71. Mom

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

"w-what?" Taehyung says, utter disbelief and shock flooding in him as he scans the papers infront of him.

The doctor looked at him with a bright smile. Taehyung was in the room with the doctor, while he had ordered baekhyun to stay outside the room.

After taking a lot of test with the doctor asking him multiple things about what he was feeling he had finally got the reports in his hand.

The doctor was happy with what was happening. He had a smaile etched on his face while taehyung was completely expressionless, lost in a storm of thoughts. He didn't know how to react to this information.

"You're pregnant, luna" the doctor states happily but taehyung doesn't show any signs of happiness. He just sits there frozen like a rock.

"H-how did this even happen? I'm a moonwolf ....how did I..." He stutters. The doctor frowns, hearing his words, finally understanding that taehyung wasn't happy like he is, instead he was anxious.

"You are a moonwolf but have a womb because you are an half-omega."

"But I've never had heats of any thing like that which normal omegas go through!"

"Yes, you wouldn't have because your alpha side didn't let you go through all that. You wouldn't have gone through ruts too but you know that an alpha female, who has a womb, can get pregnant too right?"

Taehyung sighs frustratedly, and rubs his forehead with his fingers. He didn't know what he's supposed to do. He was just very......confused and anxious.

The doctor bites his lip before saying, "if you do not want the child ......then you can surely abort it."

Taehyung's eyebrows furrow as soon as he heard those words.


He gulps, the words not settling well in him. He was just nervous and anxious as he thought that he wasn't ready for all those responsibilities. He didn't know if he is actually ready for having a child.

He was thinking only about himself at the moment. He was thinking whether he was ready for having a child.

Yet, the thought of killing his and jungkook's unborn baby did not seem like a good thing to do at all. This only made him really confused--- does he want the child or not?

"These are the papers of abortion. You need to sign them, your mate's sign is not required. You can take the paper and go through it but please make sure that you want to do this. We have many people who come here for abortion but at the last moment they just agree to keep the child, being too emotionally attached to it already."

The doctor says, his voice a little down, as he really did like the thought of seeing his head alpha's son or daughter but he had no say in this situation.

Taehyung dumbly takes the paper and gets out of the room, without telling goodbye. He was too lost in his world to do that. Continuous thoughts came to his mind-- and he wasn't able to concentrate on anything at all.

He ignored all the worried questions baekhyun throws at him as soon as he gets out of the room. He walks straight towards the exit of the hospital, wanting nothing more than to reach home and have a long nap, tired of having to think about the situation.

Baekhyun follows him, concerned. He wanted to know what happened but seeing taehyung so tense and tired, he decided not to press further to get answers from him.

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