17. Reality

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

"Tae, are you alright?" Jimin asks, worriedly when he sees taehyung's eyes open slightly.

They hadn't realised that jungkook was in the room yet.

"I-im fine, chim."

"Now tell me how all his happened."

"Jeon jungkook is my mate." He says, with utter hatred in his voice.

Jimin gasps. They hear a cough which make them snap their head towards the door-- from where they heard the cough.

Taehyung gritts his teeth in anger. He wasn't angry because jungkook tried to hurt jimin but because he was his mate.

He didn't want a mate. He wasn't the same as he was when he was a child-- when he innocently wished to have a mate who would always stay beside him and love him. Now, he feared having a mate......having a special bond with somebody.

"Why the fuck are you here?" He seethes. Jungkook looks at him disinterested, not answering his question.

"Get the fuck out."

Jungkook rolls his eyes. He was tired and wanted to sleep but because of yoongi he had to come here.

"Tae, please. Him being near you is helping you."

"No, I don't want his fucking help. Ask him to leave."

"Tae......" Jimin sighs. 

Taehyung was fed up so he got up, throwing the blankets away. He stood up, his legs wobbling.

Ignoring his brother's protests he walks towards the door. He pushed jungkook away away harshly, both fisting their hands when they feel the tingles spread their body.

The reality-- that they were each other's mate was harsh. They didn't want it.

Taehyung growls as he takes quick steps, going downstairs and walking towards the door.


A soft voice was heard. The person placed her hand on his elbow, making him stop moving forward.

He turns around, glaring at the person, harshly retracting his hand.

"S-son, you have a fever....you shouldn't" she shudders in fear because of the scary glare which was directed towards her.

"Shut up." He was trying his best to hold back his anger. He turns away, sighing and then walks out of the homely mansion.

Eun smiled at his retreating figure.

He really is very strong. Half omega but could make an alpha like me, shudder in fear.  My baby....... taehyung.

She wipes the lone tear that escaped her eyelid.

"Please, please go with him." Jimin pleads jungkook who just rolled his eyes.

Yoongi harshly held his shoulder.

"Jimin wants you to go so just shut the fuck up and go." He orders, turning red in anger.

Jungkook exhales deeply quickly leaving the place because he was sure if he would stay anywhere near his brother then he is only going to feel sad.

He will be reminded again again that his brother didn't want him anymore.....he only wanted his mate.

He takes his sword and leaves the mansion


'celestial?' taehyung calls his wolf. He was sitting near a pond, still in cedar pack.

'Taehyung.' he hears his wolf's voice and sighs out in relief.

'how are you, celestial'

'im still feeling very weak. I am sorry I couldn't be there for you for so many years.'

'no no it was my fault. I'm sorry for taking those pills even though I knew they hurt you......but can you tell me why all that happened today?'

'my mate. We met our mate, tae. I knew it from the first time i saw him but I couldn't tell you because of my state. He probably didn't know too because he never got our scent to even recognise us as his mate.' celestial explains

'i wish I didn't have a mate.'


Taehyung wanted to answer but was cut off by the sound of rustling leaves. He focused on his senses, keeping his guard high.

He snapped his head towards his left when another wolf-- a rogue came out from the bushes. The rogue had its teeth bared, stance defensive.

Taehyung wanted to do something but was too tired to even move a muscle.

The rogue noticing taehyung's tiredness, took it as a chance to attack him.

Be leaped forward, growling, ready to capture its prey.


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