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I would like to take back whatever I said in the first chapter when you all first met me.

The devil I once feared had now cut off his horns and replaced his tail with a pair of pure, pearly white wings. One that brought darkness into my ocean of life now becomes the lighthouse for my ship to sail. They think we would be insufferable without each other but the further I walk away, the crumbs of my heart leave a trail where I'll be following them back to him. Then I would see him running back for me too while collecting the specks of his withered heart.

And they still ask, is it possible to end up loving the one that hurt you most? When your heart refuses to scream other people's names because it is blinded by this irresistible fondness,

Then perhaps, yes. It is very possible.



There he comes running from the other side of the road to where Yeosang is standing behind the moving van with a box in his hands. Yeosang drops the box into the van and hurries to Yunho too, who picks him up and twirls him around a few times.

The day before, Mr Kang received a call that the arrival of the van was postponed to Sunday, which gave the family an extra day to stay in the apartment. But the day went on fast and Yeosang finally had to move. Yunho came just in time after the apartment was completely emptied, and the Kangs were ready to go.

Yunho stumbles out of dizziness and keeps Yeosang in his arms, holding his head against his chest. "Don't go, Yeosang, don't leave me again..."

"I'm not leaving you." Yeosang stifles a chuckle.

"We've only got back together for a day and you're already running away..." Yunho swings the guy in his embrace side to side as he cries. Yeosang separates their hug to face him and wraps his arms around the taller's neck.

"Yunho, I'm not running from you. I'll call you, okay?"

"It doesn't feel the same."

"Then come to Pohang sometime." Yeosang smiles, wiping the sad puppy's tears. "I'm always gonna wait for you and you should always wait for me."

"I will."

Yunho places Yeosang's arms down and takes something out of his pocket; a tiny velvet box. Baffled, Yeosang asks him if this is what he thinks it is and Yunho opens the box to present two stoneless rings ready to be worn.

"You're not proposing to me now, are you?" Yeosang teasingly laughs as Yunho picks one out to slide it over Yeosang's ring finger, kissing it afterwards. He proceeds to wear one for himself and the two admire the silver rings on their hands together.

"Now we each have one," Yunho says, looking at his breathtaking soulmate with love in his eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, angel."

"I'm gonna miss you too, babe."

Yunho widens his eyes as if Yeosang has just spoken his first words. "Did you just call me-?"

"Yes, I did. And there's a lot more where that came from." The younger winks fondly.

"Yeosang, time to go!" They hear Mr Kang yell from the car and sadly prepare for their last goodbye.

"Promise you'll call me."

"Every night."

Peering over to Yeosang's parents who are waiting for their son to get in the car, the boyfriends give them a hint before they hold each other and share one last passionate kiss. While Mrs Kang adores the love birds in awe, Mr Kang is unable to hide his shyness at the sight and looks away with his hand covering his eyes, getting all emotional.

Yeosang breaks the kiss and jumps in for another tight cuddle. "I love you, Yunho."

"I love you too, Yeosang."

Honk! Honk!

"Bye bye!"

Waving at the leaving car, tears gush down Yunho's cheeks as he stares at the half of his life departing from his side. It irritates him that the world will always find a way to snatch Yeosang away from him whenever he needs and wants Yeosang to be there the most. It was probably his fault too for being hostile to their fate, but maybe the world just wants to show him that his love will only grow stronger with long distances.

Guess falling in love with your childhood bully was a good idea after all.


From. Anchor


Hello again and thank you for reading Benefits. I hope you enjoyed suffering with me along the way and absolutely loathed the ending! (crying)

In case anyone's wondering if there's gonna be a second book, I respectfully have no intention of starting the sequel to Benefits but if I do, I will not start on it after a very long time because uni is gonna keep me easy busy that I might start writing by the time I already become a lawyer LMAO.

Please don't take whatever the characters say to heart because this is all a complete work of fiction and the characters don't always have to be perfect so sometimes I do hate them as much as you did ")

I'm gonna need a long time to rest and recover from my attachment towards this story and I hope this unstable mental health of mine was worth my reader's liking :)

Once again, I would like to thank you for all the votes, comments, love and support throughout the journey and for sticking with me along the book's growth.

Special thanks to DRA3TIX for always being there to give me support to continue and finish this book and also to royalmacaron because she's been here since day one and has shown lots of love to Benefits. 💕

I love you all to the moon and back. With that, I end my note here.

See you in my upcoming works! Bye!

Love, Anchor 🌹💙

Love, Anchor 🌹💙

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