42. Misery

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Jungkook's eyes snap open when he feels movement against his chest. His eyes widen when taehyung squirms in his hold, nose scrunched.

He immediately pushed himself away from taehyung, now sitting on the edge of the bed and keeping his gaze fixed on the bed not daring to look up at him.

He was internally panicking because he and taehyung were both not wearing any shirt

What will he think?

Taehyung groaned as he opened his eyes. He looked around the room in confusion, trying to remember how he ended up in the unfamiliar room.

He jerks into a sitting position, making a sound of shock as he noticed a built figure sitting at the edge of the bed.

Taehyung placed his hand on his rapidly beating heart, inhaling and exhaling deeply when he realised that it was only jungkook there.

What am I doing here?

He thinks hard and freezes when he remembered how he had fell unconscious.

He was close to losing hope on trying to live that time, when he was unconscious. His life kept playing like a movie in his mind and He had assured himself that his family will be happy even if he left. But he just couldn't leave--

He knew there was a reason that the small urge to live which was buried deep in his heart grew more and more. He knew that there was someone because of whom his heart wasn't reaady to stop beating.

But right now he didn't think of that. He was filled with immense happiness that he was alive and could live with his family for many more years.

Jungkook embraces himself and was expecting a punch, slap or hit to come his way but nothing did, instead he felt two hands wrapping around his torso tightly and a soft chest coming in contact with his harder and more muscular ones.

Jungkook's protective hands find their way to taehyung's waist as he held him softly.

He wished that his rapid beating heart went unnoticed by taehyung who was now sitting on his lap while hugging the hell out of jungkook

"I'm alive!" Taehyung says and giggles making jungkook's heart skip a beat.

He wanted to hear more of those.

Taehyung breaks away and looks at him with wide innocent eyes filled with exitement.

"Can you believe it?! I'm alive!" He says, and excitedly hugs jungkook again, humming in delight at the tingles that spread his body.

Jungkook chuckles at his mate's childlike behaviour, a wide smile on his face.

Taehyung got away from him, making him frown while trying hard to hide his disappointment.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Jimin's gonna be so happy when he sees me!" He says and quickly gets into the washroom.

After taking a short shower-- short because he was too excited to meet his brother so he didn't want to waste his time there-- he put on a robe and got out of the washroom.

He smiles softly when he sees a neat pile of clothes kept on the bed and he knew it was jungkook who kept them their.

He put on the oversized clothes which smelt strongly of the manly scent of his mate and somehow he felt really satisfied.

Without wasting another moment, he walked out of the room. Jungkook was standing right outside the room when he got out.

Taehyung smiles at him then hugging him one last time, he left.

Jungkook watched his retreating figure and tried his best to not go to him and hold him back from going anywhere.

He had to leave one day anyway..... He thinks and sighs.

He already missed taehyung.

He goes back into his room and sits on his couch, inhaling the sweet of taehyung which still lingered in the room. He could still feel taehyung's presence in the mansion, he sighed out still having the urge to hold him and not let him go away.

Taehyung went straight to yoongi's and jimin's room and knocked on it, slightly jumping excitedly.

He heard yoongi mutter a  strained 'come in' and frowned as to yoongi sounded so tired but shrugged it off and opened the door.

Yoongi looks up at him with red teary eyes

"Hyung, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why were you-"

"Tae?!" Jimin yells and before taehyung could react, he feels warm eyes wrapping around him, caging him in a hug.

Jimin pulls away and pecks taehyung's cheek repeatedly making him giggle.

"Hyung." Taehyung whines and laughs when jimin picks him up after wrapping his arms below his butt and then circles around making taehyung burst out laughing.

Yoongi just gives a small smile at the scene, too exhausted to even give a proper reaction.

"Oh my god! You're fine!" Jimin yells and then places taehyung back down.

Suddenly, jimin grew serious.

"You really need to meet mom and dad, they were madly worried for you. And I should call Jin hyung and tell him that you're fine too."

Jimin quickly unlocks his phone and calls Jin. Taehyung was really confused now.

Do they even know that Jin is namjoon's mate?

"Hello, jin hyung?"


"Hyung don't come here today. Taehyung finally woke up!"

"Really?!" Jin was beyond happy.

"Yes! Now...... Please stay at home with your mate. He must be missing you so much." Jimin says sadly. He only knew that Jin had a mate, who always missed Jin when he wasn't home and was here in cedar pack.

Jin was going to say no to the offer but jimin cut the call quickly because he didn't want Jin to stay away from his mate.

He held taehyung's hand and dragged him out of the house telling him how much their parents missed him.

Jungkook's mood suddenly turns dark when he stops feeling taehyung's presence after taehyung left his home.

Until now, he was running away from the reality, hiding away from his sadness by always inhaling taehyung's bitter sweet scent and always having him in his embrace.

But now, taehyung was gone.

He was left alone with his miseries. He had no way to run away now.

"Mom...dad..." He whispered, while staring wide eyed at the wall, tears welling in his eyes when he remembered the horrendous sight of their corpse on the floor.


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