25. Worry

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Third person pov

Yoongi goes right to jimin, pecking him on his lips, making jimin smile.

"I missed you." Yoongi says

"It's been only 5 fucking hours since you last met." Baekhyun says, shaking his head and rolling his eyes.

Yoongi and jimin totally ignore him and continue to speak in whispers as their faces was only inches away from each other, yoongi protectively holding him.

"The book......" Taehyung starts. He was thinking whether or not to let jungkook know whatever the book showed him

"Yeah, umm.....thank you so much for helping us" jungkook said, smiling softly.

Taehyung smiles widely and decided not to tell anything to him

If the book decided to show all of those things to me only......then I don't think it's necessary for them to know all of it.

Jungkook looks down, not being able to keep an eye contact for long because of the same odd feelings.

He frowned when he noticed the deep wounds in taehyung's leg

"You're hurt...." He mumbled lowly

"Hmm?" Taehyung asks as he hadn't heard what jungkook said

"Nothing" jungkook quickly said, because he didn't want taehyung to feel that he cared for him or something like that.

Taehyung nods and opens his mouth to tell something about how they're going to take the book back to cedar but before he could speak, baekhyun whined

"Guys, all of you are being so lovey dovey in front of a single ass like me....... I'm getting bored...." He says and pouts

Taehyung takes his heel out and throws it at baekhyun, getting annoyed because he had enough of listening to him say that he was bored.

Baekhyun smirks after he caught the heel midair

"You always do shit like that so I'm always ready for it." Baekhyun says and winks, taehyung rolls his eyes.

And jungkook was very close to pouting.

Even I want him to know about what he always does and what he doesn't. What he likes and what he doesn't.

he thinks. He imagines seeing taehyung smiling at him the way he does while looking at others.

He didn't know why but he to be the one who brought the smile on his face..... no one else.

"Ok.....I'll just wear more comfortable clothes and then we can leave to your pack. Alright?" He asks and jungkook immediately nods, looking at him with wide innocent eyes for a second-- before looking back down with a small red tint on his ears

Taehyung grows confused at his actions

He never makes an eye contact with me for more than a few seconds.......and now he looks..... embarassed? It looks like that because his ears are red.

Taehyung shrugs, again telling himself that he doesn't care-- like the way the tells himself always.

He goes in quickly, the book still held protectively in his arms.

He comes back minutes later, clad in shorts-- which reached up to his knee and a white-- a little oversized tshirt, which exposed his godly collarbones

Jungkook gulped and wondered how he managed to look so beautiful in those simple clothes

Who are you kidding? He will look good in every thing he wears and even if he isn't wear anyt-

Shut up!

He tells him and grows flustered. He bit his lips, yet again trying to hold back his thoughts.

"Hey? Are you really alright? You're becoming redder and redder." Taehyung says, a hint of worry in his voice.

"N-no. I'm fine. Let's go." He says, still blushing. He kept his gaze fixed on the ground.

Taehyung sighs and turns around

"Jimin, you're staying here?"

Jimin nods so taehyung says,

"Ok, take care. You can call me if anything is wrong. Baekhyun stay the fuck here-- If you leave jimin alone then I'm going to chop your legs off and yeah, jimin don't eat too much ice cream at night-- you'll get sick aga-"

"Just go! You're staying there only for a night--- not for a week or something"

Jimin yells, hugging his mate one last time before pushing him towards the gate, telling him to go.

"Baek" taehyung says, in a pleading voice and baekhyun nods at him telling him that he will take care of jimin

He loved jimin way too much to not care about him but he knew that if baekhyun was here then nothing will happen.

"Ok, let's go." Yoongi says.

Taehyung had put the book in another bag, a stronger one his time, to make sure that it doesn't touch Jungkook and yoongi because-- obviously, he didn't want them to die.

He freezes in his place, still at the gate of his house, when he feels someone watching them-- closely. He could feel the presence of a person and hear his heartbeat-- he was sure that they were being watched.

He held the bag more tightly, his other hand finding Jungkook's and unconsciously holding on to it tightly, making the poor guy's heart beat so hard that he was sure he will die if it continues to beat like it.

They started walking into the forest, making their way to cedar, yoongi leading them and taehyung and jungkook walking right behind, still holding hands.

Jungkook could feel how stiff taehyung was but didn't go to ask him if he is alright. He even wanted to ask him why he's holding his hand-- but didn't ask that too.

He didn't want this moment to end. He loved seeing taehyung's hand engulfed by his larger ones, him holding onto it protectively-- it made him feel ecstatic and he didn't know why such a small action was affecting him so much

Taehyung kept his guard high. They were being followed-- by whoever the coward was, who didn't dare to let them know about his presence.

'turn around. Face the guy. Tell him that whatever he is going to do is wrong' he hears an unfamiliar voice in his mind.

He gulps thinking about the words.

What was that? Why did it tell me turn around? And.......face the guy? Should I turn around and talk to the guy? but what if......What if he wants the book? I can't take a risk.

Taehyung tells himself and continues walking, not knowing that his act of ignoring the the unfamiliar voice was going to be the cause of huge problems later on.


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