40. Explain

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Jungkook told hyungseok about everything-- from the time he killed the rogues to the time the 2 swords stabbed taehyung's glowing body.

Hyungseok listened intently then flashed jungkook a wide smile, almost blinding jungkook, who now knew from whom hoseok had got his smile.

"So..... I was right. I knew it from the time he told me that he has a mate that his mate will be the one who will save him."

Hyungseok ignored jungkook's confused eyes and continues,

"I told him not to underestimate the mate bond's power but he wasn't ready to even have such a bond with someone."

Those words kinda hurt jungkook. He looks down and almost pouts because his mate wasn't ready to accept him.

"Well then, it is proved that a moonwolf can have a mate. The statement that us reseachers had made-- that they didn't have mates-- was completely false." Hyungseok said.

"B-but he had completed his purpose..."

"Yes son, he had and if you're trying to ask why he isn't dead then like the other moonwolves then...... To answer that I can only say one thing-- the previous moonwolves didn't have a mate like he does. They didn't have someone to share their immense pain with anyone, but he did."

Jungkook looked at him with curious eyes, wanting to know more.

"And you know what? All the previous moonwolves death was probably because they had a lack of connection with somebody-- not only did the society reject them but also their families hated them. But taehyung, his case is different. While the others had no reason to live, taehyung did. He loved his family so he didn't want to leave. Also, your love didn't let him leave."

Hyungseok smiles at him.

"T-then what about the true blood swords......I thought they can kill every single  living thing if used on them bu-" jungkook was cut off

"You really don't know about your own powers, do you?" Hyungseok asks, unamused.

Jungkook presses his lips into a thin line. It was true, he knew nothing more than the fact that his powers was related to heat.

Hyungseok sighs and pulls his phone outside his pocket. He unlocks the phone and open a certain site before saying,

"Let me tell you about your own powers." He says and snorts before reading out the stuff from his phone.

" 'true bloods have deadly powers which are capable of killing a person/wolf/demon wolf within seconds. The sword can have constructive as well as destructive effects-- depending on the intention of the true blood who uses his sword. When the sword is used upon the person who had angered the true blood, then the person dies immediately.' "

Jungkook looks at hyungseok with wide doe eyes.

Hyungseok sighs, thinking how dumb the younger can be before asking,

"Was taehyung the person who angered you or the one who made you call for your sword?"

Jungkook thinks for a while and hyungseok was close to slapping the back of his neck, done with his stupidity.

Finally, jungkook shook his head a 'no'.

"Then? How will the sword's power be the same. Obviously, the power was much much less when it hit the person it wasn't supposed to hit. Do you get it, you dumb true blood?"

Jungkook chuckled and nodded his head.

He was really really happy that taehyung was alive. So damn happy that the only thing he wanted to do now was carry taehyung up and keep him in his embrace forever.

But could he do that? Taehyung didn't love him so will be let jungkook even remain any close to him?

Hyungseok bid jungkook goodbye before repeateding the process of touching his forehead with taehyung's feet to give him respect, before leaving the room.

Jungkook quickly went inside his washroom to take a quick bath to wash off thr dirt from his body.

He dried himself quickly and put on some sweatpants and joined taehyung on his bed. He didn't have shirt on-- the way he never does when sleeping.

He slowly and carefully wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist and pulled him softly to his chest without applying a lot of pressure on his upper abdomen.

Taehyung suggled a little closer to his chest. Jungkook pecked taehyung's forehead and his cute little nose where a tiny mole lay.

"Goodnight, love." He whispered into his ears and closed his eyes, unconsciously holding taehyung a little bit more tightly before saying,

"I love you."


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