34. Anger

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov


Taehyung yelled, looking around frantically in search of jungkook. He huffed when he gets no reply.

Namjoon is a true blood just like jungkook.......what if whatever the book showed me comes true?

He gulped, sighing out loudly before getting back to doing what he was doing-- searching for the angry true blood.

Deep within his heart, the thought of his impending death still remained-- making him even more gloomy.

He didn't want to die. He wanted to continue living his life with his loving family and friends. He totally regretted the choice of staying away from jungkook.

He wanted to go back in time and save all this from happening.

He remembered the time when he heard his inner voice telling him to turn back and convince the person-- who he now knows was namjoon-- to not let this from happening. How bad he wished now that he hadn't ignored the voice.

What will happen now?

He definitely didn't want to know because he knew whatever going to happen wasn't good.


Jk growled again when he smelt the filthy scent of rogues and he knew that namjoon was one of them (he doesn't recognise his scent because he was too young when namjoon left the pack)

He took huge steps, leaping across the thorn bushes and branches which had fallen on the ground due to the heavy storm from the previous night.

He jumped on one of the water puddle, the water splashing everywhere.

His movements  halted when the scent got stronger. Growling loudly, he took a huge leap and when his paws came in contact with the floor, he looked up, baring his teeth.

They were right there-- all of those people who took the lives of those people who meant so much to their families.

He didn't include himself as one of those people who lost someone they loved because he believes that his parents are alive.

Sure enough, there were many of them-- including the ones who were locked in their prison for the past weeks.

Jk growled when he saw his brother who was standing among them.

Namjoon took a few steps forward, standing defensively in front of his second family-- those rogues.

His stance was defensively but his eyes were soft as he looked at his youngest brother's wolf.

"Baby brother....." He whispers, softly. He knew how mad the younger was at him at the moment, but that didn't stop him from calling jungkook the way he always used to.

Jk growled dangerously and loudly, making a few rogues there, shiver in fear.

Suddenly, they were all worried for their own lives. Suddenly, all of them grew selfish and were ready to give up their fellow rouge's life to save theirs.

Now, they didn't care if namjoon died. They just didn't want to die themself, so they hid behind him, urging him to fight with jungkook.

Jungkook shifted back into his human form. He didn't care about his naked body-- the others there were naked too.

"Kook....." Namjoon tries to stop the younger but he knew it was of no use when jungkook stared back at him with expressionless eyes. 

"Why...." Jungkook whispered but they were able to hear him.

"Why did you do that?" Jungkook looked up with brightly shining red eyes.

Namjoon didn't reply. He was frozen in place when jungkook turned back into his wolf form, running forward and pushing him away from the others.

The other rogues screamed at namjoon to protect them but he couldnt move-- was still frozen, staring wide eyed as jk tore apart one of the rogue's head from its body.

Namjoon just watched. Just watched as every single one of his second family were killed by the angry black wolf.

One by one every one died. The screams ceased.

Jk killed all of them-- except the small little kids. Even though he was fuming angry, he wasn't heartless and evil like these dead rogues were. He couldn't kill those innocent pups who were looking at hin wide teary and scared eyes.

Jungkook shifted back into his human form, whole body covered with the blood of those filthy rogues.

All namjoon saw was red after that. He stood up from the ground, gritted teeth.

He was angry, very very angry. He didn't care if it was his younger brother standing in front of him

He just wanted jungkook dead.

And jungkook-- wanted namjoon dead.


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