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Yunho's date of discharge is just around the corner.

Right after school, Yeosang rushed straight home to grab new clothes to wear for P.E. the next day at the same time returning his worn clothes for laundry. There hasn't been one night where he slept at his own house ever since he first visited Yunho at the hospital. The reason for it is simple; to avoid his father at all cost. Though he does feel guilty for not spending most of his dinner with his mum, he always sees his dad sitting at the same kitchen table enjoying the food his wife prepared and immediately feel turned off.

When his family returned from Pohang, after strolling left and right at his eventual house and neighbourhood, his dad has been living at their apartment every single day. He's been doing the chores, laundry, and dishes and even contributed to the bills as if he belongs there now. You could say that this was one of his methods of trying to rebuild the bond within the family he abandoned and, most importantly, gain the trust he lost in his son.

Yeosang obviously couldn't care less about that "family restoration" bullshit. He hated the presence of his father's shoes on the rack, his clothes and belongings scattered around the apartment as well his father himself being there. It didn't drive him any further from feeling pissed at all. Despite everything, it's not like he has a choice but to move to Pohang with them in the end.

"Unless I do..." An inaudible mumble passes through his lips while Yeosang digs into his drawer in search of the other pair of socks. In denial, he closes his eyes for a quick second and shakes his head. "If only there was a close relative who could help me out of this ruckus so this move wouldn't happen and mum wouldn't have to live with that bastard. That is, if I have a family who knows I exist."

It's too early for him to feel sad. Yeosang trusts his guts that he won't leave this home or Yunho against his will. That belief is unlikely, but it's the only thing keeping him strong for Yunho right now.

A moment later, he finds his missing pair of socks and folds it in with the latter before tucking it into his bag, zipping it tight. He peers through the gap in his door and sees the living room lights on, which means he would have to pass his parents on his way to the front door. Sighing, he pretends as if they aren't there chilling on the couch and walks out of the room straight to the door.

"Not staying home tonight too?"

"No." Yeosang lets out a dry reply to his mum's question.

"We're having a movie night. You sure you don't wanna join?"

"Forget about me." He replies again, receiving a little sigh from his mum while he ties his shoes.

"You've been sleeping over at the hospital with your friend for days now. How is he more important than spending time with your own family?"

At his mum's words, Yeosang turns halfway to face his parents and scowls bitterly. "You never gave me proper time to process or think about moving to Pohang with him. The least you could do is let me cherish this limited time I have with my friends without distracting me. A little abandonment won't hurt, can it?"

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