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Just as Yunho hears the knock on his class door his head lifts from the table and turns to where two girls enter the classroom to see him. Yunho rubs his eyes a couple of times while trying to refresh after his quick nap, shaking his head. Mia tugs her friend's hand to come closer, the both of them giggling shyly. "How may I help you?"

Mia holds onto Yunho's chair as she leans to his ear, whispering, "Could you do us a small favour? Help my friend out."

Yunho dodges from Mia's figure to look at her blonde friend with the name Jo Serim written on her name tag. The guy arches his brow, jerking his head for Mia to continue.

"You have the whole school's number, don't you?" Mia asks excitedly. Yunho nods in response. "Mind if you secretly give us one?"


"Kang Yeosang." Mia grins. Yunho's eyes immediately awaken as soon as he hears the name. "You're close with him, right? It's not so hard. Just don't tell him we asked for it."

This uneasy feeling initially starts to swirl inside the pit of his stomach, Yunho thinks it's time to put his greed into the act. Recently, Yunho refuses to give any of his friends Yeosang's new number, they'd have to ask Yeosang themselves. He barely tells anyone about his feelings apart from his friend group. The boys understand why Yunho is so possessive over the boy he's in love with. He is the type to get jealous way too easily.

Yunho stares intensely at the girls in disapproval. "Yeosang changed his number last week, I don't have it yet."

"Can you at least ask him-"

"Why don't you confront him yourself?!" The tall boy rises from his seat with rage. Mia and Serim flinch. "You know what, Mia, I'm not doing this shit anymore. Stop using me as your bridge to get people's numbers. Yeosang isn't interested in any of you, just stay the hell away from him!"

Yunho charges past Mia's shoulder for the door a bit too quickly, when all of the coincidence Yeosang appears at the entrance while talking to Wooyoung behind him as they had just returned from the cafeteria. Yunho halts his steps merely before Yeosang could hit his chest, counting the number of beats his heart thumps. His crush looks up at Yunho's stunned face, smiling at him softly. It hurts. The rapid rate of his heart racing hurts against his ribs.

Taking that millisecond to keep this awkward distance, Yunho guides his eyes down to Yeosang's pink tender lips shaping the prettiest smile he could make. Yunho could die from the temptation of touching them with his own lips.

"Hey." Yeosang greets innocently. "Are you going to the cafeteria? Class is gonna start soon."

Wooyoung peeks from behind, flashing Yunho a sneaky smirk. "Thought you weren't hungry."

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