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"What's the point?"

Wooyoung blocks Yeosang's way and puts his hands on his hips. "All teachers care about are money. Just ask Miss Jeon to return our savings to Mingi, then we'll go have fun somewhere to top up our credit points."

The two stop by a drinking fountain, where Wooyoung leans his arm against the wall. "I thought we're only allowed to use it when the advisor is around? She'd have to come along."

"But I don't want her to!" Wooyoung whines, shaking his shoulders aggressively. "I don't wanna be seen with a teacher outside of school, ew."

"I don't care." Yeosang bends down to sip the drinking fountain. To his surprise, Wooyoung playfully smacks his ass, sulking. Yeosang turns his head from the pipe. "Keep your hands to yourself, please."

"Yeo has no cake." Acting all surprised, Wooyoung caresses Yeosang's bum. "Sad."

"Do you fucking mind?" Yeosang straightens up and shove off Wooyoung's hand before it could touch his crotch.

"Nah, you just need to grow some butts." Wooyoung crosses his arms. Yeosang maintains his angry scowl on him. "Fine, sorry. It's not like you have a girlfriend who wouldn't let anyone else touch you. Oh, do you have one though? Is she toxic?"

"I don't, neither do I want one."

"Why? You like guys?"

"Is that the first thing that comes to your mind when you ask someone single?" Yeosang talks so quickly Wooyoung blinks at his every word. "I just don't want one. They waste my time asking to go out on dates and exchange affections. I'm comfortable being single."

"Tryna look expensive huh?" Wooyoung nudges him with a smirk. "Are you saying that because you've experienced dating in a bad relationship before?"

Yeosang shakes his head. "I've never dated anyone. I know what you're thinking, seventeen and outdated, I have no life."

"You said it, I didn't." Wooyoung innocently pouts. "In my point of view, Yeosang, you're like so handsome you can grab any girl to be in your life anytime. Could you guess how many girls ask me for your number without you knowing? And when I tell you this you'll deny, but some guys chase after you too. See the power of visuals you hold?"

"Then did you give them my number?"

"I don't even have your number."

"So how did Yunho get my number? Wooyoung stop lying who else did you give-"

"I didn't, I swear!" Wooyoung defends himself. "And I have no idea how Yunho gets yours, but he's capable of collecting all phone numbers of people in this school. Don't ask me how, perhaps it's a kind of skill he has."

Yeosang becomes pindrop silent for a few minutes, struggling to process Wooyoung's words. The only person Yeosang has handed his number to is Ryung, is it possible if Yunho threatens her just for Yeosang's number. I was right, this is one of Yunho's plans to take revenge for what I did to him several years ago. His kindness only seduces me into putting all my trust in him. One fine day, he'll ruin my life. I won't let this fool me nor will I let him win.

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