60. Deserve

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Ignore the mistakes plz
Warning: violence.

Third person pov

Jungkook abruptly gets up. He was feeling weird for a lot of time now but thought that it was only because he was worried for his taehyung.

But now he realised that it wasn't his own feelings of anxiousness but it was from the bond-- it was what taehyung was feeling.

And that was when he heard Taehyung call him.


He gulps, eyes brimming with tears because of how broken and tired taehyung sounded. It wasn't mindlinked, he just felt taehyung calling him, probably by the bond.

The other people in the room share confused glances.

"Alpha, are you alright?"

They don't get any reply from him. Thier confusion only increased when jungkook stormed out of the room.

Jungkook took the keys of his motorbike, running out of the house. He got onto the bike, and set off in a really high speed, with an highly unsettling fear in him.

Jungkook doesn't care about his motorbike and let's it fall as soon as he got off of it, after reaching taehyung's house.

He stared at the gates of taehyung's house, the surrounding being oddly calm. He entered the gates and opened the door without knocking. He had his brows furrowed as he scanned the living room.

He gulps when he sees no one there.

"Taehyung? Mrs. Kim?"

No response at all.

He, out of habit, walks right into the kitchen and what he sees there, makes his heart drop.

His hands shake when he sees the blood and the broken glass pieces on the floor. His eyes brim with tears when he realises that it was taehyung's blood.

He followed the bloodied footprints, which took him upstairs and that is when he hears grunts and small growls from inside the room.

He didn't know what to feel at that moment. He felt like his whole world shattered.

He knew this would happen-- he hated it that he let it happen.

He couldn't do anything right? Taehyung told him not do anything then how was it his fault?

But how could he not blame himself when he knew what was going to happen yet didn't do anything to stop it from happening. Taehyung was really kind-hearted and sweet to see the evil in his cousin but jungkook knew that minho's intention was wrong, yet he didn't do anything.

He placed his trembling hand on the knob of the door, twisting it. he opened the door.

His blood boiled, anger rising horribly in him when he sees the scene in front of him.

There was a man-- he knew it was Minho, hovering over the tiny body of his mate, marking his taehyung's skin. Taehyung had his eyes shut close, teeth gritted as his hands clenched on the sheets of his bed. No sound escaped his lips even when Minho was dirtily touching him and marking his beautiful skin.

Thankfully, even though he was late, he wasn't that late-- he reached there before Minho could do anything further-- before he could end up raping him. 

His blood boiled when he sees the asshole's hand fumble with the waistband of taehyung's boxers, trying to take it off.

Everything after that happened in a second.

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