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"Wow, big rip." Ryung widens her eyes at the look of Yeosang's jacket. Yeosang tightens a smile.

"I was careless." He says short. The senior lifts an eyebrow at him while extending the clothing on the table. She attaches the torn sides and takes out a box of needles together with a spool of black thread. Yeosang stares cautiously at the way she inserts one end of the thread into the needle. Ryung ties a safe knot before saying, "I wanted to borrow Miss Park's sewing machine but she's absent, so I don't have her permission."

"Why are you helping me? I could've asked my mom to sew it later." Yeosang rocks on his chair back and forth. Ryung chuckles softly.

"Didn't you check the schedule? We're having spot checks every Wednesday. The discipline teacher will order all prefects to inspect everyone's uniform, involving this shirt and vest, ties, gym jackets, pants and shoes. Any flaws will be sent to her room by the end of the school. You wouldn't wanna see Mrs Song go mad, do ya?" Ryung smirks, attempting to frighten the latter.

Yeosang shows no emotion. He mirrors her little smile. "I'd like to see her try anything. Won't terrify me a bit."

"You're capable of everything, huh Yeosang? If you think you're so talented, try sewing the rip yourself. You can't expect your mom to do it all for you." She hands the needle to the junior, who oddly glances at her action. "Go on. I've sewed a portion of the damage."

"Stop talking too much." Yeosang shyly murmurs. He reaches for his jacket and inlines the torn part, proving his bravery to the elder with his eyes. Once he succeeds one stitch, a beam glows upon his face.

"Ryung, do you work?"

That question has the female's ears perk up. "Like a part-time work? Of course. I'm guessing you'd like me to apply you a job?"

"Mom doesn't have a permanent job in your mom's bakery. She doesn't have sufficient wage to serve the both of us for the time being." Yeosang explains. "I don't want you to tell your mom to raise her salary. It'll be disrespectful, it's her bakery."

"Alright, alright. I'll see what I can do." Ryung looks at Yeosang long pause and grins. "Keep going~" She waves her hand and sets her head on her palm.

In a span of ten minutes of chit chats and laughs, Yeosang's jacket repair is done. They luckily didn't have much to tidy up since they hadn't been using many tools. Ryung was tucking the spool among the others when she noticed the needle Yeosang used is missing. She searches the surface of the table, under the folds of Yeosang's jacket, but the single needle is nowhere to be seen. "Sangie."


"Where did you put the needle?"

"I don't know- owh!" Yeosang hisses at the sting on his wrist. The missing needle happens to be stuck on the sleeve of his shirt, where the sharp corner accidentally scrapes his skin. Blood oozes out of the cut and drips onto his white shirt.

"Uh oh."


"Ryung, my class is first for spot check! Am I able to clean this in time?" Yeosang hurriedly sucks the blood on his wound. Ryung hits him for that. "Calm down I'm not a vampire."

"Hurry up and go to the washroom! Don't forget your jacket." Yeosang grabs his stuff and tries to wipe off the stain on his shirt. "Geez, you fuss over your clothes than the injury on your wrist. Now go!"

"Thanks for this, Ryung!"

Yeosang runs after his class only to see his classmates had left. The washroom is, fortunately, less than a corridor away, hence Yeosang races towards it and burst inside. He fumbles with the sink despite his bad luck, the cold water splashes on his clothes. "Fucking hell! The stain wouldn't even come off! Fuck you thick blood-" Screeching footsteps cause him to snap to his head to the door at the sight of someone pausing his tracks. Yunho quickly joins him inside.

"Why are you here I've been looking for you everywhere! You're the only one absent-" Yunho gasps at his drenched clothes.

"I can't line up like this, look!" Yeosang complains. "Do you have an extra shirt?"

Yunho bites his lower lip, shaking his head. "Take off your shirt."

Hearing such command from him, Yeosang's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. "Huh?" Even redder his cheeks tint when Yunho starts to unbutton his own shirt. "Hey stop people will see-"

"We'll exchange shirts." Yunho utters once he's left with a black inner. His broad shoulders and biceps catch Yeosang off guard. He hardly hides his own drool. "What are you waiting for? Gimme yours!"

Without thinking twice, Yeosang undresses from the shirt and Yunho hands him his own shirt. If people crossed by what will they think..? Yeosang slaps himself out of those ridiculous thoughts and slides the shirt on. The boys took a while to get themselves set and run out of the washroom. Yeosang was ready to run when Yunho holds him back. "Wait."


The taller shoves his fingers into his pocket and takes out a strip of plaster. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Nothing necessary." Yeosang murmurs, watching Yunho tear the cover and paste the plaster onto Yeosang's wound with tender. His thumb caresses the edges carefully so that Yeosang wouldn't feel more pain. Deep in Yeosang's delicate heart, an ocean of flattery instincts swarms inside from the act of Yunho's goodwill towards him. In somewhat way, Yeosang's grudge for him didn't fade a bit. "Are you done?"

"Yeah, let's go."

The spot check session ends with a mountain of guilt and regrets overtaking Yeosang entirely. Besides being flogged on the hand twice by the discipline teacher's wooden ruler, Yunho was forced to stand at the roof under the heat. Soon after the school ends, Yeosang leans against a tree with hands in his pocket for ten minutes after the last bell. He glances at his watch and presses his lips together. "How long do I have to wait? Has she left without me?"

From afar, Yeosang sees Yunho walking out with his friends. He didn't have any joyous expression like he used to make. Yeosang notices how he suddenly parts away from his friends and picks up his pace towards the gate. It could be the best opportunity for Yeosang to ask for his shirt back. His body straightens from the bark of the tree and approaches the tall guy. "Yunho."

Before putting on his ear pods, Yunho looks up to the person who called him. "Hey."

"I was wondering if I can have my shirt back."

Yunho looks down to check the filth. "Ah, don't worry about it. I'll wash it off at home."

"You don't need to. It's my dirt. Let's stop by at some washroom and swap." Yeosang bravely convinces. A warm smile forms on Yunho's lips to ensure him that he's alright.

"I said I'll wash it for you. I have somewhere to rush to. I'll return this tomorrow." Yunho was about to pat Yeosang's shoulder when he asks, "Still hurts?" Yeosang shakes his head. Nodding calmly, Yunho caresses the limb and whispers an apology before he leaves.


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