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The final bell jolts Yeosang from his slight slumber. The replacement teacher must've left too soon, everyone is hurrying about to go home. Closing his book gently, he raises to his feet and stuffs the homework he ought to believe are irrelevant. People's chatter is faintly heard through the window, buses and cars honking beyond the school gate.

A sudden vibration from his pocket snaps him to his full consciousness. The name on the screen labelled "Mom" pops up on the screen of his phone.

What time does your school end?

Class just ended, I'm on my way home

Do you know how to take the bus?
I work overtime tonight
I asked my friend's daughter to deliver your dinner in a couple of minutes

No need
I have extra change, I wanna try out this food hut near my school

Alright then I'll cancel it
Yeosang, stay safe on the way home

I will, you too, mom
Come home with a friend. A female one

Don't you worry, my son
I'll see you tonight

Okay mom
Love you

Love you too, Yeosang

A crumpled piece of paper with the combination number he fails to memorize appears among the books in his bag. Back in England, he used to have a chain of keys for everything, therefore having a combination padlock seems a little tricky for him.

Soon after Yeosang gathers everything necessary, he shuts his locker and makes his way to the school's back door instead of the gate where he'd seen the food hut this morning. Unexpectedly, he hears deafening noises of rumbling engines echoing through the lane. Motorcycle engines, Yeosang correctly assumes.

"Juniors can't pass the vibe check, doe."

"They talk like they're on a TV show lol?"

"It's a bummer that they've never heard of a wedgie."

"Wanna try it on them? See how their pants squeeze shit in their ass."

Laughter. Gut-wrenching laughter.

Regretting his steps, Yeosang accidentally bumps into a gang of bikers. They stare at him like a pack of wolves yearning to attack a deer, him. He gulps without a sound and rather than walking back he hurries for the narrow passage through the school gates. What he didn't notice was someone creeping among the bushes, who pounces out to drag Yeosang back to the gang of bikers.

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