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"You do know that you're able to use crutches now, Mr Jeong Yunho?"

Looking back at where he heard the voice coming from, a friendly smile is flashed by Yunho to the nurse at the reception who returns the same smile.

"Would you like a push?"

Yunho shakes his head and moves along. "Not this time, thanks. I might come back pushing the wheelchair myself, by hopping on one foot maybe."

That successfully made the nurse laugh. Yunho has been doing a one-hour stroll around the corridor outside of the ward twice a day for a week now ever since his parents went back to their hustling bustling life and leaving him at the hospital to take care of himself alone. Not that Yunho bothers, as his friends would come and visit him frequently after school, sometimes bringing along his other schoolmates. And yet, Yeosang never showed up in any of those days. Fortunately, Yunho is able to get over that sadness by finding some happiness of his own.

On days when the corridor is packed with visitors, Yunho would make his way up to the rooftop of the hospital where he could rejoice at the calm, soothing breeze and favour the city's skyline. There would be no need for the company of a nurse or any caretaker as spending time by himself has always been a regular thing he does his entire life. Still, it would be nice to have a long talk with someone in such a peaceful place like this.

The pleasant moment is interrupted by the sound of thunder echoing from afar and the condensed clouds cast a darkening shadow over Yunho's head. Yunho pulls up the pedal to unlock the brake of his wheelchair and returns to the lifts. Upon reaching his floor, the lift doors open and Yunho struggles his way through the squeezing crowd of visitors rushing into it since there will be only five minutes before visiting hours are closed. The corridors are still jammed making it hard for Yunho to move faster.

Out of nowhere, he feels something pushing his wheelchair through the crowd and hears a familiar voice yelling, "Excuse us! Pardon me! A patient coming through!"

They finally escape the group of people and turn up in front of the ward before the person continues to push Yunho inside.

"Ah, seems like you're not gonna spend the night on your own this time, Mr. Jeong." The same nurse at the reception glances at the person pushing Yunho into his ward.

The door to the private ward opens and Yunho is brought inside. He couldn't hold back his excitement after the door shuts and grabs Yeosang by the arm to pull him into a nice, fine kiss. He then lets go and captures his boyfriend in a tight hug, slightly sniffing the sweet scent of Yeosang's neck.

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