43. Pain pt.1

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Jungkook jerks into a standing position, fisting his shaking hands. He gulps hardly and thinks,

No....that was a nightmare. Whatever I saw that time wasn't true.

He still clung onto the thought that his parents are alive. He shivered slightly remembering that he hadn't seen them even once for the past week

"No....if I walk out of this room and walk downstairs to the kitchen, I will find mom there. Dad will be in his office, drowned in his work." He says and chuckles but could feel tears flow down his cheeks and his wolf howling.

"They will be there......right?" He asks himself, unsure.

He takes a baby step towards the door, deciding that he wanted to go out and meet them. He then takes quick footsteps towards the door, opening it and stumbling his way downstairs.

"Where's mom?" He asks when he only sees maids inside the kitchen.

The maids look at each other with confused and sad expressions then look back at jungkook.

"Where is mom?!" Jungkook yells loudly and frustratedly. He ignored the pain which was rising on his heart.

The maids flinch at his tone but don't answer him. He whimpers slightly and harshly wipes away his tears.

If they are not going to tell me, I will find out myself. He says and then goes to his father's office, sure that he will find him there.

He knocks on the door and patiently waits for a reply....

.....but he doesn't get one. He knocks again, impatienly this time and calls his father,

"Dad?" He doesn't get a reply again and his heart kept shattering every second.

"P-please" he says but didn't hear his dad's deep voice at all. He holds his breath in and enters the room.

He looks up from the ground and sobs painfully when he sees no one on the chiar. He growled angrily when he sees how clean the office table looked which was very unusual as sang never kept his table clean-- never.

Jungkook took long strides forward and pushed all the neatly arranged files here and there, making it very messy again.

He falls on his knees sobbing, after creating a mess.

"Where are you?!" He asks to no one. He sobs harder when he doesn't get to hear his father's soft and deep voice.

"Dad?!" He calls again but gets no reply at all.

No no. Whatever I saw wasn't true. T-they must be in their room. He thinks and abruptly gets up.

He immediately goes to the their room and knocks, wishing hardly to get a reply this time but nothing comes.

With a heavy  and anxious heart, he opened the door and walked in.

"Mommy? Daddy?" He calls them, softly like the way he did when he was a child. He holds back a sob when he doesn't hear his mom's overexcited voice telling him where she is and neither does he hear his dad's deep chuckle.

He could still smell them though and he thought that maybe they were here and that it why he could smell them.

"Mommy?" He whimpers and gently pushes open the closet door and finds no one there.

Same with the washroom-- no one was there.

He decided to just call his dad.

His heart threatens to beat out of his chest, eyes lighting up and a smile coming on his face when he heard the ringtone of his father's phone from behind him.

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