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"Why... Are you so... Vulnerable?"

Yunho softens his gaze upon the younger whose breath accelerates, fanning his ear.

"Why do you always soften around me only not to the others?"

Yeosang shuts his lips with another rough kiss as he grips Yunho's shirt desperately, pinching his eyes shut and rolling his hip against him. The friction between their rubbing crotches ignites an intense heat through the fabric. Groaning, Yunho pulls away abruptly.

"Easy, baby. You're gonna wake up this little one right here too quickly. Is this what you've been yearning for when you rode my lap during the movie?"

Yunho smirks as he lets his boner erect against Yeosang's crotch. Yeosang sighs out a little chuckle and slides his hands down Yunho's figure to fumble with Yunho's belt, desperately staring at his boyfriend. He extends his height to press their lips again to resume the deep kisses that paused a while ago.

They're trapping themselves inside the electric room of the cinema, sneaking through the aisle of power switches to the end where the narrow area is illuminated by the room's neon red lights. Vibes, that's just it.

Yeosang finds his chance to unbuckle the leather belt and unbuttons Yunho's jeans, snaking his hand between the zipper to palm the boner rising under the briefs. Yunho detaches their lips as a light moan leaves his mouth, giving Yeosang an irritated glare. "You've never done this before, kitten."

Yeosang purrs at the nickname as he rubs slowly, feeling Yunho harden.

"Here." Yeosang says as he brushes his lips over Yunho's cold collarbone, teasing him with an easy lick. Just like a kitten. "Let's do this here."

Releasing another sharp breath, Yunho grabs Yeosang's hand out of his pants and shakes his head anxiously. "I don't know what you're trying."

"It had always been you, now it's my turn. Let me make you feel good." Yeosang respectfully requests.

"You've never given me a head."

"Then I want to make this my first time. I want to make all my first times with you."

Clearly, Yunho has become wary of his boyfriend's discomfort ever since he felt guilty in thinking they'd done non-consensual things before. Yeosang is so new to everything, taking baby steps to meet Yunho's expertise just to themselves mutually. He'd learnt how to hold himself for Yeosang's sake.

But when Yeosang asks him like this...

"If you lose comfort..." Yunho tells him word by word, making sure Yeosang understands. "Safe word."

Yeosang gestures him a reassuring nod. Yunho loosens his grip on Yeosang's hands to let him sink down on his knees, pulling Yunho's coverage down. Have mercy on the size, Yeosang has never seen such an erection. He stares at Yunho from beneath in the most questioning way. "May I now?"

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