3. Captivating

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Taehyung pov

I enter the huge college's gates, looking around and finding most of the people looking at me.

I was very used to all this attention. My beauty never let people concentrate on anything else but I was really annoyed at the moment-- not because of the stares but because I was alone.

Jimin hadn't come along because he had some work to do. He promised me that he will come after a while and bring my best friend, Baekhyun along with him and that is the only reason I let him go,
or I would just drag him along.

I walked through the hallways, trying to find my first class. The hallways were already cleared out so I guess the classes have already started.

After walking for a long time, I reached the room finally. I barge in without asking for permission, the way I always do.

"Who the hell are you?" The angry professor asks me. I looked at the sheet of paper in his hands to get to know his name.

Mr Choi

I walked into the class, standing in the centre and then introducing myself.

"Kim Taehyung," was all I said. I could see the other students looking at each other in confusion and I already know why they are confused.

They can't smell my scent.

"what's your rank? The professor asks, his eyebrows raised.

"That isn't important Mr Choi. The rules of the school clearly tell that the students can choose to not disclose their rank."

"But I order you to tell me your rank"

I scoff at that.

How stupid is this guy?

"You really think you can order me around? No. I'm definitely not going to do everything you tell me to"

I say and shrug. Ignoring the professor's angry yells, I walk to the back of the class to take a seat.

"Come back here!" Mr Choi uses his alpha voice which was definitely against the rules.

I smirk, not even a little affected by his alpha voice.

I was half-alpha and so the alpha voice of others don't do shit to me.

I sit down on one of the empty seats at the back of the class. I hear a few gasps, and could feel the burning glare of the furious and confused alpha but do I care? No.

I wasn't interested in listening to what was being taught anyway so I put on my earphones and listen to songs, ignoring the way the students stared at me with utter shock and disbelief.

I just wanted someone to be here along with me because I hate not having someone to goof around with but both Jimin and Baekhyun weren't here at the moment and that was really pissing me off.

Jungkook Pov

I got late only because my hyung, Yoongi who took a lot of time for getting dressed. I had just let him know how annoyed I was because of him but he didn't give a fuck about it.

We got into our car-- I was driving like always-- with my lips pressed into a thin line, still angry at Yoongi hyung.

"Oh come on, Jungkook, we're just late. Why are you so mad at me?" Yoongi chuckles, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Hyung, you know how much I hate attention. None of the students dares to even look at me at any other time but all of them will stare when we enter the class late" I say, huffing.

Yoongi hyung just sighs and pats my shoulder, shaking his head in disbelief.

"You can hide by standing beside me, ok?" He says teasingly which got me madder.

"Even if I do that, your short height ain't gon' hide me" he looked at me with disbelief for a second before hitting my shoulder making me hiss in pain and then chuckle at him.

I have 2 elder brothers - Yoongi and Namjoon. Yoongi's an alpha while Namjoon is a true blood like me. 

I love Yoongi hyung more than any other person in the world-- I'm ready to give my life for him. We're always stuck to each other and love each other so damn much and I'm sure that Yoongi hyung keeps me before anybody else.

But I hate Namjoon. I haven't seen him for years now. We were very young when our parents decided to make me the alpha of the cedar pack after my dad, Jeon Sang.

That made Namjoon's wolf very angry because he felt that his rights were being taken away from him. He created so many problems in the pack house, injured many people under the influence of his true blood wolf and finally left-- vanished.

We don't know where he is and when he'll return. I don't want him to return after whatever he did to the pack members but my parents hope that he'll come back to them. They love him, wholeheartedly, even if he hated them.

We finally reached the college and were already 30 minutes late for our first-class which made me grumble curses at Yoongi under my breath.

I knocked on the door before opening, the door ajar, eyes landing on Mr Choi who sighed out in frustration.

"Get in"

We both entered the class.

"Why are you late?"

"Mind your own business, Choi" Yoongi mutters, looking disinterested at the professor. Choi couldn't do anything else but scoff at us.

"I won't let you enter the class if you get late from next time onwards," Mr. Choi says. It was clear that he was angry but was holding back his anger because he knew he couldn't do anything to us.

The college gets most of its funds from the alpha of cedar pack, who was my father. They depend on us and so, don't dare to do anything which might upset us. They needed money after all.

"We attending your boring classes is a big thing on its own," Yoongi mutters under his breath, but enough for the whole class to hear it. Some people snickered at hyung's remark. I smirk when I see Mr Choi gritting his teeth.

I hate him. Just hate everything he does and the way he behaves with his students-- he always behaved like he was a god and we are supposed to worship him. He's been teaching here for many years-- that's what I always hear,  but none of us even pay attention to him.

And I like it that way-- when he gets insulted or gets disrespect.

I walk to the back of the class to settle on my usual seat but furrow my eyebrows when I see that someone was sitting on my seat. It wasn't like I care but no one ever dared to actually sit on my seat, because they were scared of me, a trueblood.

I never did anything wrong to them but whatever. It's better this way-- atleast I don't have dumb people coming to me and trying to start a conversation.

I hate that kind of stuff.

I take a seat about 2 seats in front of my usual seat. I realised that the new guy was probably a transfer student.

My eyes widen in amusement when I see the new guy bobbing his head while listening to songs, totally ignoring Mr Choi.

I could hear the people around me whisper stuff about him. They were stealing glances at him now and then. Well, I was too, because the guy was just very...


He looked like an omega because he had extremely soft and beautiful features and I bet he knows that he looks beautiful.

But the main thing which caught my eye wasn't his beauty but the way he doesn't care about the other people staring at him. I wish I could be like that because every time I am in such a situation, I want to beat the fuck out of those people who are looking at me.

It would be so fun to punch those eyes which know nothing but to stare and kick their asses, mercilessly.

Don't think I do that on a daily basis.

I don't do stuff like that. Trust me.


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