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"Ah, there he is. What took you so long?"

Jongho cranes his head up from his phone while sitting on Mingi's bike. It's another ordinary day where his older mates would usually invite him to hang out after school regardless of his improper schedules. Jongho had known them long before Yeosang did, yet he hadn't been this close to the elders ever since he tagged along with them to the theme park. In fact, coming over and hanging out at Mingi's place becomes a regular basis.

"Let's go, guys."

With a plastic bag of crisps and soda dangling on his fingers, Mingi happily walks to his friends waiting at their bikes. He hands Jongho the bags and hops in front of the younger. Wooyoung puts on his helmet as he tugs San close to him and starts the engine before pulling off from the street with Jongho and Mingi behind them. A ten-minute ride to Mingi's house later, the boys park their bikes at the porch and make their way inside. Mingi unlocks the door to enter and throws his keys at a nearby table. The boys settle on the couch after tossing off their shoes.

"So, why were we told to not invite Yunho and Yeosang over?" Wooyoung tears a packet of snacks with his teeth.

Mingi takes a sip of his soda. "Cause I don't want them to hear what I'm gonna say."

"Hot tea alert." San chuckles in mischief. "Lemme guess, Yunho made the next move?"

"As we taught him?" Wooyoung asks. Jongho slurps his drink in unease, for he isn't prepared to hear anything related to Yunho and Yeosang. Mingi clears his throat.

"There are good news and bad news." He intertwines his fingers together to look cool. "The good news is, yes, it seems like he took a large step ahead. But the bad news..." The other boys await his answer as Mingi takes another sip of his drink, "He did it at the wrong timing."

"What do you mean?" Jongho frowns.

Mingi inhales a sharp anxious breath. "They had a one-night stand. In the motel room."

"THEY DID WHAT?!" San and Jongho screech.

Wooyoung jumps from the couch and hops around happily. "Ah, I fuckin' knew it, mate! I smelt something fishy when I saw Yeosang's hickeys that morning, and his cheeks were all red. He tried to hide it from you, Jongho."

"HUH?!" Added into Jongho's shock.

"Y'all hoes better lower your loud ass volumes. My sister's home." Mingi hushes the members. "Hongjoong hyung and I were curious, alright? We saw no skin, promise. The curtains concealed such a magnificent sight. Could've stayed a little longer if it weren't for hyung's ringtone, he do be trippin' then and there."

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