down on the ground, looking at him with sad and innocent eyes. He did not want to make his mate mad at him. He went from looking like a ferocious, angry animal to a kicked puppy within seconds.

Taehyung gasps as the pain spread his body again, his temperature rising suddenly. Sweat forms on his forehead. His head was spinning and he couldn't see anything clearly. The last thing he remembered was hearing jk's howl before he fell unconscious.

Jimin hadn't returned back home. He couldn't when he knew that taehyung was in trouble. He sat on the ground, a little away from where jk and taehyung were. He kept cursing at himself for just leaving his brother alone.

He got up when he couldn't take it anymore and made his way back to the place where taehyung is.

He didn't care if he was putting his life in danger-- just like the way taehyung did for him.

He finally reached the place and gasped when he sees taehyung on the floor, with a naked jungkook-- in his human form-- standing right beside him, staring at him with an emotionless face.

Jimin was immediately by taehyung's side, lifting his upper body and placing it on his lap.

"Tae?!" He gasped again when he felt the high temperature.

He got up, picking taehyung up bridal style, and decided to go to the cedar pack and ask for help as his home-- in rafflesia was way too far.

He went away without even glancing at jungkook who was still looking at the place taehyung was in a few moments ago.

Why? Why him? I only wanted a person who would love me whole heartedly and be a good friend to me......but he can never be good. He can never love me and neither will I ever love him because we hate each other.....

......but he is my mate now.

I will reject him. I won't let him spoil my life. Jungkook thinks.


Jimin knocked on the door. He was kneeling down, taehyung on his lap. He was extremely worried when he feels how hot taehyung is.

The door opens and a woman with beautiful black hair was seen.

"Who is-" The woman gasps when she sees taehyung's state. She crouched down beside jimin, worriedly checking taehyung.

"What happened to him?" She asks, eyes still fixed on taehyung.

"H-he is my brother, Kim Taehyung. We are from rafflesia pack.....i-i don't know what happened to him..."

Eun's eyes widen, tearing up when she heard her best friend's son's name.

She immediately got up, letting jimin come into the mansion. She ordered a maid to quickly call for the doctor and took jimin upstairs to the guest room.

Jimin stares at taehyung who was tossing and turning on the bed, uneasily.

The door opened and another woman, in a doctor's attire came in.

"Hello, I'm Soohyun." She quickly introduces herself and sits down in another chair beside the bed, examining taehyung's state.

"What had happened?" She asks furrowed eyebrows while taking a few tests.

"H-he....I don't know....." He says, shamefully looking down.

Soohyun sighs and says,

"What is his rank? Did he take any suppressants when he was younger?"

"He is a moonwolf." He says hesitantly then continues

"Y-yeah he did, years ago when he was a child. The people of rafflesia were scared that his scent, which would turn poisonous whenever he was angry, would somehow effect them so they made him take a few pills which would make his wolf inactive for hours together..... And his scent would automatically get blocked. He overdosed on them......"

He shuddered at the memory of that time when taehyung was taken to the hospital because of overdosing on the suppressants. The doctors had told him that taehyung's wolf was half dead and that there was very less chances of it coming back to life.

"W-why?" Jimin asks.

Soohyun smiles. She wasn't one of those narrow minded people who think that moonwolves are a curse.

"The effect is wearing off. The pills he had taken were really dangerous and can take the life of a person if overdosed. I assume that it effected his wolf... The effect is now wearing off. This can happen only when people experience very very strong feeling ........it usually happens when people meet their mate but in this case.....a moonwolf doesn't have a mate...so I wonder what had happened to make him feel such strong emotions." She says, thoughtfully.

Jimin frowns when taehyung whimpers.

"Can you take his pain away? A-any thing I can do?"

"No, none of us can do anything at all. He had to go through the pain. No medicine can take the pain away. But I can assure you that he will be fine in a few hours."

Taehyung sighs suddenly, in relief.

They both get a strong and bitter smell of a true blood-- jungkook, making jimin get goosebumps in fear remembering what happened a few minutes ago.

"I see....... The scent is calming him down. Maybe this person can help him and make him feel less pain."  The doctor says.

Jimin nods and sees as she gets up and bows down before leaving.

He gulps in fear and was hesitating to go to jungkook and ask him for help but a sudden determination spread him when he hears taehyung's whine.

He gets up walking out of the room. He closes the door behind him. He turns around and gasps when his face comes in contact with something hard.

He shyly looks down when he realises that his head had come in contact with yoongi's hard chest.

"I....um...." Yoongi stutters.

Jimin takes this as a chance to ask yoongi to help him out.

"Can you please tell jungkook to come here? Taehyung needs him." He pleads.

Yoongi nods immediately quickly going to Jungkook's room.

He barged in without taking permission. Jungkook grunts looking at him, quickly wearing his shirt.


Yoongi holds Jungkook's hand, dragging him towards the guest room.

"What are you doing?"

"My mate wants you to help taehyung, so you will do it." He ordered making Jungkook turn emotionless again

His mate wants it......I don't. He didn't even bother asking me what I want. Just......just forcing me to do it. And I will do it because I love him but didn't he just show that he doesn't love me by not asking me what I want?

He thinks. He already knew jimin and taehyung were here when he got their scent. He could smell taehyung too and the sweet yet bitter scent made his heart do weird flips.......but he didn't like it.


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