32. Anxious

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Third person pov

Taehyung felt his heartbeat quicken. Jimin was telling him something, but he couldn't hear it.

His body shook slightly in fear, as he nervously fiddled with his fingers.

"Tae, are you alright? You look sick." Jimin says, worriedly.

Taehyung just nods his head and doesn't look up from the table.

They were in their last class of the day. The day went really bad for taehyung because the whole time-- he was anxious even though their wa no reason for him to be anxious.

His anxiety was rising by the second and now he knew-- he knew it was the day he was going to do his purpose.

He had thought all these years that at such a  time, he would be thinking about his family, the memories that he had with his friends and other such things but right now there was only one person in his mind--


He had decided to ignore the older, didn't even dare to look at him because he didn't want to have any feelings for him-- he didn't even want to feel the stuff a person feels when he is near his mate.

He ignored every urge to look at his strong features and avoided all the urge to speak to him.

His wolf isn't active and so, maybe, it was easier for him to ignore the bond and act like he doesn't have a mate.

All the while he thought it would help him. He thought that it will surely be better for to stay away from jungkook......

.......then why does he regret doing all of it now?

Why does he feel that it would have been much better if he would've just given in to his wants and spoken to jungkook.

Now, He feels that it would've been better if he had made jungkook his friend atleast.

He looked back and spotted a jungkook who was writing the notes in his notebook. Jungkook's eyebrows were furrowed, eyes focused on what he wrote which made taehyung's eyes soften.

He had caught jungkook staring at him many times and it was clear to him that jungkook was also having weird wishes to stare at him and speak to him.

He only felt pure regret that he will be dying soon and he wouldn't even be able to speak to jungkook properly.

'go to the cedar pack house, now.'

he heard the same voice which he had heard days ago when he was taking the magical book back to cedar pack.

He frowned, gulping as cold sweat formed on his forehead.

He couldn't hear the continuous questions which baekhyun and jimin were throwing at him.

His mind only focused on the words his inner voice told him. He quickly mindlinked both yoongi and jungkook

'take me to your mansion, now. Please'

Jungkook snapped his head towards taehyung when he heard the anxious voice. He frowns when he sees how distressed taehyung looked.

'what happened?' Yoongi asks, concerned.

'just please take me there.' taehyung pleads.

'tae, there is only 15 minutes until the class ends. After that, we will take you there, alright?'

Taehyung doesn't say anything, just anxiously taps his feet on the floor and bites on his lower lip. His hands constantly shook-- in fear.

Jungkook, who could very much feel his mate's stress, wanted to pick him up and take him to the place he wanted to go-- so he could relieve his distressed mate but he sat back and watched taehyung's nervous behaviour with a frown etched on his face

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