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Graduation day.

The day Kang Yeosang is brought on stage to be given the best student of the year award. Cheers, applause and whistling surge inside the school hall as Yeosang accepts the wooden plaque with his name and class engraved on it from the principal, who claps for him aswell. He stands in the middle of the stage and flashes a big smile to the camera then to his parents standing on the side of the stage. Mrs Kang wipes her tears with a tissue as she leans against her husband's chest.

"Kang Yeosang. Congratulations."

This must be the best ending ever written in Yeosang's systematic life. All these months of hard work paid off to a good finish. But this was just the beginning, Yeosang has more to explore in the outside world soon. And among those months Yeosang has made up his mind in which direction he'd like to go for for his young adult journey.

Although studying abroad sounds impossible for a person raised in a family like his, but Yeosang is sure the scholarship he's applying for will do him good.

"Mum, you're messing my hair. I spent an hour doing it."

Mrs Kang giggles as she takes her hands off Yeosang's graduate cap and skips a few metres away to where Mr Kang is standing and takes out her phone.

"My Yeosang, smile!"


"Ah, he looks so handsome!"

Laughing to himself, Yeosang strikes a few more poses with a bouquet of flowers in his hands while standing in front of his school's main building so his mother could collect a bunch of photographs and frame Yeosang's best graduation picture in their new house at Pohang soon.

His father watches him from afar with the biggest smile on his face. He couldn't think of anything else but to pat himself on the back for being his son's biggest cheerleader and backbone throughout his final year.

Once his mum is done snapping the last shot of him and looks down to check the pictures, Yeosang takes his cap off and huffs at the number of poses he did. He's so thankful for this day. He receives endless congratulations from his friends, classmates and teachers everywhere he goes. However, he wishes he would get one from this particular person Yeosang hasn't thought of in a long time.

"Congratulations, Yeosang."

Yeosang turns around and there Yunho stands, smartly dressed in his robe and a cap sitting on his newly dyed hair.

It's blonde.

This was the first time Yunho talked to him since he came over to Yeosang's house last year. Yunho takes a step closer.

"Thanks." Yeosang answers while avoiding a direct look at Yunho, fidgeting with his cap. "Congratulations to you too. For, you know, making it through high school."

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