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"I hate it when you do things on your way." Hongjoong utters with his poker face, shoving his hands in his pockets as Mingi catches up with his tiny steps down the hallway.

"You still told Seonghwa hyung. Why is telling San, Wooyoung and Jongho a problem?" Yet again, Mingi lost to his hyung's speed in spite of his long legs. He blocks Hongjoong's figure from walking near the washroom. "You're ignoring me and for what?"

The leader tosses him a glare, shaking his head. "We should've minded their privacy."

"Dude, we're not gonna go through five years of friendship without considering a little bit of spice?" Mingi takes a step back at the intimidating shorter guy before him.

From behind, the boys hear the washroom door swing open and catches the sight of Yeosang storming out while covering his mouth with the back of his hand. He flattens out his messy hair and brushes his crumpled shirt down. Without noticing Mingi and Hongjoong's presence, Yeosang approaches his partner in peers, Jihan, who had been waiting for him and their conversation was overheard from afar.

"Are you alright, sunbaenim?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

"You sure? Because I heard weird noises coming from the washroom and thought-"

"You heard no such thing, some guy was barfing. C'mon, Yohan's waiting."

Mingi and Hongjoong stares at the two walking away with their mouths agape. On that very moment, the washroom door opens again and Yunho appears, buttoning up his shirt. The other two exchange bewildered looks until Yunho notices them. Hongjoong quickly folds his arms over his chest, looking cross. Yunho freezes in his shoes.

"Did you...?"

"Oh yes, we did." Mingi bluntly nods, earning a nudge from Hongjoong. "I mean- Did we what?" Before they come up with another excuse to continue the talk, Yunho and Mingi was dragged by Hongjoong's aggressive pull towards an empty classroom. He lets them go and locks the door, scowling.

"Hyung, why'd you do that?" Yunho asks.

"I ought to deserve some explanation." Hongjoong replies with his arms crossed over his chest again. "What are you hiding?"

Yunho tugs his collar upwards and glances at them weirdly. "Nothing."

"Nothing won't solve this suspicion." Hongjoong retorts with a deep voice. "Be truthful, Yunho. Would you rather let your secrets be exposed to the school if you ever get caught or let us know?"

"I swear to God, we're your friends, not your fans." Mingi facepalms. "Even if you don't say anything, we'd still find out sooner or later. Notwithstanding we caught you guys making out in the motel room."

"Song Mingi!" Hongjoong slightly yelps, shock drawn all over his face. "Could you keep that voice down, for the love of God-"

"You stalked us?!" Yunho exclaims in terror.

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