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He looks up from his coffee, the froth on the surface of his beverage creates a white moustache on Yunho's upper lip. Putting down the mug, he props himself on the table with his arms just a safe inch from Yeosang's intertwined fingers. Yeosang chortles at the silly look that baffles the elder. He reaches for a box of tissue and leans closer to Yunho. The taller didn't budge an inch as he watches Yeosang's face approach him.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."

Yeosang smiles to himself while wiping the mess on Yunho's lips. "You could've at least mention your past relationships."

"So what if Yiren's my ex? Why? You don't like second-hand?" Yunho curls a teasing smirk.

Yeosang judges the guy across him who cracks into an annoying laugh. He tosses the crumpled tissue to Yunho's face. "Knock it off. Why were you there anyway?"

"I told you, I was bored. I decided to go watch a movie where coincidentally fate do us together." Yunho beams cheerfully as his eyes form downward crescents. "You know, if you're so interested in doing something fun, there's a place we're gonna go that you definitely don't wanna miss."


"Remember when Miss Jeon returned our homeroom savings to Mingi last week?"


"She lets us use them to get bonding credit points. Wooyoung wants to invite the boys to an all-day theme park in Seoul after the semester finals." The enthusiastic tone in Yunho's voice excites Yeosang even more. "There will be roller coaster rides, Ferris wheels, haunted houses-"

"Yoohoo, big summer blowout!"

Yunho's eyes enlighten as he glances at the familiar voice coming to their table. "Jongho! Haven't seen you in a long while."

The circulation of the blood travelling from Yeosang's heart to his entire body freezes the second he recognizes Jongho's voice. He fears the outcomes of them together assuming Yunho would suspect who he is, who they were. Even though Jongho cluelessly joins them, Yeosang suffers the discomfort radiating from his presence. "Schoolmates?"

"Yup, we're just stopping by after school. Are you two friends?" Yunho, not showing a single suspicion, points to them with two fingers.

"We work at the same food stall on Saturdays, we've only met last month." Jongho answers. Yeosang quickly agrees.

"So you guys are... That close now?"

Yeosang arches his brow. "Yeah, I guess."

"Like..." Yunho keeps on assuming their relationship. Jongho places a hand over Yeosang's, smiling at Yunho kindly.

"More than bros." In a safe way he answers. "We're a thing."

Yeosang stares at the younger astonished, ever so flabbergasted by Jongho's attempted defence. Thinking that it would prevent Yunho from suspecting them, Yeosang reluctantly approves. However, Yunho didn't show his usual reaction upon hearing jokes, like a small giggle or naughty gestures. He sternly removes the smile off his face contrariwise and turns his head elsewhere.

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