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"Jeong Yunho, the principal wants to see you."

All eyes fall on him. Yunho slowly stands up from his seat and walks across the class to the teacher who called out his name, bowing to her and leaving the classroom.

There's this crippling sensation grumbling in the pit of his stomach as he steadily makes his way to the lowest floor of the school building. As Yunho enters a hallway where the principal's office is located, he sees two silhouettes also walking towards the room from the opposite direction.

"Mum, dad. What are you doing here?" He asks the two elderly who return him a stern look. They are still dressed in their work clothes as if their presence at the place wasn't anticipated earlier that day. Things were fine before Yunho left for school.

"How can you tell me to calm down when my son is in the hospital right now undergoing surgery?! Where are his parents?!"

They could hear a female voice coming from inside the principal's office and the principal calming her down. Mr Jeong knocks on the door and opens it only to bring great shock to both families upon realization of who they are. Mr and Mrs Kang leap up from the sofa staring at the Mr and Mrs Jeong who also stare back, both sides dumbfounded.

The unsettling tension in the room remains still for a moment until the principal himself clears his throat. "Mr and Mrs Kang, this is..."

"Jeong Seungho."

"Kang Yeongchul."

"You all know each other?" Principal Nam looks back and forth to the families.

"Like brothers. We go way back." Mr Jeong steps into the room to shake hands with Mr Kang. The wives also come together for a hug, leaving Yunho being the only one feeling uncomfortable in the room. "You're ageing like fine wine, Kang."

"Likewise." Mr Kang smiles.

"Let's take a seat first, everyone." Principal Nam invites them all to the sofa. Yunho takes a seat next to his parents who sit across the latter family, with Principal Nam seated in between.

"So what seems to be the problem here? What has my son done?" Mr Jeong fixes the button of his blazer, side-eyeing his son who squirms in his seat.

"Mr and Mrs Jeong believe that your son, Mr Jeong Yunho, has oppressed their son based on the recent incident at yesterday's carnival. Yeosang went home with a broken hand and his broken aircraft which was assisted in the making of the school's montage. They demand compensation and a sincere apology to Mr Kang Yeosang for the damages done."

"And why is my son the only one responsible for this?" Mrs Jeong raises her brows.

Mrs Kang looks at her husband for a second and replies, "Yesterday, Yeosang came back and threw a fit while mentioning Yunho's name. Even sometime before, Yunho often came up in our conversations so we seek to know what he has done to our son and why he decided to hurt him."

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