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"Do you know why I called you in today?" The female voice coming from behind makes Yeosang's stomach churn.

They're sharing gossip with teachers, now?

Previously, Yeosang was summoned to the teacher's office alone during second recess to meet his strict homeroom advisor, Miss Jeon. Yeosang may have been the most well-behaved student so far but he has never been called to the office in private especially when it has nothing to do with academics.

So now Yeosang is obediently seated in front of the teacher's desk while the woman across him rummages through a file she had withdrawn from the shelves. She fixes the tilted position of her thin round glasses onto the bridge of her nose as she looks up at Yeosang calmly.

"No, ma'am."

"Why do you look so tense, Mr Kang? You know I don't bite." The middle-aged lady flashes him a suspicious smile as she slides out a piece of paper from the file and lays it out in front of him. "Last Sunday, a sweet friend of yours Mr Jeong Yunho sent me a message and told me all about your obsession with drones and how you wanted to consider bringing one to the school's carnival next week. I prepared this form in case you haven't changed your mind."

Last Sunday was the day we broke up. Yunho told her about me before he found the pictures because he wanted me to get the extra credit. Yunho cared.

Yeosang reads the blank spaces in the form waiting to be filled in with his personal details and specifications of the drone, along with ticking the terms and conditions. This can be a way of getting Yunho back, Yeosang tells himself, once Yunho sees the drone that holds their memories together soaring above his head. Little did Yeosang realize that Yunho would no longer be easily convinced by these subtle signs.

"Your contribution and cooperation to the school is greatly anticipated, Mr Kang." Miss Jeon nods for him to take the form with him before he can be excused. "That's all."

"Thank you, ma'am."

As Yeosang excitedly steps out of the teacher's office, he notices a huge crowd of jocks coming his way and immediately locks eyes with Yunho who happens to be walking in the centre of the group, laughing with them. The second Yeosang catches his attention, Yunho changes the direction of his path towards him and the jocks follow him like minions.

"Turning yourself in already? Or are you telling on me for hurting your feelings?" Yunho leans over to say those smug words to Yeosang, his hands tucked in his pockets. "Geez, can't even take a break."

He shuffles away from the glaring latter and mockingly laughs with the guys while they continue their way down the hall.


"Whiny bastard."


Once again, Yeosang's expectations were set too high to assume that Yunho would talk to him kindly this time. Yeosang sighs in despair as he turns to leave when he stumbles across another trouble on this luckless day. Mia blocks his track with her signature crossed-arms gesture.

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