33. Corpse

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

"Where is everyone?" Jungkook asked, alarmed.

The maid doesn't reply, just keeps her head bown down in respect as she sniffled.

"Where is everyone?" Jungkook asks again, through gritted teeth because he was angry that the woman wasn't giving him an answer.

The lady continues to remain quiet, as if contemplating on telling them something because she didn't know if it would be fine or not.

"Answer the damn question!" Jungkook yelled, dangerously moving towards the poor omega who shuddered in fear, looking at him with scared eyes.

She points towards a certain room and blurts out the next words,

"The w-warriors and s-some pack members are in there-- all d-dead and the other omegas and m-maids are in the  basement- h-hidden."

Yoongi's and jungkook's eyes widen. They storm into the room the maid had pointed towards, worried because she had mentioned that the people in there were dead.

Yoongi went into the room first and gasped when he saw the immense number of corpses-- of alpha warriors, a few pack members and even little pups-- all laying with blood flowing out of their body.

The room was a whole bloody mess. The bodies had swords pierced through their body, angry red marks scattered on their skin, clothes torn apart.

Thry wouldn't take a second to know that the people who attacked them were very strong-- the scene in front of them proved it.

Among the many corpses boh the brother spotted 2 corpses-- which made their heart sink to the bottom, their life draining from their bodies.

Yoongi let's out a horrified scream when he spots the corpses of--

-- his parents-- Eun and Sang.

Yoongi ran forward, falling in his knees beside his parents' dead bodies, which were brutally stabbed here and there, angry claw marks all over their body. The only thing which helped them recognise who they were was the faint smell coming from them.

The sight itself was so shocking-- the bodies of the 2 middle aged people covered in blood to the  point that no ome could spot even one tiny spot on their body which wasn't covered in blood.

taehyung held back the urge to throw up. A huge lump formed in his throat, he shivered everytime he heard the painful scream of yoongi.

Jimin was immediately by his mate's side, holding him softly while crying along with him.

The only thing they could hear were the heartbreaking screams and sobs of yoongi, who held onto his father's body for dear life while pecking his mother's face every once in a while, not caring about the blood which was now staining his clothes and skin.

Yoongi kept yelling at them to wake up-- but it was of no use as they were already dead. They were never coming back to them now.

Taehyung sobbed softly, holding onto the bloodied couch for support.

This wouldn't have happened if we would've arrived here earlier. He thinks.

Almost immediately his eyes widen and he lifts his gaze from the ground to look at jungkook, who stood there completely emotionless.

Taehyung heart clenched in pain, a painful sob escaping his lips as he looked at the older.

There was no doubt that jungkook was the one who loved eun and sang the most in this world.

Those eyes which always held a deep adoration whenever he looked at his parents was now emotionlessly staring at their corpse.

There wasn't a bright smile in his face now, no glint of happiness in his eyes, his eyes didn't turn into crescents now-- like the way they always did when he saw them.

He looked dead from the inside-- completely lifeless

Taehyung walked forward towards jungkook, softly patting his shoulder to gain his attention but that didn't happen as jungkook continued to stare at his parents'corpse.

"Kook?" Taehyung calls out softly, sniffling.

"Wake me up. This isn't true. Wake me up please."

Taehyung frowns when he hears the words escaping jungkook's lips. The voice sounding so tiny and vulnerable.

Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's arm, shaking it softly.

"Jeon?" He attempts to get his attention again.

"Wake me up." Jungkook whispers again.

"Kook!" Taehyung yelled.

But jungkook didn't come out of his trance making taehyung's heart clench.

They hear fast approaching footsteps and minutes later the room was filled with the pack members and the maids who were until now present in the basement for their safety.

Some of them began crying immediately after seeing the scene while some just stood, frowning.

Their were many people in there who had lost one of their family member-- some lost their kids, some-- their mate, and some lost their parents.

But jungkook lost his whole world-- his parents were the people he loved the most-- they were dead now. But he didn't accept it.

He clung onto the hope that all of this was only a nightmare and he would wake up soon to find his mother smiling happily at him while greeting him good morning.

But that will never happen now.

"Young master, you have to take revenge! You can't let the people who did this get away easily!" One person yelled.

"Yes, young master! They can't just get  into the pack, kill all of the pack members and leave!" Another one cried.

Jungkook, finally, got out of his trance. His irises turned bright red. He was fuming in anger.

"No! What so you expect him to do?!" Taehyung asks, panicking slightly, his hold on jungkook's arm tightening.

He didn't want jungkook to get hurt because of trying to take some stupid revenge on some assholes.

"You aren't a part of the pack so you have no say in this matter!" An alpha growled but taehyung wasn't affected by it even a little bit.

Jungkook hears the pained cry of his brother and the other pack members.

"Who did this?" He asked, voice unusually calm but they knew he was terribly angry.

Taehyung bit his lip to hold back a whimper because of the angry pheromones jungkook was giving out.

"Namjoon. Your brother, Jeon namjoon."

A true blood......oh no. Taehyung thinks.

Jungkook stormed out of the room after harshly pulling his arm away from taehyung's hold

Taehyung followed jungkook outside, tellin him to stop but jungkook didn't hear him

A loud growl erupted in the quiet atmosphere as jungkook's clothes tore apart, and a pitch black huge wolf with bright red and angry eyes appeared-- jungkook had shifted to his wolf form.

Jk immediately started running deep into the forest while sniffing the air to get the scent of his oldest brother.

Taehyung ran behind him but lost him halfway because of how fast jk was.


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