That's what friends are for

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Mike's P.O.V

Its been a while since Drake told me about the nightmare he had last night. I'm sure he's just getting himself ready for breakfast. And as I say that in my head, he comes down those stairs and sits next to me in his seat.

"Finally. Mrs Lategan bought peach and pumpkin pie for all of us." I say nudging him on the shoulder.

"Yeah, that isn't what's on my mind right now." Drake says suspiciously.

"Then what is?" I ask even more syspiciously.

"Look at my eyes." He says. It doesnt take me long to realize that they're blue again instead of purple. Now I'm confused. I'm not sure anyone else has noticed it at all. They're all oblivious. I held Drake by the hand and dragged him upstairs to our room.

"H-Hey Mike, what at you doing?" He asks blushing a little bit from what I'll assume is embarrassment.

"We're going to our room. I don't want anyone to hear us." I reply going into the room with Drake's hand still clutched to mine, and closing the door behind me. I let go of his hand and sit down on my bed. He sits on his bed across from mine and looks at me concerned.

"Okay Mike, what's going on?" He asks me.

"We need to talk." I say.

"About what?" He asks folding his arms.

"The night you went back to Freddy's, last night when you had the nightmare, what colour was William's skin when you heard that screech?" I ask looking him in the eye.

"Well... purple." He says nervously.

"And what colour did your eyes turn?" I ask.

"Purple." He says.

"That doesn't happen by coincidence. And since you saw the spirit of the dead kids there too, it gives me bad vibes." I say holding my chin up and closing my eyes in thought. I could feel  Drake's suspicion rising. I don't know how, but I was always able to feel the same things Drake was feeling. I guess its just because I know him so well. I opened my eyes and saw him with a confused expression.

"Okay Mikey, what are you talking about? Why are you bringing up that nightmare again?" He asks, concern was obvious in his voice.

"I think you might be possessed by the spirits." I say calmly. I see a concerned and skeptical expression Drake's face.

"You're kidding right? There's no way that I'm possessed by the spirits of six dead children." He says with a grin on his face. But at that moment, his right eye starts to change colour, from blue to purple.

"Uh, Drake... your eye..." I say pointing to his eye which was turning more and more purple by the second. Drake quickly hot up and went to the closet mirror to examine himself and he let out a grasp when he saw his reflection.

"No no no no! My eye was normall just a few seconds ago, why is it turning purple again?" He says running his fingers through his white hair in frustration.

"Still skeptical?" I ask with a smug expression.

"Yeah, not anymore." He says turning around to face me.

"See? They had to have had something to do with it. I swear Drake, you might be possessed." I say a little more concerned. He comes to sit on his bed and looks aypt me with a scared expression.

"Mike, I'm scared. What's happening to me? Why is this happening to me? What will everyone else think? How am I gonna explain this to Mrs Lategan?" He asks holding the sides of his head. I put my hands on his shoulders and shake him a bit.

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