45. Change

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Ignore the mistakes plz

Taehyung pov
1 week later.

So many days were over since the day I completed my purpose. It feels so good to be able to breathe properly and not think about that day when I will stop breathing.

It had been a week since I came home from the cedar mansion. I was shocked when jimin told me that I was unconscious for a whole week.

I remember how tightly my mom and dad held me when I got back home that day. They were weeping while kissing me everywhere on my face and it was clear that they were happy to see me alive.

My mom kept wailing as she said that she regretted not going to cedar pack earlier to meet her best friend. They had waited for so many years to talk to each other but she couldn't even speak to her once before she died.

It saddened me that I couldn't do anything about it but that is when I realised that I had very selfishly left the cedar mansion without even asking yoongi and jungkook if they're fine or not.

I had called hyungseok one day and asked him why I'm still living after completing my purpose. He told me that their fucking research was wrong and that moonwolves can live even after completing their purpose if they had a mate.

That angered me a lot because every second of my life, I would think about what will happen to my family after my death but now I am being told that the research is itself wrong.

Everything seemed fine now.

My mom was somehow over the fact of her best friend's death.

Jimin looks like he is doing very well and yoongi, he is doing much better too. He laughs and smiles freely now and it wasn't forced like the way it was before. He stopped having nightmares and was now over the death of his parents' too and was overprotective of his family-- jimin and his unborn child.

But jungkook.........

Everytime I think everything is fine, just a glance at him proves me wrong.

He isn't fine, definitely cannot be.

Which normal person would have anxiety for no reason? He always fidgets with his fingers or taps his foot on the floor anxiously.

There was a huge change in his behaviour too.

He doesn't laugh at baekhyun's lame jokes now-- hell he doesn't even react to anything at all. He suddenly started wearing full sleeved shirts-- which looked really good on him-- but I have never seen him water those before.

He seems lost-- lifeless. He flinches at everything and......always looks scared.

I don't feel his continuous stares anymore and I doubt he even looks at anybody at all.

I saw him gasping and flinching badly once, when someone had just held his hand to get his attention-- it looked like the touch burnt him.

He doesn't eat lunch-- doens't bring any food for lunch too which made me worried for his health. I asked jimin who makes yoongi's lunch and he told me that he himself makes it. When I asked him if jungkook eats food properly or not-- he said he didn't know.

That made me so damn mad that I yelled at him and called him careless and made him cry. But what could I do? Jungkook is his family too......he should be taking care of him.

Well, I should be taking care of him too because he is also my family but how could I speak to him when he ignores me always?

I tried..... Tried to speak to go to him and ask him if he's alright but he didn't answer me, just nodded his head stiffly. I could feel the anxious pheromones getting stronger and knew that it was because of me being near him.

I didn't know why he was anxious around me and didn't know if asking him such a question would be fine so I let him be.

But the only thing which made me sure that he wasn't fine was the mate bond.

I could feel immense nervousness through the bond, almost every second of the day. At nights, I would get up from sleep due to the pain from the bond.

Why? I don't know. I want to know but how? When I asked yoongi if he was fine, yoongi told me that jungkook was perfectly alright. Then why would I feel pain through the bond? Why would I feel the need to go to him and comfort him?

And that happens every single night-- I feel his pain every night......then how can yoongi say that he is fine?

Tonight I woke up again, with the same pain in my heart but it was just hundred times stronger.

I gasp to let some air into my lungs.


His name kept repeating in my head. The urge to go to him was much stronger today.

What is happening?

I threw the blankets away from my sweating body and fumbled with the phone in my hand.

I picked it up and called jimin.

He doesn't pick up the first time so I call him again while clutching onto my shirt because of the pain spreading my body.

"Are you drun-" I cut jimin off.

"Go check on jungkook." I order him anxiously and hear shuffling from the other end

"Tae, it's 2 in the nigh-"

"Just fucking go check on him!" I yell, tears forming in my eyes and I sniffle loudly.

"Tae.....are you alright?"

"Please......go check on him" I plead and start crying because I couldn't take it anymore. Knowing that he is in pain and I am not doing anything was hurting me.

"Ok ok..... I'm checking on him alright. Please stop crying." Jimin says softly but I could sense his nervousness too.

I hear yoongi grumble about not being able to sleep because of the noise before jimin cut the call.

I wait for a whole 15 minutes, waiting patiently for a call and wishing that jimin will tell me that everything is fine. I couldn't even fall back asleep. How could I, when Jungkook was in pain? I was just feeling his pain through the bond and yet it was so strong that I was close to losing consciousness.

After a few more minutes I get a call from jimin. I pick it up quickly.


"Tae." I hear his voice crack and I jerk into a standing position.

"Hyung, what's wrong."

And suddenly he bursts out crying making my heart stop.

"Jimin, what's wrong?!" I yell and hear him sob painfully.


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